Ablogtma2Clarisse AblogThis document summarizes the results of a survey about the effects of mass media on OFWs (overseas Filipino workers). The survey found that:
- Internet was the most commonly used form of mass media, likely because not all OFWs have access to TV and radio abroad.
- Mass media was used primarily as a source of knowledge about current events and other topics.
- Perceived negative effects included the potential for misinformation, bias in reporting, and wasting of time. Some also noted a decline in human interaction due to increased virtual communication.
- Overall, respondents saw slightly more positive than negative effects, with an average weighted rating of 3.67 out of 5. The effects of
Hiding in the mobile crowd location privacy through collaborationLeMeniz InfotechHiding in the mobile crowd location privacy through collaboration
Location-aware smartphones support various location-based services (LBSs): users query the LBS server and learn on the fly about their surroundings. However, such queries give away private information, enabling the LBS to track users. A user-collaborative privacy-preserving approach is proposed for LBSs. This solution does not require changing the LBS server architecture and does not assume third party servers; yet, it significantly improves users’ location privacy. The gain stems from the collaboration of mobile devices: they keep their context information in a buffer and pass it to others seeking such information.
Social Media 101 for the ChurchKatie ForsythPresentation given April 5th, 2014 as part of a communications training day with Canticle Communications in the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan.
STEPS Home Care ppt_NewShan WadeThis document introduces the team at Steps Homecare and outlines their roles and experience. It then provides a brief overview of how Steps Homecare works and their screening process for caregivers.
Vision presentationffemediamouseThe document provides instructions for using the Manage Vision classroom program. It details how to access help features and contents tabs to find directions for program functions. It also explains how to lock and unlock access to the web by clicking buttons on the Vision toolbar.
Analysis and design of single switch forward-flyback two-channel led driver w...LeMeniz InfotechAnalysis and design of single switch forward-flyback two-channel led driver with resonant-blocking capacitor
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Combining efficiency, fidelity, and flexibility in resource information servicesLeMeniz InfotechCombining efficiency, fidelity, and flexibility in resource information services
Do Your Projects With Technology Experts
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Blog : http://ieeeprojectspondicherry.weebly.com
Blog : http://www.ieeeprojectsinpondicherry.blogspot.in/
Bumpless control for reduced thd in power factor correction circuitsLeMeniz InfotechBumpless Control for Reduced THD in Power Factor Correction Circuits
It is well known that power factor correction (PFC) circuits suffer from two fundamentally different operating modes over a given AC input cycle. These two modes, continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), have very different frequency-response characteristics that can make control design for PFC circuits challenging. The problem is exacerbated by attempts to improve efficiency by dynamically adjusting the PWM switching frequency based on the load. Adjusting the PWM frequency based on the load limits controller bandwidth and restricts dynamic performance. Prior work has made use of multiple controllers, however, they have not addressed the discontinuity (bump) that exists when switching between controllers. In this paper, bumpless controllers will be synthesized for a 750 watt, semi-bridgeless PFC for the CCM-DCM operating modes.
Web : http://www.lemenizinfotech.com
web : http://www.lemenizinfotech.com/tag/ieee-projects-in-pondicherry/
Web : http://ieeemaster.com
Web : http://ieeemaster.com/power-electronics-ieee-projects-2016-2017/
Web : http://ieeemaster.com/power-system-ieee-projects-2016-2017/
Address: 36, 100 Feet Road(Near Indira Gandhi Statue), Natesan Nagar, Pondicherry-605 005
Contact numbers: +91 95663 55386, 99625 88976 (0413) 420 5444
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Mobile : 9566355386 / 9962588976
Q7kierajaffasThe author reflects on what was learned from the preliminary task compared to the full film product. For the preliminary task, the team was limited in resources and unable to include sound, an effective storyline, multiple locations, or different characters. However, the preliminary task helped assess initial ideas and bring the team together. For the full film opening, more resources and elements were used to create a storyline and characters that relate to society and the target audience.
Swedish_Technology_Audit_TrailSwedish TechnologyThis document describes an audit trail module from Swedish Technology that tracks changes made in applications and databases. It allows users to see who made changes, when, and what the old and new values were without impacting performance. The module works by creating shadow tables to log this change data and provides reports on data integrity. It can be enabled for specific tables and disabled when needed. The audit module is recommended to have in place before an organization needs to track changes for compliance, litigation or troubleshooting issues.
Issues with Social Media News GatheringsthayerBBUThis document discusses four ethical issues that journalists face when using social media for news gathering: 1) verification of information from unknown sources, 2) safety of citizen contributors, 3) legal issues around using user content, and 4) maintaining traditional journalistic values of transparency when information origins are unclear. It provides examples like the misidentification during the Boston bombings to illustrate challenges with source verification, and cautions that news outlets must consider contributor safety and legal compliance when sharing or using user-generated information and media.
General analysis and design guideline for a battery buffer system with dcdc c...LeMeniz InfotechGeneral analysis and design guideline for a battery buffer system with dcdc converter and edlc for electric vehicles and its influence on efficiency
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Traffic pattern based content leakage detection for trusted content delivery ...LeMeniz InfotechTraffic pattern based content leakage detection for trusted content delivery networks
Due to the increasing popularity of multimedia streaming applications and services in recent years, the issue of trusted video delivery to prevent undesirable content-leakage has, indeed, become critical. While preserving user privacy, conventional systems have addressed this issue by proposing methods based on the observation of streamed traffic throughout the network.
Purus Labs D-PolHenry HernandezNão sabe o que fazer para aumentar a vacularização de forma sustentada? Purus Labs D-Pol é o suplemento que procura. A vascularização é essencial para bodybuilders que procuram ganhos consistentes de massa muscular isto porque é um processo de formação ou desenvolvimento de vasos sanguíneos em um tecido que não os possuía.
Secure spatial top k query processing via untrusted location-based service pr...LeMeniz InfotechSecure spatial top k query processing via untrusted location-based service providers
Do Your Projects With Technology Experts
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
TeddyvinnipukkkThis document discusses an unnamed animal by asking questions about what it is, what kind it is, what it can do, and how it can do certain things. The final question asks the reader to name the animal being described.
Ablogtma2Clarisse AblogThis document summarizes the results of a survey about the effects of mass media on OFWs (overseas Filipino workers). The survey found that:
- Internet was the most commonly used form of mass media, likely because not all OFWs have access to TV and radio abroad.
- Mass media was used primarily as a source of knowledge about current events and other topics.
- Perceived negative effects included the potential for misinformation, bias in reporting, and wasting of time. Some also noted a decline in human interaction due to increased virtual communication.
- Overall, respondents saw slightly more positive than negative effects, with an average weighted rating of 3.67 out of 5. The effects of
Hiding in the mobile crowd location privacy through collaborationLeMeniz InfotechHiding in the mobile crowd location privacy through collaboration
Location-aware smartphones support various location-based services (LBSs): users query the LBS server and learn on the fly about their surroundings. However, such queries give away private information, enabling the LBS to track users. A user-collaborative privacy-preserving approach is proposed for LBSs. This solution does not require changing the LBS server architecture and does not assume third party servers; yet, it significantly improves users’ location privacy. The gain stems from the collaboration of mobile devices: they keep their context information in a buffer and pass it to others seeking such information.
Social Media 101 for the ChurchKatie ForsythPresentation given April 5th, 2014 as part of a communications training day with Canticle Communications in the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan.
STEPS Home Care ppt_NewShan WadeThis document introduces the team at Steps Homecare and outlines their roles and experience. It then provides a brief overview of how Steps Homecare works and their screening process for caregivers.
Vision presentationffemediamouseThe document provides instructions for using the Manage Vision classroom program. It details how to access help features and contents tabs to find directions for program functions. It also explains how to lock and unlock access to the web by clicking buttons on the Vision toolbar.
Analysis and design of single switch forward-flyback two-channel led driver w...LeMeniz InfotechAnalysis and design of single switch forward-flyback two-channel led driver with resonant-blocking capacitor
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Combining efficiency, fidelity, and flexibility in resource information servicesLeMeniz InfotechCombining efficiency, fidelity, and flexibility in resource information services
Do Your Projects With Technology Experts
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Blog : http://ieeeprojectspondicherry.weebly.com
Blog : http://www.ieeeprojectsinpondicherry.blogspot.in/
Bumpless control for reduced thd in power factor correction circuitsLeMeniz InfotechBumpless Control for Reduced THD in Power Factor Correction Circuits
It is well known that power factor correction (PFC) circuits suffer from two fundamentally different operating modes over a given AC input cycle. These two modes, continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), have very different frequency-response characteristics that can make control design for PFC circuits challenging. The problem is exacerbated by attempts to improve efficiency by dynamically adjusting the PWM switching frequency based on the load. Adjusting the PWM frequency based on the load limits controller bandwidth and restricts dynamic performance. Prior work has made use of multiple controllers, however, they have not addressed the discontinuity (bump) that exists when switching between controllers. In this paper, bumpless controllers will be synthesized for a 750 watt, semi-bridgeless PFC for the CCM-DCM operating modes.
Web : http://www.lemenizinfotech.com
web : http://www.lemenizinfotech.com/tag/ieee-projects-in-pondicherry/
Web : http://ieeemaster.com
Web : http://ieeemaster.com/power-electronics-ieee-projects-2016-2017/
Web : http://ieeemaster.com/power-system-ieee-projects-2016-2017/
Address: 36, 100 Feet Road(Near Indira Gandhi Statue), Natesan Nagar, Pondicherry-605 005
Contact numbers: +91 95663 55386, 99625 88976 (0413) 420 5444
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Mobile : 9566355386 / 9962588976
Q7kierajaffasThe author reflects on what was learned from the preliminary task compared to the full film product. For the preliminary task, the team was limited in resources and unable to include sound, an effective storyline, multiple locations, or different characters. However, the preliminary task helped assess initial ideas and bring the team together. For the full film opening, more resources and elements were used to create a storyline and characters that relate to society and the target audience.
Swedish_Technology_Audit_TrailSwedish TechnologyThis document describes an audit trail module from Swedish Technology that tracks changes made in applications and databases. It allows users to see who made changes, when, and what the old and new values were without impacting performance. The module works by creating shadow tables to log this change data and provides reports on data integrity. It can be enabled for specific tables and disabled when needed. The audit module is recommended to have in place before an organization needs to track changes for compliance, litigation or troubleshooting issues.
Issues with Social Media News GatheringsthayerBBUThis document discusses four ethical issues that journalists face when using social media for news gathering: 1) verification of information from unknown sources, 2) safety of citizen contributors, 3) legal issues around using user content, and 4) maintaining traditional journalistic values of transparency when information origins are unclear. It provides examples like the misidentification during the Boston bombings to illustrate challenges with source verification, and cautions that news outlets must consider contributor safety and legal compliance when sharing or using user-generated information and media.
General analysis and design guideline for a battery buffer system with dcdc c...LeMeniz InfotechGeneral analysis and design guideline for a battery buffer system with dcdc converter and edlc for electric vehicles and its influence on efficiency
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
Traffic pattern based content leakage detection for trusted content delivery ...LeMeniz InfotechTraffic pattern based content leakage detection for trusted content delivery networks
Due to the increasing popularity of multimedia streaming applications and services in recent years, the issue of trusted video delivery to prevent undesirable content-leakage has, indeed, become critical. While preserving user privacy, conventional systems have addressed this issue by proposing methods based on the observation of streamed traffic throughout the network.
Purus Labs D-PolHenry HernandezNão sabe o que fazer para aumentar a vacularização de forma sustentada? Purus Labs D-Pol é o suplemento que procura. A vascularização é essencial para bodybuilders que procuram ganhos consistentes de massa muscular isto porque é um processo de formação ou desenvolvimento de vasos sanguíneos em um tecido que não os possuía.
Secure spatial top k query processing via untrusted location-based service pr...LeMeniz InfotechSecure spatial top k query processing via untrusted location-based service providers
Do Your Projects With Technology Experts
To Get this projects Call : 9566355386 / 99625 88976
Visit : www.lemenizinfotech.com / www.ieeemaster.com
Mail : projects@lemenizinfotech.com
TeddyvinnipukkkThis document discusses an unnamed animal by asking questions about what it is, what kind it is, what it can do, and how it can do certain things. The final question asks the reader to name the animal being described.
20. 1993 г.
Балахнинский механический завод
ОАО «Инструмент»
1996 г.
ДРСУ № 5
2000 г.
МУП «Теплоэнерго
2002 г.
ЗАО Борская мебельная фабрика
2003 г.
2005 г.
Программа развития мебельной
промышленности Нижегородской
2007 г.
«Мониторинг реализации приоритетных
национальных проектов»
2008 г.
«Совершенствование муниципальных
хозяйственно – имущественных отношений»
2010 г.
Разработка бизнес – проекта использованию
рекреационных зон Нижегородской области
2011 г.
Технико– экономическое обоснование
21. 2001 г.
«Анализ и разработка плана
развития Сосновского района
Нижегородской области ».
«Анализ и разработка плана
развития Красночетайского района
Чувашской Республики»
2002 г.
«Анализ и разработка плана
развития Лысковского района»
2003 г.
«Анализ и разработка плана
развития Сеченовского района»
2004 г.
«Анализ и разработка плана социально-
экономического развития Вачского
2005 г.
Участие в разработке стратегии
развития Нижегородской обл. до 2015 г.
«Анализ и разработка плана социально
-экономического развития
Балахнинского района»
«Анализ и разработка стратегического
плана развития Чкаловского района»
«Разработка концепции формирования
корпоративных межотраслевых и
межтерриториальных объединений на
территории Вачского района»
«Разработка программы социально-
экономического развития Сергачского
района Нижегородской области»
«Разработка концепции стратегического
развития Перевозского района как
центра юго-восточной экономической
зоны Нижегородской области»
25. В 2011 г. при Инновационной научно-экспериментальной компании –
Поволжье открыт диссертационный совет Д011.01-ИНЭК-0257/1 по защите
диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата и доктора наук и
присвоения ученого звания профессора и доцента.
Перечень специальностей, по которым диссертационному совету
Д011.01-ИНЭК-0257 разрешено проводить защиту диссертаций на
соискание ученой степени доктора наук:
08.00.05 – Экономика и управление народным
хозяйством (по отраслям);
08.00.30 – Экономика предпринимательства;
12.00.01 - Теория права и государства; история права
и государства; история политических и правовых
12.00.02 - Конституционное право; государственное
управление; административное право; муниципальное
Решение президиума Высшей межакадемической
Аттестационной комиссии от 04.04.2011 г. N 0264/1-РС
26. В 2012 г. диссертационному совету Д011.01-ИНЭК-0257/2 разрешено
проводить защиту диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора
наук по специальностям:
08.00.10 – Финансы, денежное обращение
и кредит
22.00.03 – Экономическая социология
26.05.04 – Системы корпоративного
менеджмента (управление)
Решение президиума ВМАК от 04.07.2012 г.
N 0264/2-ДС