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Celina Shane Johnson
Enviroform Industries
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The Supplier Clearinghouse for the Utility Supplier
Diversity Program of the California Public Utilities
Commission hereby certifies that is has audited and
verified the eligibility of:
Enviroform Industries
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
pursuant to Commission General Order 156, and the
terms and conditions stipulated in the Verification
Application Package. This Certificate shall be valid only
with the Clearinghouse seal affixed hereto.
Eligibility must be maintained at all times, and renewed
within 30 days of any changes in ownership or control.
Failure to comply may result in a denial of eligibility.
The Clearinghouse may reconsider certification if it is
determined that such status was obtained by false,
misleading or incorrect information. Decertification may
occur if any verification criterion under which eligibility
was awarded later becomes invalid due to Commission
ruling. The Clearinghouse may request additional
information or conduct on- site visits during the term of
verification to verify eligibility.
This certification is valid only for the period that the
above firm remains eligible as determined by the
Clearinghouse. Utility companies may direct inquiries
concerning this Certificate to the Clearinghouse at (800)
359-7998 in Los Angeles.
The Supplier Clearinghouse System https://sch.thesupplierclearinghouse.com/FrontPa...
1 of 1 04/04/2016 03:50 PM

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  • 1. Home View 損 Search 損 Message 損 Settings 損 Help & Support 損 Logoff Logged on as: Celina Shane Johnson Enviroform Industries Show All Hide All SUPPLIER CLEARINGHOUSE CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION DATE: February 3, 2019 The Supplier Clearinghouse for the Utility Supplier Diversity Program of the California Public Utilities Commission hereby certifies that is has audited and verified the eligibility of: Enviroform Industries Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) pursuant to Commission General Order 156, and the terms and conditions stipulated in the Verification Application Package. This Certificate shall be valid only with the Clearinghouse seal affixed hereto. Eligibility must be maintained at all times, and renewed within 30 days of any changes in ownership or control. Failure to comply may result in a denial of eligibility. The Clearinghouse may reconsider certification if it is determined that such status was obtained by false, misleading or incorrect information. Decertification may occur if any verification criterion under which eligibility was awarded later becomes invalid due to Commission ruling. The Clearinghouse may request additional information or conduct on- site visits during the term of verification to verify eligibility. This certification is valid only for the period that the above firm remains eligible as determined by the Clearinghouse. Utility companies may direct inquiries concerning this Certificate to the Clearinghouse at (800) 359-7998 in Los Angeles. The Supplier Clearinghouse System https://sch.thesupplierclearinghouse.com/FrontPa... 1 of 1 04/04/2016 03:50 PM