120 SAARC youth leaders are coming together at the South Asian Youth Conference being held at IIM Bangalore May 23 - 28, 2011
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South Asia (SAARC) Youth Conference - IIM Bangalore - May 23 - 28, 2011
1. South Asian Youth Conference Partnership Opportunities
I urge young people around the world to invest their energies and bright ideas into shaping a
safer, more sustainable planet.
Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General
2. 120 SAARC Youth Leaders meet at IIM Bangalore in May for the South
Asian Youth Conference
Challenges in SAARC Made us realize - And take collective So the SAARC youth decided
countries We need to speak!! action to resolve issues to come together!
120 youth leaders At IIM Bangalore in To create a plan Towards lasting
come together May 2011 and action peace in the region
3. The conference will kick start a network of leaders committed to lasting
peace in the region, through specific objectives
Create a plan Combat climate Learn skills to Understand
for joint action change, develop Green local issues and
in our encouraging low- Economy build
respective carbon Business partnerships
countries development
Rio 20 - UN 20th Anniversary Summit for
UNESCO Biennial Youth Forum Sustainable Development
Conference will feed
into working of these
UN Intl. Year of Youth,
Conference on Youth Summer 6th World Youth Congress on Youth &
2011 Sustainable Development
Accelerate Promote Dialogue and
Develop inaccessible Create a SAARC mutual understanding
youth led skills through perspective to
development between the Youth of
international social change the SAARC region
4. The vision of a peaceful SAARC region will be realized through an exploration
of the theme of the conference - Peace
Peace Within Peace with others Peace with environment
The start to all change We are all human and Our futures are
has to be from a connecting at that level connected and shared
peaceful space inside of creates a lasting and using our resources
us we cannot create peaceful bond based on responsibly and caring
peace outside if we are love and solidarity for the earth is a joint
disturbed on the inside responsibility
5. While the conference involves discussions, it has greater emphasis on
skill building and action
Discuss our common issues and what we can do about them
Share success stories of our own regions
Listen to views of leaders of our region
Skills like advocacy and conflict resolution by international experts
Processes and ways of different youth leaders
To collectively resolve issues through time-tested methods
Cultural nuances and of every country
Commonalities in our challenges
50% Work with local NGOs to get a flavor of social change
Create joint collaborative projects to execute post conference
Build a collective declaration to lobby with governments
Organize workshops and plenary sessions for the conference
ACT!!! Share learning with youth of home country
Commit to individual plans of action
6. The learning of the conference will translate into action through 10
Action Projects carried out by participants
First 4 days of the conference lead to skill
APs translate these learning into grassroot action
development and perspective building
to give a flavor of local collective work
Participants are sensitized to They are partnered with local NGOs Over a half day, they take
local issues and given a choice who are working in this space actual action
Creates partnerships for Creates live hands on Provide inputs to action Suggest improvements to
projects back home learning plan local NGOs
7. The action generated continues beyond the conference as long term
initiatives mutually supported by the created network
Monitoring and Evaluation on Tracking of project Awards for successful
internationally accepted commitments through projects in the
metrics ensures that stated partner organizations of subsequent
objectives are met Blue Ribbon conferences
Tracking how many of our Support for incubation of new Inter-national travel of cultural
declaration recommendations projects conceptualized at the programs and musicals designed
were accepted at the United conference out of the conference
Nations 2012 conference
8. These projects and leaders will be a part of the longer vision towards
hosting the World Youth Conference in India in 2014
World Youth
Congress 2014
Asian Youth Conference
ME-SA Youth
150 Nations
1500 participants
14 days
South Asian Youth 2013
32 Nations
600 participants Bidding process for
2012 10 days WYC 2014 to happen by
15 Nations May 2011 : organizing
250 participants is subject to us winning
2011 7 days
the bid
8 Nations
120 participants
6 days
9. Very high impact change leaders will be interacting with the participants
Confirmed speakers: Awaiting confirmations:
Rahul Gandhi
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
P Sainath
Anuradha Bhavnani, Regional Director, Shell Rajmohan Gandhi
Shashi Tharoor
Anant G Nadkarni Vice president, Group Corporate Jairam Ramesh
Sustainability, Tata Council for Community Initiatives Sudhir Sinha
Harsha Bhogle
David Woolcombe, President, PCI international
Huzaifa Khorakiwala
Prof. Pankaj Chandra, IIM-Bangalore, Director Roshni Nadar
Kiran Mazumdar
Ranjan Malik, Erehwon Consulting
Subroto Bagchi
10. Messages from world leaders to the youth of South Asia HH Dalai Lama
11. This unique event will have strong coverage in local and national media -
online partners confirmed
Youth Ki Awaaz is one of the most prolific website/blog Yourstory.in is the fastest growing
around, presenting youth views, opinions, analysis and online platform committed to
reports on issues that matter. Since its inception in March providing visibility and meaningful
2008, it has had thousands of young people write for it, networking opportunities to first
and millions of others contributing by reading, commenting generation Young Indian
and more. Entrepreneurs, Start-ups and all the
Self made professionals
12. We intend to cover the costs of the conference through sponsorships
Title Sponsor
Organized by Co Sponsors Local Partner
Platinum Sponsor Airline Partner Media Partner Program Partner Hospitality Partner NGO Partner Webcast Partner
13. By supporting this conference your organization can be a pioneer of the
idea and network of these youth leaders
Positions your company as an internationally responsible organization supporting initiatives from India
Naming rights as Title Sponsor - Your Brand for the event.
Thorough visibility throughout the conference including
Strong presence on all conference collaterals , social media, IIM B Campus
Mention in all broadcasts and press releases nationally and internationally (where possible)
Participation of top management in opening-closing sessions
Active networking with youth leaders, government leaders, eminent personalities and international delegates
A compiled report of the event to highlight it as a social initiative for your organization
An association with the conference will enable us to tap into your organization in multiple ways
Sponsorships Networks Speakers
Expertise In-kind support Mentoring participants
14. We are The Blue Ribbon Movement a hybrid social enterprise
founded as a not-for-profit in 2000
Movement Projects & Events Consulting
Create a mass based Organize high impact events Advise organizations on
movement of youngsters and projects that create maximizing impact of CSR
creating social change through systemic change and foster spends and execute their
personal growth youth-led social change social projects
Small groups of youngsters Advisory on CSR planning
called pods that meet weekly Accountable turnkey execution
and self-organize projects that Monitoring and Evaluation
Inspire, Inform and Involve www.facebook.com/ICTMC Research on social issues
them in making a difference www.sayc2011.org
Trust and Foundation strategy
Not For Profit www.brmindia.org
Not For Profit
15. Our Team : A blend of management and social work
Abhishek has worked with Deutsche Bank, BCG and Hay Group. His projects have spanned across sectors like Cement, Telecom, Textile
etc. on Strategy and HR issues. He co-founded Khoj, Mumbais biggest inter-school festival. He has represented India on several
international social events for his extensive social sector exposure. He is a gold medalist from IIM Bangalore and currently doing his PhD
from IIT Bombay. Abhishek is the Managing director of Blue Ribbon Movement.
Akshat Singhal has worked with Third Sector Partners to launch Barefootjobs.org a job portal for non-profit space. He has worked on
assignments with NGOs like Dial 1298, DFID, Shakti Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, ACCION and India HIV/Aids Alliance. He has an
MBA from Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies. He was also involved in in capacity building activities for NGOs such as Akanksha,
Sehgal Foundation, and Art of Living Foundation. He is the Director at Blue Ribbon Movement.
Akanksha Thakore, a consultant in the social sector, is an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad (class of 2009). She has worked with Hindustan
Unilever Ltd. (Sales & Marketing, Corporate Responsibility) and Reliance Foundation. At Reliance Foundation she helped setup the
Education Pillar. She has worked with Blue Ribbon Movement for five years in its earlier form, and presently is the Program Director of
the Social Leaders Program. She also takes workshops for schools in self-development for teenagers.
Lushoo Kapoor is an industrial and organizational psychologist with over 6 years of experience in business and organizational consulting.
She has worked with organizations across various sectors across the entire spectrum of HR issues. She brings her instructional design
and consulting capabilities to the organization.
Vaibhav Mathur is currently a second year Teach for India fellow working with a low income school in Mumbai. He has earlier done his
engineering and worked in Lee and Fung Logistics. Vaibhav consults with Blue Ribbon on the South Asian Youth Conference
Ravi Theja Muthu is the National Coordinator of Climate Leaders India Network. He is also International Climate Champion 2010 and
Brightest Young Climate Leader 2010. He represented India at the Peoples World Conference on Climate Change 2010, Bolivia and Led the
Indian Youth Delegation to World Youth Conference on Climate Change. He is currently pursuing his BE degree in Mechanical Engineering
from SBMJCE, Bangalore. He is a member of organizing committee of South Asian Youth Conference.
Chandni Parekh is a social psychologist, She conducts workshops on sexuality education and sexual abuse in schools and colleges. She
has been consulting with and helping a number of NGOs over the past four years. She was a Consultant on a Government of Maharashtra
-World Health Organization (WHO) project on reproductive and child health and HIV/AIDS control and NGO Arpan on Child Sexual Abuse.
She is a Senior Consultant at Blue Ribbon Movement.
16. If you would like to support SAYC, please get in touch with us!
Never doubt that a small group of committed people
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that
ever has.
Margret Mead