Apresenta??o i comunica??o_prêmiocolunistas_prêmio_mp_tdejornalismo_midiasint...Elistazevedo
O documento descreve a campanha de comunica??o integrada realizada para a segunda edi??o do Prêmio MPT de Jornalismo em 2015, que valoriza matérias sobre irregularidades trabalhistas. A campanha utilizou rádio, TV, impressos, site, aplicativo e redes sociais para divulgar o prêmio entre jornalistas de todo o país e aumentar o número de inscri??es. A iniciativa foi bem-sucedida, alcan?ando quase 100 mil pessoas nas redes sociais.
El documento resume varias solicitudes aprobadas por el Consejo de Escuela N° 1575 relacionadas con proyectos de trabajo de licenciatura de estudiantes de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, incluyendo modificaciones a proyectos y propuestas de jurados.
This document is nonsensical and does not contain any coherent or essential information that can be summarized in 3 sentences or less. The text appears to be random letters without any meaning or high-level concepts to extract.
Haiku Deck allows users to create presentations by providing templates and layouts for Haiku, a traditional Japanese poetic form. Users can get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by uploading it to 狠狠撸Share. The document encourages the reader to try making a Haiku Deck presentation themselves.
- The target audience for the magazine is teenagers aged 13-17, with an even split between male and female readers.
- Rock music is the favored genre, so the magazine will focus on rock music coverage.
- Popular existing magazines like Q and Kerrang! should be models for layout, stories, and artists covered.
- Including posters, CDs, or music vouchers themed to popular rock bands is recommended to encourage purchases.
- The magazine should be published monthly to appeal to its teenage audience and should be priced between ?2-3.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para desarrollar habilidades de trabajo colaborativo en estudiantes de grado décimo mediante el uso de herramientas web 2.0 como correo electrónico, Google Docs, blogs y wikis. El proyecto busca mejorar los bajos promedios y la alta repitencia en la Institución Educativa Armando Solano utilizando metodologías menos tradicionales. Los estudiantes crearán cuentas de correo, documentos compartidos, blogs y contribuirán a wikis para luego presentar su trabajo us
Nota de prensa - PERUPETRO convocó Licitación Pública Internacional de 7 Lote...Perupetro
PERUPETRO convocó una licitación pública internacional para la exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en 7 lotes de la selva peruana, con una inversión mínima estimada de $450 millones por lote. Se realizaron procesos de consulta previa con 10 pueblos indígenas en 5 de los lotes para considerar los posibles impactos en sus derechos colectivos. Más de 10 empresas petroleras internacionales han mostrado interés en participar en la licitación.
This document discusses how modern technology and work styles impact the brain. It argues that being always connected, multitasking, stress, and lack of sleep strain the brain's resources. The brain's reflexive system favors quick reactions while its reflective system requires focus. Constantly switching between tasks reduces productivity due to time spent setting up new problems. True multitasking is an illusion as the brain can only focus on one thing at a time. The document recommends taking breaks to allow the brain to archive information and recuperate from stress.
This document discusses inflation, including its definition, types, theories, causes, and impact in India. Inflation is defined as a rise in general price levels over time. The main causes of inflation are an increase in demand for goods/services and a decrease in supply. There are two theories of inflation - demand-pull (excess demand) and cost-push (rising costs). Factors that can cause inflation include increased money supply, disposable income, deficit financing, and foreign exchange reserves on the demand side, and rising administered prices, erratic agriculture, price policies, and inadequate industry on the supply side. Measures to control inflation focus on underlying causes and include investment, interest rate adjustments, demonetization, fiscal
This document discusses recommendations from Task 24, which studied social media and behavior change related to energy use. It provides the following key points:
- Recommendations from subtasks I through IV can be found in reports from those subtasks, including the "Monster" document and individual country case studies.
- There is no single solution, and changing habits is very difficult. Whole-system societal changes are needed, requiring collaboration across sectors.
- Social media theoretically could help but professionals are wary of it. Face-to-face interaction remains important. It is also difficult to find the right people and break down silos between organizations.
Application of ICT for CWSN in School Library Charu Dev
The document discusses the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in school libraries to assist children with special needs (CWSN). It outlines various types of CWSN including those who are orthopedically challenged, visually challenged, hearing impaired, have medical needs, or different linguistic or social backgrounds. The government has initiatives like the Integrated Education of Disabled Children program to help CWSN develop skills and confidence through inclusive learning. The school library can use ICT tools like assistive technologies, Braille displays, screen readers, and text-to-speech programs to remove barriers and ensure all students have access to information. Proper use of ICT allows the school library to achieve its goals of access, enrollment,
Business Intelligence Using SAS Final PresentationJodi Liu
The group presented models to predict customer subscription to term deposits for a Portuguese bank. They described the customer data, built decision tree, regression, and neural network models with and without customer profiles. The decision tree model performed best with a profit of $15,768 and savings of $10,356. Rules from the decision tree could save $1200 by not contacting some customers or generate $10,000 revenue from others. The project aimed to boost sales, loyalty, and recapture customers through targeted marketing.
Protista menyerupai jamur Protista mirip jamur tidak dimasukkan ke dalam fungi karena struktur tubuh dan cara reproduksinya berbeda. Reproduksi jamur mirip fungi, tetapi gerakan pada fase vegetatifnya mirip amoeba. Meskipun tidak berklorofil, struktur membran jamur ini mirip ganggang Protista karena dalam stadium muda atau dewasa mampu bergerak aktif seperti hewan. Protista jamur terdiri atas jamur lendir plasmodial, jamur lendir bersel satu, dan jamur air Klasifikasi Protista menyerupai jamur Adapun klasifikasinya dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu: ?Acrasiomycota ?Myxomycota ?Oomycota
El documento habla sobre los cambios que experimenta la piel de las mujeres durante el embarazo debido a las hormonas. Menciona que la piel puede presentar acné, manchas, oscurecimiento, estrías y otros cambios. Recomienda cuidados como la higiene, protección solar y cremas humectantes para reducir los efectos. También resalta la importancia de consultar al médico ante cualquier duda sobre el estado de la piel durante el embarazo.
The document provides an overview of stock exchanges, including what they are, their history and key features. Some of the main points covered include:
- A stock exchange is a market where securities like shares are bought and sold. Major stock exchanges around the world facilitate trillions of dollars in trades annually.
- The oldest stock exchange in Asia was established in 1850 in Bombay, now known as the Bombay Stock Exchange.
- Key participants in stock exchanges include brokers who facilitate trades between buyers and sellers for a commission, and jobbers who trade securities on their own account.
- Speculators aim to profit from anticipated price rises (bulls) or falls (bears) by trading securities.
This document summarizes a class about raising capital for startups. It discusses various sources of funding for startups like personal savings, bank loans, friends and family, angel investors, and venture capital. Venture capital is broken down into early stage and late stage investors. Early stage VCs invest in seed and Series A rounds while late stage invests in later rounds after a product has gained traction. The document provides statistics on success rates for different funding sources and rounds. It also covers topics like power laws in venture returns and perspectives from a partner at 500 Startups.
This English folder contains various activities for a student including listening to songs and solving activities related to the songs' messages, solving activities based on stories and creating a poster summarizing each story's main idea, and giving an opinion on the importance of family and phrasing related to Earth Day. The stories included are about helping an old man at an airport, threats against a WWII veteran by federal agents, speaking English in class, a Malibu mayor approving paparazzi, and having bad dreams.
- The target audience for the magazine is teenagers aged 13-17, with an even split between male and female readers.
- Rock music is the favored genre, so the magazine will focus on rock music coverage.
- Popular existing magazines like Q and Kerrang! should be models for layout, stories, and artists covered.
- Including posters, CDs, or music vouchers themed to popular rock bands is recommended to encourage purchases.
- The magazine should be published monthly to appeal to its teenage audience and should be priced between ?2-3.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para desarrollar habilidades de trabajo colaborativo en estudiantes de grado décimo mediante el uso de herramientas web 2.0 como correo electrónico, Google Docs, blogs y wikis. El proyecto busca mejorar los bajos promedios y la alta repitencia en la Institución Educativa Armando Solano utilizando metodologías menos tradicionales. Los estudiantes crearán cuentas de correo, documentos compartidos, blogs y contribuirán a wikis para luego presentar su trabajo us
Nota de prensa - PERUPETRO convocó Licitación Pública Internacional de 7 Lote...Perupetro
PERUPETRO convocó una licitación pública internacional para la exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en 7 lotes de la selva peruana, con una inversión mínima estimada de $450 millones por lote. Se realizaron procesos de consulta previa con 10 pueblos indígenas en 5 de los lotes para considerar los posibles impactos en sus derechos colectivos. Más de 10 empresas petroleras internacionales han mostrado interés en participar en la licitación.
This document discusses how modern technology and work styles impact the brain. It argues that being always connected, multitasking, stress, and lack of sleep strain the brain's resources. The brain's reflexive system favors quick reactions while its reflective system requires focus. Constantly switching between tasks reduces productivity due to time spent setting up new problems. True multitasking is an illusion as the brain can only focus on one thing at a time. The document recommends taking breaks to allow the brain to archive information and recuperate from stress.
This document discusses inflation, including its definition, types, theories, causes, and impact in India. Inflation is defined as a rise in general price levels over time. The main causes of inflation are an increase in demand for goods/services and a decrease in supply. There are two theories of inflation - demand-pull (excess demand) and cost-push (rising costs). Factors that can cause inflation include increased money supply, disposable income, deficit financing, and foreign exchange reserves on the demand side, and rising administered prices, erratic agriculture, price policies, and inadequate industry on the supply side. Measures to control inflation focus on underlying causes and include investment, interest rate adjustments, demonetization, fiscal
This document discusses recommendations from Task 24, which studied social media and behavior change related to energy use. It provides the following key points:
- Recommendations from subtasks I through IV can be found in reports from those subtasks, including the "Monster" document and individual country case studies.
- There is no single solution, and changing habits is very difficult. Whole-system societal changes are needed, requiring collaboration across sectors.
- Social media theoretically could help but professionals are wary of it. Face-to-face interaction remains important. It is also difficult to find the right people and break down silos between organizations.
Application of ICT for CWSN in School Library Charu Dev
The document discusses the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in school libraries to assist children with special needs (CWSN). It outlines various types of CWSN including those who are orthopedically challenged, visually challenged, hearing impaired, have medical needs, or different linguistic or social backgrounds. The government has initiatives like the Integrated Education of Disabled Children program to help CWSN develop skills and confidence through inclusive learning. The school library can use ICT tools like assistive technologies, Braille displays, screen readers, and text-to-speech programs to remove barriers and ensure all students have access to information. Proper use of ICT allows the school library to achieve its goals of access, enrollment,
Business Intelligence Using SAS Final PresentationJodi Liu
The group presented models to predict customer subscription to term deposits for a Portuguese bank. They described the customer data, built decision tree, regression, and neural network models with and without customer profiles. The decision tree model performed best with a profit of $15,768 and savings of $10,356. Rules from the decision tree could save $1200 by not contacting some customers or generate $10,000 revenue from others. The project aimed to boost sales, loyalty, and recapture customers through targeted marketing.
Protista menyerupai jamur Protista mirip jamur tidak dimasukkan ke dalam fungi karena struktur tubuh dan cara reproduksinya berbeda. Reproduksi jamur mirip fungi, tetapi gerakan pada fase vegetatifnya mirip amoeba. Meskipun tidak berklorofil, struktur membran jamur ini mirip ganggang Protista karena dalam stadium muda atau dewasa mampu bergerak aktif seperti hewan. Protista jamur terdiri atas jamur lendir plasmodial, jamur lendir bersel satu, dan jamur air Klasifikasi Protista menyerupai jamur Adapun klasifikasinya dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu: ?Acrasiomycota ?Myxomycota ?Oomycota
El documento habla sobre los cambios que experimenta la piel de las mujeres durante el embarazo debido a las hormonas. Menciona que la piel puede presentar acné, manchas, oscurecimiento, estrías y otros cambios. Recomienda cuidados como la higiene, protección solar y cremas humectantes para reducir los efectos. También resalta la importancia de consultar al médico ante cualquier duda sobre el estado de la piel durante el embarazo.
The document provides an overview of stock exchanges, including what they are, their history and key features. Some of the main points covered include:
- A stock exchange is a market where securities like shares are bought and sold. Major stock exchanges around the world facilitate trillions of dollars in trades annually.
- The oldest stock exchange in Asia was established in 1850 in Bombay, now known as the Bombay Stock Exchange.
- Key participants in stock exchanges include brokers who facilitate trades between buyers and sellers for a commission, and jobbers who trade securities on their own account.
- Speculators aim to profit from anticipated price rises (bulls) or falls (bears) by trading securities.
This document summarizes a class about raising capital for startups. It discusses various sources of funding for startups like personal savings, bank loans, friends and family, angel investors, and venture capital. Venture capital is broken down into early stage and late stage investors. Early stage VCs invest in seed and Series A rounds while late stage invests in later rounds after a product has gained traction. The document provides statistics on success rates for different funding sources and rounds. It also covers topics like power laws in venture returns and perspectives from a partner at 500 Startups.
This English folder contains various activities for a student including listening to songs and solving activities related to the songs' messages, solving activities based on stories and creating a poster summarizing each story's main idea, and giving an opinion on the importance of family and phrasing related to Earth Day. The stories included are about helping an old man at an airport, threats against a WWII veteran by federal agents, speaking English in class, a Malibu mayor approving paparazzi, and having bad dreams.
To conserve resources and optimize investment, a business must determine which potential opportunities are most likely to result in conversions and evolve into successful deals and determine which opportunities are at risk. This Hot Lead predictive analytics use case describes the value of predictive analytics to prioritize high-value leads and capitalize on an opportunity to convert a lead into a relationship by identifying key patterns that contribute to successful deal closures. Use these tools to identify the leads that are most likely to result in conversion and provide the most benefit to the enterprise. This technique can be used in many industries, including Financial Services, B2C and B2B. For more info https://www.smarten.com/augmented-analytics-learn-explore/use-cases.html
Boosting MySQL with Vector Search Scale22X 2025.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
As the demand for vector databases and Generative AI continues to rise, integrating vector storage and search capabilities into traditional databases has become increasingly important. This session introduces the *MyVector Plugin*, a project that brings native vector storage and similarity search to MySQL. Unlike PostgreSQL, which offers interfaces for adding new data types and index methods, MySQL lacks such extensibility. However, by utilizing MySQL's server component plugin and UDF, the *MyVector Plugin* successfully adds a fully functional vector search feature within the existing MySQL + InnoDB infrastructure, eliminating the need for a separate vector database. The session explains the technical aspects of integrating vector support into MySQL, the challenges posed by its architecture, and real-world use cases that showcase the advantages of combining vector search with MySQL's robust features. Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to add vector search capabilities to their MySQL
Luis Berrios Nieves, known in the music industry as Nérol El Rey de la Melodia, is an independent composer, songwriter, and producer from Puerto Rico. With extensive experience collaborating with prominent Latin artists, he specializes in reggaeton, salsa, and Latin pop. Nérol’s compositions have been featured in hit songs such as “Porque Les Mientes” by Tito “El Bambino” and Marc Anthony. In this proposal, we will explore why Rimas Music Publishing is the perfect fit for Nérol’s continued success and growth.
Valkey 101 - SCaLE 22x March 2025 Stokes.pdfDave Stokes
An Introduction to Valkey, Presented March 2025 at the Southern California Linux Expo, Pasadena CA. Valkey is a replacement for Redis and is a very fast in memory database, used to caches and other low latency applications. Valkey is open-source software and very fast.
A Relative Information Gain-based Query Performance Prediction Framework with...suchanadatta3
To improve the QPP estimate for neural models, we propose to use additional information from a set of queries that express a similar information need to the current one (these queries are called variants). The key idea of our proposed method, named Weighted Relative Information Gain (WRIG), is to estimate the performance of these variants, and then to improve the QPP estimate of the original query based on the relative differences with the variants. The hypothesis is that if a query’s estimate is significantly higher than the average QPP score of its variants, then the original query itself is assumed (with a higher confidence) to be one for which a retrieval model works well.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.