This document discusses school-based management (SBM) and shared decision making (SDM), which aim to improve education by transferring decision-making authority from district and state offices to individual schools. It gives an overview of SBM, explaining that SBM gives principals, teachers, students, and parents greater control over budget, personnel, curriculum and other decisions. It then provides examples of how one school implemented SBM through teacher-led teams that met regularly and made reports to the full staff. The document argues that SBM and SDM are important for charter schools as they develop teacher-leadership, aid in recruitment and retention, build strong teams, enhance student achievement, and bring all school stakeholders on board.
5. Education Research/Consumer
WHAT IS IT? School-based management (SBM) is a
strategy to improve education by transferring
significant decision-making authority from state and
district offices to individual schools. SBM provides
principals, teachers, students, and parents greater
control over the education process by giving them
responsibility for decisions about the budget, personnel,
6. Bad managers tell employees what to do, good
managers explain why they need to do it, but
great managers involve people in decision
making and improvement.
( Mark Graban on LinkedIn)
Bad to Good to Great
7. Faculty member selected desired team.
Team members elected a teacher-leader.
Teams met twice a month.
Reports given at monthly general meeting.
Monthly meeting open to all.
How Did It Work?
9. The School Based Management Team (SBMT) is
a committee comprised of representatives from
each of the school stakeholder groups -
administrators, parents representing our PTSCO
organization, teachers elected by the faculty,
teacher aides/assistants, students, and
community members. The key charge of the
SBMT is to seek broad-based agreement among
all the school stakeholders on activities,
practices or policies that significantly impact
and improve student achievement. The SBMT is
also the group that must ultimately sign off on
and submit the New York State-required
City Honors School, Buffalo, NY
13. SBM develops teacher-leaders
SBM aides in recruitment & retention
SDM builds strong teams
SDM is a form of PLC
SDM enhances student achievement
SBM brings everyone on-board
Why is SBM/SDM Important For
Todays Charter Schools?
14. Allan R. Bonilla, Ed.D