SCE is a civil engineering firm that focuses on balancing various needs and priorities in their land development designs, such as form and function, beauty and practicality, environmental sensitivity and pragmatism. They manage costs by communicating effectively with clients, integrating into project teams, maintaining industry experts in their network, and continuously improving. One of their projects, Town/Brookhaven, is a mixed-use development in Atlanta consisting of retail, restaurants, offices, and over 1,000 residential units that was designed to create a sense of community while being environmentally friendly.
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About Balance:
SCE has developed and maintained a reputation for creating land development
designs that balance form and function. Beauty and practicality. Leadership and
partnership. Environmental sensitivity and pragmatism. Cost and benefit. Time
and money. Community and cooperation.
Client service and more client service.
Southern Civil Engineers, Inc. is a highly competent civil engineering
firm with strong regulatory expertise and relationships. SCE thinks of
the project the way the owner does by understanding the priorities and
processes. We manage costs by effectively communicating, fully inte-
grating into the project team, maintaining a strategic network of indus-
try experts, and striving for continuous improvement.
Project Highlight:
Town/Brookhaven is a state- remarkable center is an
of-the art mixed-use develop- innovative, intensely land-
ment in Atlantas Brookhaven scaped, pedestrian-
community, conveniently friendly urban village,
situated on Peachtree Road, built for convenience and
north of Lenox Square Mall accessibility. Sembler as-
and Phipps Plaza and adja- sembled four separate par-
cent to historic Oglethorpe cels to create Town/
University. The project con- Brookhaven. This is a
sists of approximately smart growth project that
600,000 square feet of big creates a sense of commu-
box retail, Jr. anchors, res- nity while being respectful
taurants and boutiques, an of the environment and
upscale Theater and Book- surrounding neighbor-
store, 30,000 square feet of hoods.
office, as well as more than
1,000 residential units. This
Developer: Sembler
Architect: The Phillips Partnership
SCE has principals, managers and staff trained in green site engineering and the
LEED rating system developed by the US Green Building Council. Greg Maxey is
SCEs Director of Engineering and leads our internal Green Team. Greg is a li-
censed Professional Engineer, LEED AP, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sedi-
ment Control (CPESC), Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ), and
Rainwater Catchment Systems Accredited Professional.