This document describes two types of scented labels called Scent Crystal and Scent Colors. Scent Crystal labels are clear plastic that can be peeled back to reveal scented oil underneath and can be customized in different shapes and sizes. Scent Colors labels are printed with images and come in various colors, ideal for replicating perfume bottles or revealing hidden messages. Both label types offer benefits like reusability, creative designs, short production times, and low material costs. Contact information is provided for the commercial director of the company that produces these scented labels.
2. Scent Crystal Label
Scent Crystal The wonderfully flexible crystal clear fragrance label, simply peel
back to sample pure fragrance oil underneath. The crystal clear clarity of this label
makes it ideal to affix over any promotional print material. Available in a wide range
of standard shapes and sizes, or custom designed to suit.
4. Scent Colors Label
Scent Colors For added visual impact, the Scent Colors label is printed with
creative images in different shapes and colours. Ideal to replicate a perfume bottle
or closure, or to reveal a hidden image/message upon opening.
Scent Crystal
Crystal clear, ideal to affix over ANY
printed material
High Quality Fragrance Performance
Creative Shapes & Sizes
Short Lead-Time (4-6wks from order)
Low Oil Requirement (1kg = approx. 200k labels)
Scent Colors
Fully Printed (Translucent or Opaque)
e.g. Replicate Perfume bottle or reveal hidden
message/image underneath
Mark Lockyer
Commercial Director
Unit 10 Bridge Road Business Park
Bridge Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1TX
T: +44 (0)1444 453414
M: +44 (0)7824 368330