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Camden City School District
United States
Camden City School District needed
to eradicate login sharing and gain
the ability to track workstation usage.
UserLock eliminates concurrent logins and
provides visibility into the details of which users
were at what workstation during what time.
Complete login control, eliminating the issue of
user login sharing
Ability to identify, search, report and archive user
access, allowing the schools to respond to stu-
dents inappropriate internet and email usage
With UserLock, we no lon-
ger have 30 students logged
in with the same username
at once. Weve not only elimi-
nated concurrent logins but
now also have the ability to
accurately track down and dis-
cipline individuals who are out
of compliance with our inter-
net and email policies.
Patrick McGlinchey
Technology Systems Specialist
Camden City School District


Camden City School District
tracks inappropriate student usage
eliminate concurrent logins and
with UserLock
The Camden City K-12 school dis-
trict numbers approximately 15,000
students attending 20 elementary/
family schools, one middle school,
two traditional high schools, two
magnet high schools and one
nontraditional high school.
Amid an increasing number of
students sharing user logins, the
Camden City District IT team
found it challenging to track usage
and enforce compliance with school
internet and email policies. The
team had been using a few outdated
tools with Windows 2000 and 2003,
but they were no longer supported
by Microsoft and the capabilities
were limited and did not provide
the control they desired.
With the same user signed in to
multiple computers, we found it diffi-
cult to track down students who were
abusing the schools internet usage
policies or sending inappropriate
emails, said Patrick McGlinchey,
Technology Systems Specialist. We
didnt know who to reprimand be-
cause so many students were using
the same login.
Patrick began the search for a Win-
dows-based solution that would
allow the district to monitor and
secure network access. They needed
to ensure that students were limited
to using only their own personal
login information and all sessions
could be accurately tracked and re-
After an online search led Patrick to
UserLock, the district conducted a
brief pilot and quickly determined
that the solution was easy to use
and met all of their access control
requirements. UserLock was very
cost effective and supported Win-
dows XP and Windows 7. The de-
ployment was extremely simple and
the bottom line was that it worked
exactly how we needed it to.
In less than a week, the team was
able to deploy UserLock to all PCs
across 26 schools (for 15,000 users).
With UserLocks automatic installa-
tion option, each PC was instantly
enrolled the next time it was on-
line. Patrick easily configured the
solution according to the districts
policy, which permits only one lo-
gin per student and two concurrent
logins per teacher. The district is
also using the UserLock web ser-
ver features, which allow users who
have been locked out due to an im-
properly-closed connection to go
online to log in and change their
Through UserLocks login control
and monitoring capabilities for
their Windows network, Camden
City School District has been able
to completely eliminate login sha-
ring and respond to inappropriate
internet and email usage. With
UserLock, we no longer have 30 stu-
dents logged in with the same user-
name at once. Weve not only elimi-
nated concurrent logins but now also
have the ability to accurately track
down and discipline individuals who
are out of compliance with our inter-
net and email policies.
The district also had a positive ex-
perience with IS Decisions Sup-
port. The support team was very
responsive. Within two hours of
submitting a ticket, I had a response
and resolution. Considering other IT
vendors today can take days to get
back to me, we were very satisfied.
The Challenge
Eliminate login sharing and track
workstation usage
The Solution
UserLock for access control and
visibility of student behavior online
Download a UserLock FREE TRIAL version
Some other
UserLock customers
FBI, DEA, UN, Barclays, BNP
Paribas, Ministry Interior Saudi
Arabia, Bank of Kuwait, South
Wales Police, NHS, University of
Leeds, NATO, City of Paris, ...
www.isdecisions.com | info@isdecisions.com
Technop担le IZARBEL - Cr辿aticit辿 B但t. A
BP12 - 64210 Bidart - FRANCE
Phone: +335. - Fax: +335.

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School Network Security. Camden City School District Case Study

  • 1. Customer Camden City School District Industry Education Geography United States Challenge Camden City School District needed to eradicate login sharing and gain the ability to track workstation usage. Solution UserLock eliminates concurrent logins and provides visibility into the details of which users were at what workstation during what time. Result Complete login control, eliminating the issue of user login sharing Ability to identify, search, report and archive user access, allowing the schools to respond to stu- dents inappropriate internet and email usage With UserLock, we no lon- ger have 30 students logged in with the same username at once. Weve not only elimi- nated concurrent logins but now also have the ability to accurately track down and dis- cipline individuals who are out of compliance with our inter- net and email policies. Patrick McGlinchey Technology Systems Specialist Camden City School District CASE STUDY Camden City School District tracks inappropriate student usage eliminate concurrent logins and with UserLock
  • 2. CASE STUDY CAMDEN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ELIMINATE CONCCURENT LOGINS AND TRACKS INAPPROPRIATE STUDENT USAGE WITH USERLOCK The Camden City K-12 school dis- trict numbers approximately 15,000 students attending 20 elementary/ family schools, one middle school, two traditional high schools, two magnet high schools and one nontraditional high school. Amid an increasing number of students sharing user logins, the Camden City District IT team found it challenging to track usage and enforce compliance with school internet and email policies. The team had been using a few outdated tools with Windows 2000 and 2003, but they were no longer supported by Microsoft and the capabilities were limited and did not provide the control they desired. With the same user signed in to multiple computers, we found it diffi- cult to track down students who were abusing the schools internet usage policies or sending inappropriate emails, said Patrick McGlinchey, Technology Systems Specialist. We didnt know who to reprimand be- cause so many students were using the same login. Patrick began the search for a Win- dows-based solution that would allow the district to monitor and secure network access. They needed to ensure that students were limited to using only their own personal login information and all sessions could be accurately tracked and re- corded. After an online search led Patrick to UserLock, the district conducted a brief pilot and quickly determined that the solution was easy to use and met all of their access control requirements. UserLock was very cost effective and supported Win- dows XP and Windows 7. The de- ployment was extremely simple and the bottom line was that it worked exactly how we needed it to. In less than a week, the team was able to deploy UserLock to all PCs across 26 schools (for 15,000 users). With UserLocks automatic installa- tion option, each PC was instantly enrolled the next time it was on- line. Patrick easily configured the solution according to the districts policy, which permits only one lo- gin per student and two concurrent logins per teacher. The district is also using the UserLock web ser- ver features, which allow users who have been locked out due to an im- properly-closed connection to go online to log in and change their password. Through UserLocks login control and monitoring capabilities for their Windows network, Camden City School District has been able to completely eliminate login sha- ring and respond to inappropriate internet and email usage. With UserLock, we no longer have 30 stu- dents logged in with the same user- name at once. Weve not only elimi- nated concurrent logins but now also have the ability to accurately track down and discipline individuals who are out of compliance with our inter- net and email policies. The district also had a positive ex- perience with IS Decisions Sup- port. The support team was very responsive. Within two hours of submitting a ticket, I had a response and resolution. Considering other IT vendors today can take days to get back to me, we were very satisfied. The Challenge Eliminate login sharing and track workstation usage The Solution UserLock for access control and visibility of student behavior online Download a UserLock FREE TRIAL version WWW.USERLOCK.COM Some other UserLock customers FBI, DEA, UN, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Ministry Interior Saudi Arabia, Bank of Kuwait, South Wales Police, NHS, University of Leeds, NATO, City of Paris, ... www.isdecisions.com | info@isdecisions.com Technop担le IZARBEL - Cr辿aticit辿 B但t. A BP12 - 64210 Bidart - FRANCE Phone: +335. - Fax: +335.