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FRIT 7090: Introduction to Storytelling: Storyboard Activity
                                                   Autumn Schaffer
                             A House for a Hermit Crab by Eric Carle (ISBN: 0887080561)
           Carle, E. (1991). A house for a hermit crab. New York: Simon & Schuster Childrens Publishing.

Scene 1:                                           Scene 2:                                            Scene 3:

Once upon a time, there was a hermit crab,
and as you know hermit crabs move from             He was a little frightened because he no longer
shell to shell as they grow larger and larger.     had a shell to hide it. The ocean is very wide
                                                   and large. What if a big fish tries to attack me?   Early in February, Hermit Crab found just
One day early in January Hermit Crab said          I must find a new house soon! thought the          the house he was looking for. It was big and
Time to Move! Im just too big for this little    Hermit Crab.                                        strong- he was able to move right on in, with
shell! But he felt so safe and snug in his                                                            a little wiggling and squirming of course. It
little shell- now it was just a little too snug.                                                       feels just right- but it looks so, well, plain,
So- he carefully stepped out of his shell and      *Image Courtesy of: Its Nature                     thought Hermit Crab.
onto the ocean floor.
                                                                                                       *Image Courtesy of: Hermit Crab Care
*Image Courtesy of: Its Nature

Scene 4:                                         Scene 5:                                           Scene 6:

In March, Hermit Crab came across some sea       In April, Hermit Crab passed a flock of starfish
anemones. They swayed gently back and            floating across the ocean floor. Oh, how          In May, Hermit Crab found some beautiful
forth in the ocean water. You are so            handsome you are! said Hermit Crab. Would        coral on the bottom of the ocean floor. They
beautiful! said Hermit Crab, Would one of      one of you be willing to decorate my house?       were hard and still. You are so pretty! said
you be willing to come and live on my new        One starfish waved his little arm to agree. So-    the hermit crab. Would one of you be
shell? Is so plain, and Im sure you will make   hermit crab carefully picked it up and added it    willing to come and live on my house to
it much more beautiful. One sea anemone         onto the back of his shell.                        make it more beautiful? I would, creaked
agreed- so Hermit Crab picked it up with his
                                                                                                    a crusty coral. Gingerly, hermit crab picked
claw, and carefully placed it on his shell.      *Image Courtesy of: Photomural                     it up with his claw and placed it on his shell.
*Image Courtesy of: Photography Pictures
                                                                                                    *Image Courtesy of: Ecociety

Scene 7:                                         Scene 8:                                           Scene 9:
In June, Hermit Crab came to a group of
snails crawling over a rock on the sea floor.
They were picking up algae and bits of debris
as they moved along- leaving a clean trail
behind them. How tidy you are! said
Hermit Crab. Would one of you be willing         In July, Hermit Crab came upon a group of sea      In August, Hermit Crab and all of his
to come to my house and help keep it clean?      urchins. They were sticky and prickly. How        newfound friends wandered into a forest of
said the hermit crab. I would, offered one      fierce you look! said Hermit Crab. Would one      seaweed. Its so dark in here, thought
of the snails. Happily, the hermit crab picked    of you be willing to protect my house? I          Hermit Crab. How dim it is! murmured
it up with his claw and placed it on his shell.   would, answered one of the sea urchins.           the sea anemone. How gloomy it is!
                                                  Gratefully, the hermit crab placed the spiky sea   whispered the starfish. How murky it is!
*Image Courtesy of: Daily Science Dose            urchin on the back of his shell.                   complained the coral. I cant see a thing!
                                                                                                     said the snail. Its like nighttime! cried the
                                                  *Image Courtesy of: DailyGalaxy                    sea urchin.

                                                                                                     *Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative

Scene 10:                                         Scene 11:                                          Scene 12:
In September, Hermit Crab came across a
school of lanternfish darting through the dark   In October, Hermit Crab found a pile of smooth
water. How bright you are! said Hermit         pebbles. How sturdy you are! said Hermit
Crab. Would one of you be willing to light      Crab. Would you mind if I re-arrange you?
up our house? I would, replied one                                                               But in November, Hermit Crab noticed that
                                                 Not at all, answered the smooth pebbles.
lanternfish. And it swam over near the shell.                                                       his shell was getting a little too snug. Little
                                                 Hermit Crab carefully picked up the pebbles
                                                                                                    by little over the year he had grown! It
                                                 with his claw and built a wall around his shell.
                                                                                                    wouldnt be long before he was too big for
                                                 My shell is perfect now! cheered Hermit
*Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative                                                                his shell! He would need a bigger home, but
Commons                                                                                             he had grown to love his friends: the sea
                                                                                                    anemone, the starfish, the coral, the sea
                                                 *Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative
                                                                                                    urchin, the snail, the lanterfish, and even the
                                                                                                    smooth pebbles. You all have been so good
                                                                                                    to me! explained Hermit Crab. You are
                                                                                                    like my family. How can I ever leave you?
                                                                                                    *Image Courtesy of: EHow

Scene 13:                                        Scene 14:
The next January, Hermit Crab stepped out of
                                                his lovely shell, and the smaller crab moved in.
In December, a smaller hermit crab passed       Couldnt stay in that little shell forever, said
by. I have outgrown my shell! she said.       Hermit Crab as he waved goodbye to his
Would you know of a good place for me?        friends. The ocean floor did look rather wide
I have outgrown my shell too! replied         and lonely, but this time Hermit Crab wasnt
Hermit Crab. I must move on. You are           afraid. Soon he spied a perfect house- a big and
welcome to live here- but only if you promise   empty shell. It looked, well, a little plain, but
to be good to my friends. I promise, said    Sponges! he thought. Barnacles! Clown
the little crab.                                Fish! Sand Dollars! Oh the possibilities! I cant
                                                wait to get started!
*Image Courtesy of: Reef Tank                   *Image Courtesy of: Savezoneinc.net

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Schaffer storyboard

  • 1. FRIT 7090: Introduction to Storytelling: Storyboard Activity Autumn Schaffer A House for a Hermit Crab by Eric Carle (ISBN: 0887080561) Carle, E. (1991). A house for a hermit crab. New York: Simon & Schuster Childrens Publishing. Scene 1: Scene 2: Scene 3: Once upon a time, there was a hermit crab, and as you know hermit crabs move from He was a little frightened because he no longer shell to shell as they grow larger and larger. had a shell to hide it. The ocean is very wide and large. What if a big fish tries to attack me? Early in February, Hermit Crab found just One day early in January Hermit Crab said I must find a new house soon! thought the the house he was looking for. It was big and Time to Move! Im just too big for this little Hermit Crab. strong- he was able to move right on in, with shell! But he felt so safe and snug in his a little wiggling and squirming of course. It little shell- now it was just a little too snug. feels just right- but it looks so, well, plain, So- he carefully stepped out of his shell and *Image Courtesy of: Its Nature thought Hermit Crab. onto the ocean floor. *Image Courtesy of: Hermit Crab Care
  • 2. *Image Courtesy of: Its Nature Scene 4: Scene 5: Scene 6: In March, Hermit Crab came across some sea In April, Hermit Crab passed a flock of starfish anemones. They swayed gently back and floating across the ocean floor. Oh, how In May, Hermit Crab found some beautiful forth in the ocean water. You are so handsome you are! said Hermit Crab. Would coral on the bottom of the ocean floor. They beautiful! said Hermit Crab, Would one of one of you be willing to decorate my house? were hard and still. You are so pretty! said you be willing to come and live on my new One starfish waved his little arm to agree. So- the hermit crab. Would one of you be shell? Is so plain, and Im sure you will make hermit crab carefully picked it up and added it willing to come and live on my house to it much more beautiful. One sea anemone onto the back of his shell. make it more beautiful? I would, creaked agreed- so Hermit Crab picked it up with his a crusty coral. Gingerly, hermit crab picked claw, and carefully placed it on his shell. *Image Courtesy of: Photomural it up with his claw and placed it on his shell. *Image Courtesy of: Photography Pictures *Image Courtesy of: Ecociety Scene 7: Scene 8: Scene 9:
  • 3. In June, Hermit Crab came to a group of snails crawling over a rock on the sea floor. They were picking up algae and bits of debris as they moved along- leaving a clean trail behind them. How tidy you are! said Hermit Crab. Would one of you be willing In July, Hermit Crab came upon a group of sea In August, Hermit Crab and all of his to come to my house and help keep it clean? urchins. They were sticky and prickly. How newfound friends wandered into a forest of said the hermit crab. I would, offered one fierce you look! said Hermit Crab. Would one seaweed. Its so dark in here, thought of the snails. Happily, the hermit crab picked of you be willing to protect my house? I Hermit Crab. How dim it is! murmured it up with his claw and placed it on his shell. would, answered one of the sea urchins. the sea anemone. How gloomy it is! Gratefully, the hermit crab placed the spiky sea whispered the starfish. How murky it is! *Image Courtesy of: Daily Science Dose urchin on the back of his shell. complained the coral. I cant see a thing! said the snail. Its like nighttime! cried the *Image Courtesy of: DailyGalaxy sea urchin. *Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative Commons Scene 10: Scene 11: Scene 12:
  • 4. In September, Hermit Crab came across a school of lanternfish darting through the dark In October, Hermit Crab found a pile of smooth water. How bright you are! said Hermit pebbles. How sturdy you are! said Hermit Crab. Would one of you be willing to light Crab. Would you mind if I re-arrange you? up our house? I would, replied one But in November, Hermit Crab noticed that Not at all, answered the smooth pebbles. lanternfish. And it swam over near the shell. his shell was getting a little too snug. Little Hermit Crab carefully picked up the pebbles by little over the year he had grown! It with his claw and built a wall around his shell. wouldnt be long before he was too big for My shell is perfect now! cheered Hermit *Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative his shell! He would need a bigger home, but Crab. Commons he had grown to love his friends: the sea anemone, the starfish, the coral, the sea *Image Courtesy of: Flicker Creative urchin, the snail, the lanterfish, and even the Commons smooth pebbles. You all have been so good to me! explained Hermit Crab. You are like my family. How can I ever leave you? *Image Courtesy of: EHow Scene 13: Scene 14:
  • 5. The next January, Hermit Crab stepped out of his lovely shell, and the smaller crab moved in. In December, a smaller hermit crab passed Couldnt stay in that little shell forever, said by. I have outgrown my shell! she said. Hermit Crab as he waved goodbye to his Would you know of a good place for me? friends. The ocean floor did look rather wide I have outgrown my shell too! replied and lonely, but this time Hermit Crab wasnt Hermit Crab. I must move on. You are afraid. Soon he spied a perfect house- a big and welcome to live here- but only if you promise empty shell. It looked, well, a little plain, but to be good to my friends. I promise, said Sponges! he thought. Barnacles! Clown the little crab. Fish! Sand Dollars! Oh the possibilities! I cant wait to get started! *Image Courtesy of: Reef Tank *Image Courtesy of: Savezoneinc.net