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School in England
        仂仂亢仂于舒 ..
   亳亠仍 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒
   丕 亠亟仆 从仂仍舒 9
            亞. 亳仂于
Introduction to School Life
 Education is an important part of British life. There are
  hundreds of schools, colleges and universities,
  including some of the most famous in the world.
 Education is free and compulsory for all children
  between the ages of 5 - 16. Some children are
  educated at home rather than in school.
 Children's education in England is normally divided into
  two separate stages. They begin with primary
  education at the age of five and this usually
  lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to
  secondary school, there they stay until they reach
  sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.
What would you like to know?
 When does the school year start in Britain?
 Do British students wear a school uniform?
 What school holidays do British
 students have?
 What is the school day like?
School year in Britain

 The school year in British schools starts
  early in September and continues into the
  following July. Classes are held from
  Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m.
  until 3 or 4 p.m.
Most schools in Britain require
children to wear a school uniform.

                                      White shirt

     Black jacket

      Black or grey                                 Dark skirt
    trousers (shorts)

                        Black shoes
English schools have six terms
separated by holidays:
A typical school day
Click the correct answer


When do children usually start school
in Britain?
    At the age of 5.
    At the age of 6.
    At the age of 7.
    At the age of 8.

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   You are wrong

                   Try Again
                    Try Again   Question
You are correct

Click the correct answer


The primary school usually lasts...

    four years.
    five years.
    six years
    seven years.

You are wrong

   You are wrong

                   Try Again
                    Try Again   Question
You are correct

Click the correct answer


The pupils usually move to secondary
school at the age of...

You are wrong

   You are wrong

                   Try Again
                    Try Again   Question
You are correct

A typical school day.
School starts at 8.50 with class registration
Then they have an assembly
Lesson one starts at half past nine
During the lunch time some children eat in
  the canteen , the other have a
  packed lunch. School day finishes
at a quarter past     three
Special thanks to
 This is Britain - School
 Introduction to School Life

     Thank you for attention!

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  • 1. School in England 仂仂亢仂于舒 .. 亳亠仍 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 丕 亠亟仆 从仂仍舒 9 亞. 亳仂于 2013
  • 2. Introduction to School Life Education is an important part of British life. There are hundreds of schools, colleges and universities, including some of the most famous in the world. Education is free and compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 - 16. Some children are educated at home rather than in school. Children's education in England is normally divided into two separate stages. They begin with primary education at the age of five and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to secondary school, there they stay until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.
  • 3. What would you like to know? When does the school year start in Britain? Do British students wear a school uniform? What school holidays do British students have? What is the school day like?
  • 4. School year in Britain The school year in British schools starts early in September and continues into the following July. Classes are held from Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 or 4 p.m.
  • 5. Most schools in Britain require children to wear a school uniform. White shirt Black jacket Black or grey Dark skirt trousers (shorts) Black shoes
  • 6. English schools have six terms separated by holidays: Christmas油-油2油weeks Spring油-油2油weeks Summer油(end油of油July油and油the油whole油of油 August)油-油6油weeks They油also油have油a油one油week油holiday油 at油the油end油of油every油odd油numbered油term.
  • 9. Click the correct answer 1/3 When do children usually start school in Britain? At the age of 5. At the age of 6. At the age of 7. At the age of 8. Next Next Question Question
  • 10. You are wrong You are wrong Next Next Try Again Try Again Question Question
  • 11. You are correct Next Next Question Question
  • 12. Click the correct answer 2/3 The primary school usually lasts... four years. five years. six years seven years. Next Next Question Question
  • 13. You are wrong You are wrong Next Next Try Again Try Again Question Question
  • 14. You are correct Next Next Question Question
  • 15. Click the correct answer 3/3 The pupils usually move to secondary school at the age of... nine. ten. eleven. twelve. Next Next Question Question
  • 16. You are wrong You are wrong Next Next Try Again Try Again Question Question
  • 17. You are correct Next Next Question Question
  • 18. A typical school day. School starts at 8.50 with class registration Then they have an assembly Lesson one starts at half past nine During the lunch time some children eat in the canteen , the other have a packed lunch. School day finishes at a quarter past three
  • 19. Special thanks to This is Britain - School Introduction to School Life Thank you for attention!