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Heidi E. Driscoll
603 Bridge Lane
Ocean View, DE 19970
Cell Phone: 302-752-0182
E-Mail: heidid2001@gmail.com
Work History
Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, De
2013-2016 10th grade Special Education Mathematics Teacher
 Worked collaboratively with lead teacher, throughout the classroom to assure all students are
reacher with current concepts. Wrote and implemented Individualized Education Plans for student
within my personal case load.
 As, only 10th grade special education math teacher, was responsible for following and maintaining
grades ,tests scores ,and all specialized needs for all forty-two grade math students. This also
entailed rewriting and /or modifying formative and summative assessments.
 Maintained and kept a classroom.
Southern Delaware School of the Arts, Selbyville, DE
2010 2013 Seventh and Eighth Grade Mathematics Teacher
2005 -2009 Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher
 Implemented new district Honor eighth grade curriculum Core Plus.
 Re-designed and re-wrote curriculum, including tests, and projects, for eighth grade honor math to
incorporate the Algebra I, Core Plus and Integrated math concepts.
 Designed and implemented multiple math projects to tie into the current curricula.
 Worked extensively with Special Education students and teachers to break down and often re-
write lesson plans to reach all students.
 Designed lesson plans flowing the LFS (Learning, Focus, Strategy) format.
 Worked collaboratively with core teachers to create and bring real life projects into the classroom.
 Designed and ran the Mathematicians Expedition.
 Seventh and Eighth grade Math League Coach.
 Coach and Judge for Odyssey of the Mind.
 Honor Society Advisor
 Eighth grade Class Advisor.
 Designed staff development for Smart Board implementation.
 Worked in conjunction with Special Education staff to help devise DCAS testing schedules.
 Responsible for devising and implementation of middle school schedules.
 Designed and implemented the eighth grade class trip to Washington D.C.
Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, DE
2009 2011 Summer school Credit Recovery Teacher
2009 -2010 Ninth Grade Academy Math Teacher
 Taught Algebra I curriculum and Geometry Honors.
 Worked collaboratively with the math department to ensure all areas of content were covered.
 Developed and implemented cross curricular assignments and projects.
 Ninth grade Math League Advisor.
 Judge for Odyssey of the Mind
 Assisted students with district mathematics online learning credit recovery program.
Bellows Falls Middle School, Bellows Falls, VT
2003 -2005 Seventh and Eighth Grade Mathematics Teacher
 Worked in collaborative middle level setting, as the math team leader.
 Investigated, determined and implemented the chosen math curriculum while relating to and tying
in all other core subjects.
 Developed and implemented multiple grade level math projects that allowed for hands on,
differentiated instruction.
 Created and directed annual Mathematics/Science Fair.
 Created and directed and after school homework program for at risk students.
 Wrote and implemented the use of a large weekly math problem, used to ensure writing across the
 Served as eighth grade class advisor.
 Assistant coach for middle school girls basketball team.
 Key member of the school Improvement team.
Keene High School, Keene, NH
2001 -2003 Ninth grade Mathematics Teacher
2001-2003 Adult Education
 Worked collaboratively with a large mathematics faculty.
 Trained and taught the Investigation Math Practices, which is learning math through all hand on
investigative activities.
 Taught Integrated Math I and II, Pre Algebra, and Algebra I.
 Designed and implemented a large weekly Math problem which directly relates to Smarter Balance.
 Designed and Implemented hands on Mathematics Projects that directly aligned with curriculum.
 2001 Class Advisor.
 Advisor to ninth grade Math League.
Thayer High School, Winchester, NH
1999 -2001 Ninth and Tenth grade Mathematics Teacher
 Investigated, designed and implemented multiple curriculums for the 9th and 10th grade students.
 Taught Honors Algebra I
 Assisted instruction in the Special Education room.
 Developed broad based, hands on projects to work directly with special education students.
Professional Development
Beyond P3 Curriculum-Centered Professional Development program, Component II Training for
Common Core Standards, Grade Level Expectations Alignment workshops, Core Plus District
Professional Development, Springboard training, DCAS (Delaware state testing) certification,
Curriculum writing in conjunction with co-workers (2 year long re-write of current books). Middle
Level Math/Science Professional Development workshops. DPAS II Training, Science kit training for
Earth History, Simple Machines, Levers and Pulley and the Human Body. Smarter Balance testing
Bachelors of Science-Business Marketing and Management
Fitchburg State College 1986 Fitchburg, MA
High School Diploma
Rockport High School 1982 Rockport, MA

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  • 1. Heidi E. Driscoll 603 Bridge Lane Ocean View, DE 19970 Cell Phone: 302-752-0182 E-Mail: heidid2001@gmail.com Work History Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, De 2013-2016 10th grade Special Education Mathematics Teacher Worked collaboratively with lead teacher, throughout the classroom to assure all students are reacher with current concepts. Wrote and implemented Individualized Education Plans for student within my personal case load. As, only 10th grade special education math teacher, was responsible for following and maintaining grades ,tests scores ,and all specialized needs for all forty-two grade math students. This also entailed rewriting and /or modifying formative and summative assessments. Maintained and kept a classroom. Southern Delaware School of the Arts, Selbyville, DE 2010 2013 Seventh and Eighth Grade Mathematics Teacher 2005 -2009 Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher Implemented new district Honor eighth grade curriculum Core Plus. Re-designed and re-wrote curriculum, including tests, and projects, for eighth grade honor math to incorporate the Algebra I, Core Plus and Integrated math concepts. Designed and implemented multiple math projects to tie into the current curricula. Worked extensively with Special Education students and teachers to break down and often re- write lesson plans to reach all students. Designed lesson plans flowing the LFS (Learning, Focus, Strategy) format. Worked collaboratively with core teachers to create and bring real life projects into the classroom. Designed and ran the Mathematicians Expedition. Seventh and Eighth grade Math League Coach. Coach and Judge for Odyssey of the Mind. Honor Society Advisor Eighth grade Class Advisor. Designed staff development for Smart Board implementation. Worked in conjunction with Special Education staff to help devise DCAS testing schedules. Responsible for devising and implementation of middle school schedules. Designed and implemented the eighth grade class trip to Washington D.C. Sussex Central High School, Georgetown, DE 2009 2011 Summer school Credit Recovery Teacher 2009 -2010 Ninth Grade Academy Math Teacher Taught Algebra I curriculum and Geometry Honors. Worked collaboratively with the math department to ensure all areas of content were covered. Developed and implemented cross curricular assignments and projects. Ninth grade Math League Advisor. Judge for Odyssey of the Mind Assisted students with district mathematics online learning credit recovery program. Bellows Falls Middle School, Bellows Falls, VT 2003 -2005 Seventh and Eighth Grade Mathematics Teacher
  • 2. Worked in collaborative middle level setting, as the math team leader. Investigated, determined and implemented the chosen math curriculum while relating to and tying in all other core subjects. Developed and implemented multiple grade level math projects that allowed for hands on, differentiated instruction. Created and directed annual Mathematics/Science Fair. Created and directed and after school homework program for at risk students. Wrote and implemented the use of a large weekly math problem, used to ensure writing across the curriculum. Served as eighth grade class advisor. Assistant coach for middle school girls basketball team. Key member of the school Improvement team. Keene High School, Keene, NH 2001 -2003 Ninth grade Mathematics Teacher 2001-2003 Adult Education Worked collaboratively with a large mathematics faculty. Trained and taught the Investigation Math Practices, which is learning math through all hand on investigative activities. Taught Integrated Math I and II, Pre Algebra, and Algebra I. Designed and implemented a large weekly Math problem which directly relates to Smarter Balance. Designed and Implemented hands on Mathematics Projects that directly aligned with curriculum. 2001 Class Advisor. Advisor to ninth grade Math League. Thayer High School, Winchester, NH 1999 -2001 Ninth and Tenth grade Mathematics Teacher Investigated, designed and implemented multiple curriculums for the 9th and 10th grade students. Taught Honors Algebra I Assisted instruction in the Special Education room. Developed broad based, hands on projects to work directly with special education students. Professional Development Beyond P3 Curriculum-Centered Professional Development program, Component II Training for Common Core Standards, Grade Level Expectations Alignment workshops, Core Plus District Professional Development, Springboard training, DCAS (Delaware state testing) certification, Curriculum writing in conjunction with co-workers (2 year long re-write of current books). Middle Level Math/Science Professional Development workshops. DPAS II Training, Science kit training for Earth History, Simple Machines, Levers and Pulley and the Human Body. Smarter Balance testing training. Education Bachelors of Science-Business Marketing and Management Fitchburg State College 1986 Fitchburg, MA High School Diploma Rockport High School 1982 Rockport, MA