This document provides tips and advice for applying for scholarships. It discusses different types of interviews, how to write strong personal statements and letters of recommendation, finding relevant scholarships, and organizing the application process. The key steps outlined are carefully choosing recommenders, following requirements, keeping track of deadlines in a calendar, and not procrastinating on applications. Contact information is provided for two APU scholarship resources.
9. Panel
An interview conducted by
more than one individual.
The number of panelists vary.
Used to screen candidates in
order to narrow the pool of
applicants who will be invited
for in-person interviews
11. Personal Statements
A picture. An invitation. An indication Your story.
Provide a Invite your of your The personal
snapshot of reader to get priorities and statement
who you are to know you values. allows you
as a person. room for
13. Letters of Recommendation
Carefully choose recommenders
Give them enough time
Always provide description of
scholarship and resume
Follow up if needed
Always thank them