The South Carolina State Library manages a social media archive of several state agencies to provide permanent access to their social media records as required by law. The archive currently contains the Facebook and Twitter accounts of 6 agencies. It is hosted through a partnership with ArchiveSocial, who captures and indexes the content in real-time. The archive was piloted in 2014 and proved useful for analyzing state response during an ice storm and earthquake. Future plans include simplifying agreements with agencies, expanding the archive, and exploring inclusion of higher education accounts.
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SC State Agency Social Media Library
1. South Carolina State Agency Social
Media Library
Amanda Stone, Manager of Collections & Digitization
2. Who We Are
South Carolina State Library
Primary administrator of federal and state support for the state's libraries
Public library development
Library service for state institutions
Service for the blind and physically handicapped
Library service to state government agencies
3. South Carolina State Documents Depository
Provides access to print & born-digital publications
produced by state agencies and state-supported
academic institutions.
These publications provide citizens with crucial
information about state government, including
statistics, annual accountability reports, and data on
a wide variety of topics related to the state.
4. In the Beginning
No mention of social media as a Public Record in
state laws or as defined by SC Dept. of Archives &
SECTION 30-4-20. (c) "Public record" includes all
books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes,
recordings, or other documentary materials
regardless of physical form or characteristics
prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or
retained by a public body.
5. SC State Government Social Media Idea
Facebook Group 2008-
In-person workshops and discussions
Webinar: Social Media: The Train has left the Station! presented by Patrick Cobb,
Associate State Director for Communications for AARP South Carolina
Webinar: SC School Improvement Council Public Information Director Claudia
Wolverton will present No Longer Voiceless, a brief look at how social media has
given formerly suppressed groups an accessible and global medium of
Agenda and Discussion Topics
I. Introductions
II. Gwen Davenport, SC State Park Service Sales Manager for the SC Department
of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. She will talk about their Facebook page
management and how they have over 9,000 fans.
III. Dealing with Facebook Safety/Privacy Settings
IV. Open Discussion ask your colleagues questions and provide answers and
6. ArchiveSocial
Founded in 2011, Durham, NC
Elevator pitch: ArchiveSocial enables public sector
organizations to embrace social media by minimizing
risk and eliminating compliance barriers.
Pilot project with the State Archives of North Carolina
to provide access to state government social media
7. ArchiveSocial
Small account with ArchiveSocial
6 state agencies, 30 accounts
Public search for all accounts
8. Participants
South Carolina Arts Commission
South Carolina Department of Commerce
South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs
South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation &
South Carolina Education Oversight Committee
South Carolina Emergency Management Division
South Carolina School Improvement Council
South Carolina State Library
9. Memorandum of Understanding
Social media activity from these state agencies will be
continually captured, indexed, and made available publically.
Content will include both the agencys public
communication and citizen public communication to the
agency using the social media outlet. All content will be
digitally time stamped and captured on a real-time basis.
Partner state agencies must register each social media
account with ArchiveSocial and allow ArchiveSocial access to
capture and maintain all records associated with the account.
Data from the social media streams will be publicly available
on, hosted by ArchiveSocial and
administered by the State Library.
If the State Library discontinues this service, all collected data
will be maintained at the State Library for a minimum of one
year, all participants will be notified, and their data will be
available for collection for a minimum of one year.
10. Use Cases
Ice storm/Earthquake of February 2014
Feb 11-13, 2014 Ice storm, up to 8 of snow
Feb 14, 2014 4.1 magnitude Earthquake in
Edgefield County, felt throughout SC
11. Use Cases
Twitter 1128
Mentions 835
Tweets 267
Direct messages
Favorites 11
Profile 1
Facebook 1091
Comments 714
Wall posts 276
Messages 71
Photos 17
Profile 13
South Carolina CERT 5
Comments 2
Wall posts 2
Profile 1
SCEMD tweeted 4 minutes and 02 seconds after the earthquake
February 11-15
All accounts, 2224 records saved
12. Potential: Tools for Managing Social Media
Right now, we are the primary benefactors of
participation; not a lot of incentive
Possible tools for managing social media
Beta testing for ArchiveSocial
Alerts for profanity, questions, personally identifiable
information, keywords
13. Potential: Tools for Managing Social Media
Alerts for keywords would allow us to better promote
all library activities in the state
14. Future
Simpler MOU
Better communication to partners
Larger account with ArchiveSocial
Open to Higher Education?
Continued communication to Archives
Image by Flickr User k rupp
15. SC State Agency Social Media Library