This document contains instructions and questions for an English proficiency test. It is divided into two sections: Speaking and Writing Ability.
The Speaking Ability section contains 10 questions assessing conversational responses. For each question, test takers must choose the appropriate expression for the first missing part of a dialogue (Item A) and the response to that expression for the second missing part (Item B).
The Writing Ability section also contains 20 multiple choice questions. For each question, test takers must choose the correct completion for the first missing part of a sentence (Item A) and the second missing part (Item B) to form a grammatically correct and sensical sentence. The document provides an example of this type of question
This presentation discusses using single-molecule techniques like magnetic tweezers and tethered particle motion to study DNA mechanics and DNA-protein interactions. Single-molecule techniques allow direct observation and manipulation of individual molecules in real-time, unlike ensemble measurements. The presentation demonstrates these techniques on DNA structures like the double helix and G-quadruplex, and future work aims to use them to investigate polymerase activity and DNA-protein filament formation.
This document outlines a study on resolving latency problems when streaming online videos through broadband, wireless, and mobile networks. The study aims to find cost-effective hardware or software solutions to reduce latency and the amount of data packets required for streaming. Potential causes of latency are identified as bandwidth restrictions, traffic congestion, and the high data needs of high-quality videos. Current industry practices like reducing video quality are noted. The proposed solution aims to retain video quality while restricting data available for streaming through video codec experimentation and inexpensive hardware. The scope and methodology, including experimentation and questionnaires, are described.
El documento presenta una sesi¨®n conjunta entre radiolog¨ªa y medicina interna sobre el diagn¨®stico por imagen de la isquemia cerebral. Se discuten los aspectos b¨¢sicos de la neuroanatom¨ªa y los hallazgos de tomograf¨ªa computarizada, resonancia magn¨¦tica, angiograf¨ªa y perfusi¨®n que pueden detectar isquemia aguda, subaguda e infarto cerebral. La resonancia magn¨¦tica es ¨²til para detecci¨®n temprana de isquemia, mientras que la tomograf¨ªa computarizada permite evaluar la perfusi¨®n cerebral y guiar el potencial tratamiento
The document is a presentation on writing scientific papers. It discusses the structure and components of an introduction section. An effective introduction (1) presents the research field and importance, (2) identifies gaps, questions or limitations in current understanding, and (3) discusses the state of the art in recent research findings to provide context for the study. The purpose is to establish why the present study is important and timely.
This document outlines a workshop on scientific writing skills. It discusses the module topics, which include the structure of scientific articles, style, and language. Specifically, Module 5 focuses on style and the use of language, addressing issues like specificity, complexity, ambiguity, emphasis, and sentence structure. The document provides examples and recommendations for concise, unambiguous writing and emphasizes writing in an active voice using specific, straightforward language.
This document outlines the modules of a scientific writing workshop conducted by Professor Valtencir Zucolotto. The workshop covers various aspects of scientific writing, including the genre of scientific literature, the typical sections of a research article, writing style, and language usage. The first module discusses scientific writing as a new literary genre and the general structure of a research paper. Subsequent modules will cover specific sections like the abstract, introduction and conclusion, as well as stylistic elements such as specificity, ambiguity and redundancy. The goal is to provide training in effective scientific communication.
The document discusses the poverty situation in the Philippines based on data from the 2003 Family Income and Expenditure Survey. Key points:
- Poverty incidence was highest in ARMM (53.1%) and lowest in Metro Manila (7.3%). Most regions had poverty rates above the national average of 30.4%.
- Subsistence incidence, which measures inability to afford food needs, was also highest in ARMM (24.1%) and lowest in Metro Manila (0.6%). Most regions had subsistence rates above the national average of 13.8%.
- The data indicates large economic disparities across regions, with Muslim and rural areas generally experiencing higher poverty and subsistence rates compared
This document discusses how to read different types of data files into R. It covers reading in comma separated value (.csv) files, Excel (.xls, .xlsx) files, SAS (.sas7bdat) files, Stata (.dta) files, and HTML tables from the web. The key steps are to install and load the appropriate packages, then use functions like read.csv(), read.xls(), read.sas7bdat(), read.dta(), and readHTMLTable() to import the data. The data can then be assigned to an R object using <- for later analysis.
This document outlines the modules of a scientific writing workshop. Module 7 focuses on language and discusses concepts like plain English and proper use of prepositions when writing in English. It provides examples of needlessly complex words to avoid, words that are commonly misused, and verbs that take certain prepositions. The document emphasizes writing clearly and concisely in English for scientific publications.
1. The document provides instructions for installing R and RStudio on a computer and configuring RStudio as the integrated development environment for using R.
2. Key steps include downloading and installing R and RStudio from their respective websites, choosing a working directory, and configuring RStudio to use that directory.
3. The document also describes how to install additional R packages from CRAN and use data files like CSVs in analyses.
This document outlines a study on resolving latency problems when streaming online videos through broadband, wireless, and mobile networks. The study aims to find cost-effective hardware or software solutions to reduce latency and the amount of data packets required for streaming. Potential causes of latency are identified as bandwidth restrictions, traffic congestion, and the high data needs of high-quality videos. Current industry practices like reducing video quality are noted. The proposed solution aims to retain video quality while restricting data available for streaming through video codec experimentation and inexpensive hardware. The scope and methodology, including experimentation and questionnaires, are described.
El documento presenta una sesi¨®n conjunta entre radiolog¨ªa y medicina interna sobre el diagn¨®stico por imagen de la isquemia cerebral. Se discuten los aspectos b¨¢sicos de la neuroanatom¨ªa y los hallazgos de tomograf¨ªa computarizada, resonancia magn¨¦tica, angiograf¨ªa y perfusi¨®n que pueden detectar isquemia aguda, subaguda e infarto cerebral. La resonancia magn¨¦tica es ¨²til para detecci¨®n temprana de isquemia, mientras que la tomograf¨ªa computarizada permite evaluar la perfusi¨®n cerebral y guiar el potencial tratamiento
The document is a presentation on writing scientific papers. It discusses the structure and components of an introduction section. An effective introduction (1) presents the research field and importance, (2) identifies gaps, questions or limitations in current understanding, and (3) discusses the state of the art in recent research findings to provide context for the study. The purpose is to establish why the present study is important and timely.
This document outlines a workshop on scientific writing skills. It discusses the module topics, which include the structure of scientific articles, style, and language. Specifically, Module 5 focuses on style and the use of language, addressing issues like specificity, complexity, ambiguity, emphasis, and sentence structure. The document provides examples and recommendations for concise, unambiguous writing and emphasizes writing in an active voice using specific, straightforward language.
This document outlines the modules of a scientific writing workshop conducted by Professor Valtencir Zucolotto. The workshop covers various aspects of scientific writing, including the genre of scientific literature, the typical sections of a research article, writing style, and language usage. The first module discusses scientific writing as a new literary genre and the general structure of a research paper. Subsequent modules will cover specific sections like the abstract, introduction and conclusion, as well as stylistic elements such as specificity, ambiguity and redundancy. The goal is to provide training in effective scientific communication.
The document discusses the poverty situation in the Philippines based on data from the 2003 Family Income and Expenditure Survey. Key points:
- Poverty incidence was highest in ARMM (53.1%) and lowest in Metro Manila (7.3%). Most regions had poverty rates above the national average of 30.4%.
- Subsistence incidence, which measures inability to afford food needs, was also highest in ARMM (24.1%) and lowest in Metro Manila (0.6%). Most regions had subsistence rates above the national average of 13.8%.
- The data indicates large economic disparities across regions, with Muslim and rural areas generally experiencing higher poverty and subsistence rates compared
This document discusses how to read different types of data files into R. It covers reading in comma separated value (.csv) files, Excel (.xls, .xlsx) files, SAS (.sas7bdat) files, Stata (.dta) files, and HTML tables from the web. The key steps are to install and load the appropriate packages, then use functions like read.csv(), read.xls(), read.sas7bdat(), read.dta(), and readHTMLTable() to import the data. The data can then be assigned to an R object using <- for later analysis.
This document outlines the modules of a scientific writing workshop. Module 7 focuses on language and discusses concepts like plain English and proper use of prepositions when writing in English. It provides examples of needlessly complex words to avoid, words that are commonly misused, and verbs that take certain prepositions. The document emphasizes writing clearly and concisely in English for scientific publications.
1. The document provides instructions for installing R and RStudio on a computer and configuring RStudio as the integrated development environment for using R.
2. Key steps include downloading and installing R and RStudio from their respective websites, choosing a working directory, and configuring RStudio to use that directory.
3. The document also describes how to install additional R packages from CRAN and use data files like CSVs in analyses.
9. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 9
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra ** Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
* Lanthanides La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
** Actinides Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
21. ???????????????????
1. ??????????????????????????????????????????
2. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3. ???????????????????????????????????????? ¡°?????????????? (saponification)¡±
4. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? 1 ???? ??????????
4 ??????????
???? 1 ?????????????????
12. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 12
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
24. ??????????????????????????? A, B ??? C ??? A ??? B ????????????????????
CH2 CH(CH3)2 CH(CH3)2 CH2 OH
1. ????????????????????????????????? 3 ???? ??????????????????????????????
??????? 3 ????
2. ???????????????????? A ?????? B ??????????????? CuSO4 ?????????????
3. ???????????????????? A ??? B ?????? C ??????????????????????????????
??????? 3 ?????
4. ?????????????????????????????????????????? A ??? B ??????????????
???? 1 ?????????????????
13. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 13
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
25. ????????? X ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
(A = ???????, C = ???????, G = ??????, T = ?????)
??? Y ???????????????? X ???????????????????????????
1. Y Y
2. Y Y
3. Y Y
4. Y Y
???? 1 ?????????????????
19. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 19
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
40. ???????????????????????? X ??????????????????? 5,000 ?? ????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? X ?????????????? 6.25% ?????????
???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
1. 10,000 ?? 2. 15,000 ??
3. 20,000 ?? 4. 25,000 ??
41. ???????????????????????????????????????????? g ?????????????????????? W 1 ??????
?????????????????????????????????????????????? W 2 ??????????????????
W1 W 2
1. 2.
g g
W1+ W W 2+ W
3. 2
4. 1
g 2g
42. ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????
? ??
????????????????????? ??????????????
1. ?????????????????? 2. ???????????????????
3. ???????????? 4. ?????????????????
???? 1 ?????????????????
20. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 20
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
43. ????????? A ??? B ???????????????????????????????? 2 ????????????????????
??? P ?????????????????????????????????????? (?????????) ???????????????????
?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????
(? ????????????????????????????????????????????????)
? ?
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B ?????????
1. A ?????????????????? ???? B ???????????????????
2. A ??????????????????? ???? B ??????????????????
3. ???? A ??? B ????????????????????????
4. ???? A ??? B ????????????????????
???? 1 ?????????????????
21. ???????? 05 ??????????? ???? 21
????????????? 21 ?????????? 2553 ???? 11.30 - 13.30 ?.
44. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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g g g g g g g g g g
g g g g g g g g g g 2. ?????
?????????? g g g g g g g g g g 3. ???????????????????
4. ???????????????????
45. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????
1. ??????????????????? 2. ????????
3. ??????????? 4. ?????????????
46. ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????
???????? (????)
6 8
0 ???? (??????)
-4 2 4
????????????????????????? ?????????? t = 0 ?????? ????? t = 8 ??????
1. -8 ???? 2. -4 ????
3. 0 ???? 4. +8 ????
???? 1 ?????????????????