9. science has, as a whole, been insulated from
ethics for two quite distinct reasons. On the one
hand, academic scientists are supposed to be
indifferent to the potential consequences of their
work. On the other hand, industrial scientists do
work whose consequences are considered too John Ziman
serious to be left in their hands.
My point is that post-academic science has 1925 - 2005
features that make nonsense of the traditional
barriers between science and ethics. (…)
Science 4 December 1998: Vol. 282. no. 5395, pp. 1813 - 1814
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12
10. As the competition for funds intensifies, project
proposals are forced to become more and more
specific about the expected outcomes of the
research, including its wider economic and social
impact. (…)
Universities and research institutes are no longer
deemed to be devoted entirely to the pursuit of John Ziman
knowledge "for its own sake." (...)
1925 - 2005
Another feature of post-academic science is that it
is largely the work of teams of scientists, often
networked over a number of different institutions.
Where, then, do the ethical responsibilities lie?
Science 4 December 1998: Vol. 282. no. 5395, pp. 1813 - 1814
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12
19. «Of all that I shall miss in closing
these columns, I shall feel most
keenly the loss of fellowship and
interaction with readers.
Have we not shared 300 episodes
of mutual learning?»
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12
32. News organizations — old and new — still produce most of the
content audiences consume. But each technological advance
has added a new layer of complexity—and a new set of players
—in connecting that content to consumers and advertisers.
In the digital space, the organizations that produce the news
increasingly rely on independent networks to sell their ads.
They depend on aggregators (such as Google) and social
networks (such as Facebook) to bring them a substantial
portion of their audience.
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12
33. And now, as news consumption becomes more mobile, news
companies must follow the rules of device makers (such as
Apple) and software developers (Google again) to deliver
their content. Each new platform often requires a new software
And the new players take a share of the revenues and in
many cases also control the audience data.
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12
55. It is true that the number and variety of publishing
platforms is exploding in the Internet age. But very few
of these entities are engaged in original reporting.
In short, we face a situation in which sources of opinion
are proliferating, but sources of facts on which those
opinions are based are shrinking.
The former phenomenon is almost certainly, on balance,
a societal good; the latter is surely a problem.
mercoledì 22 febbraio 12