This document summarizes a presentation about the Scald module for Drupal. Scald allows users to manage digital assets like images, videos, sounds and share them across Drupal objects. It started in 2008 and was ported to D7 in 2012. While popular with some large organizations, D6 Scald had issues with usability and community support. The D7 redesign improved the user experience and grew the user base. Scald works by treating digital assets as "atoms" that can be searched, embedded and reused across a Drupal site. The presentation demonstrates how Scald integrates with fields and editors. Future plans include more providers and editors, as well as a 1.0 release before integration into Drupal core
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Manage you media assets in Drupal with Scald module - dclondon
2. Olivier Friesse
New Medias, Radio France
French Drupal Association President
Sylvain Moreau
Open Web Solutions CEO
& founder (@owscorp)
3. ï‚¡ Started in 2008 on D6 version by
Chicago Technology Cooperative
ï‚¡ Continued by OWS & Radio France on
 Managing media is main target
 Usability
 Community solution
ï‚¡ Ported on D7 early 2012
4. D6 status
ï‚¡ Big users but few
users : why ?
 D6 version brought its
own version of entity
 Poor UX design
 Poor community work
7. D7 status
ï‚¡ More users !
 D7 mainstream
 UX re-design
 more community work
ï‚¡ Main known users :
 France Television,
Radio France, ARTE,
French government,
Africa 24, RadioNova,
8. ï‚¡ It manages all your digital assets on Drupal :
Images, Sounds, Videos, Pdf's, Tweets, FB
ï‚¡ It allows users to (re-)use these assets in
Drupal objects with drag & drop
ï‚¡ It allows your users to easily share & search
these assets
ï‚¡ Yeah, it's kind of similar to media module, but
different approch (not file-centric)
9. ï‚¡ An atom is a single Digital Asset
ï‚¡ It has a provider (file ot external source like
youtube or soundclound)
ï‚¡ It has a thumbnail
ï‚¡ It has an author, tags
ï‚¡ It has everything an entity can have in D7
ï‚¡ It has CRUD system
ï‚¡ It has a cache system
10. ï‚¡ UI to search and create and use atoms
ï‚¡ Hey, it's a view!!
ï‚¡ DEMO
11. A simple field where we
can drag & drop Atoms
 remember
nodereference and user
reference ?
 know entity reference ?
ï‚¡ => the same but with
Demo : a video wall
12. ï‚¡ Works with any textarea Field
ï‚¡ both with Wysiwyg (tinymce...) or
CKEditor (now the Drupal 8 way)
ï‚¡ DND magic demo!
14. Demo will be done on
ï‚¡ scald_galaxy (installation profile) on
ï‚¡ Image (advanced use)
ï‚¡ video : Youtube
ï‚¡ Video import : Dailymotion
ï‚¡ Audio : Soundcloud
ï‚¡ Twitter for fun
ï‚¡ Flickr
15. Radio France believes in and sponsors Spark
intiative (authoring experience in Drupal)
ï‚¡ Edit
ï‚¡ Cut & paste