This document provides a detailed ingredient report for soybean meal containing 44% crude protein. It includes information on amino acid composition, proximate analysis, minerals, energy values, and standardized ileal digestibility coefficients for pigs and poultry. Amino acid levels were determined using wet chemistry methods from 467 samples collected between 2010-2015. Key nutrients like lysine and methionine are reported both as percentages of the ingredient and crude protein.
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Sbm nutritional value
1. Ingredient Detail Report
Name Category Period Method Nr of Samples Dry Matter
Soybean Meal, CP 44% Oilseeds and Meals 2010-2015 Wet Chemistry 467 Standard
Amino Acids
% Ingr. % CP as % Lys n
Lys 2.71 6.12 100 467
Met 0.59 1.35 22 467
Cys 0.64 1.45 24 467
M+C 1.24 2.79 46 467
Thr 1.72 3.89 64 467
Trp 0.60 1.35 22 256
Arg 3.24 7.32 120 467
Ile 2.01 4.54 74 467
Leu 3.36 7.59 124 467
Val 2.10 4.76 78 467
His 1.16 2.62 43 467
Phe 2.24 5.06 83 467
Tyr 1.65 3.67 60 2
Gly 1.88 4.26 70 467
Ser 2.21 5.00 82 467
Pro 2.24 5.07 83 467
Ala 1.91 4.32 71 467
Asp 5.02 11.35 186 467
Glu 7.90 17.87 292 467
SID Amino Acids and SID Coefficients
% Pig % Poul. Pig Poultry
Lys 2.44 2.41 90 89
Met 0.55 0.54 92 90
Cys 0.54 0.51 85 79
M+C 1.09 1.04 88 84
Thr 1.52 1.43 88 83
Trp 0.54 0.54 89 89
Arg 3.08 2.98 95 92
Ile 1.81 1.75 90 87
Leu 2.99 2.95 89 88
Val 1.89 1.83 90 87
His 1.06 1.04 91 90
Phe 2.02 1.99 90 89
Tyr - - - -
Gly - - - -
Ser - - - -
Pro - - - -
Ala - - - -
Asp - - - -
Glu - - - -
% n
DM 88.00 91
CP 44.22 467
EE 2.11 89
CF 4.91 75
NDF 12.43 75
ADF 7.86 75
Starch 0.77 33
Sugar 9.71 55
Ash 6.47 91
% n
Ca 0.27 91
P 0.59 91
0.36 91
Na 0.00 89
Mg 0.28 91
K 2.07 91
MJ/kg kcal/kg n
GE 17.39 4153.68 89
DE Sows 15.91 3800.25 75
ME Sows 14.37 3431.62 75
NE Sows 9.07 2166.10 22
DE gr. Pig 14.97 3575.02 75
ME gr. Pig 13.68 3267.57 75
NE gr. Pig 8.71 2081.01 22
9.53 2276.30 75
AMINODat速 5.0 | 息 2016 by Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH |
EvonikNutrition & Care GmbH | Report AMINODat 速 5.0
2. Total Amino Acids (%) at 44.22% CP and 88% DM
Mean Min Max
Lys 2.71 2.07 2.98
Met 0.59 0.47 0.67
Cys 0.64 0.49 0.75
M+C 1.24 0.96 1.38
Thr 1.72 1.45 1.89
Trp 0.60 0.51 0.66
Arg 3.24 2.77 3.63
Ile 2.01 1.68 2.19
Leu 3.36 2.90 3.66
Val 2.10 1.78 2.32
His 1.16 0.97 1.28
Phe 2.24 1.94 2.46
Tyr 1.65 1.62 1.69
Gly 1.88 1.61 2.06
Ser 2.21 1.92 2.46
Pro 2.24 1.89 2.53
Ala 1.91 1.64 2.08
Asp 5.02 4.36 5.50
Glu 7.90 6.83 8.63
Total Amino Acids (%) at 44.22% CP and 88% DM
Total SID Pig SID Poultry
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
- 0.00 0.00
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- 0.00 0.00
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- 0.00 0.00
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- 0.00 0.00
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- 0.00 0.00
AMINODat速 5.0 | 息 2016 by Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH |
EvonikNutrition & Care GmbH | Report AMINODat 速 5.0