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Adult Learning Theory
meets the Science of
1. Science of reading and the brain
2. Key theories of andragogy
3. Science of reading: How the brain works
4. Application integration
5. Delivery
Science of Reading
The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically
based research about reading and issues related to reading and
The science of reading is not a single program or technique, though it
does provide evidence for a set of techniques that can best support all
students to become proficient readers. It also addresses more than
just foundational skills. It includes word recognition, foundational
skills, and language comprehension skills like building vocabulary,
content knowledge, and comprehension, and emerging models also
point to the importance of cultural knowledge, motivation and
engagement, and executive function to fluent reading.
Science of Reading
How the Brain
The Brain
Brain-based Learning Principles
People have natural low and high energy cycles during the day
Start up the brains learning mode by providing mental or motor
stimulation that promotes creativity through new experiences.
Requiring only one answer is less effective in learning than promoting
problem solving,exploration,creativity and multiple answers.(case-
based learning)
Movement and learning are processed in the same part of the
brain,and more effective learning has been found to be connected to
Brain-based Learning
The brain loses focus when things stay the same,such as monotone voice, too much lecture etc.
Try to modulate your voice and vary learning methodologies.
Genuine attention can only be held at a high level for about 10 minutes. Move around the room
if you are lecturing!
Memory, attention and meaning increase when learning is linked to emotion. Storytelling,
poetry and role play help connect emotion and thinking. Too much emotion can lead to learning
Humor and enthusiasm stimulate learning as well as debates and critical thinking activities.
Participants are more excited by meaning and relevance than the amount of
information/content in a session.
Give breaks every 45-60 minutes.
Brain-based learning
Memory, attention and meaning increase when learning is linked to emotion. Storytelling,
poetry and role play help connect emotion and thinking. Too much emotion can lead to learning
Humor and enthusiasm stimulate learning as well as debates and critical thinking activities.
Participants are more excited by meaning and relevance than the amount of
information/content in a session.
The Meaning of Adult
1. Social and cultural basis
2. Biologically defined
3. Psychological maturity or
social roles
4. Maturity
Adult learning is a cognitive process internal to the learner; it is what the learner does in a
teaching-learning transaction, as opposed to what the educators does.
Merriam & Brockett, 1997
Definition Of Adult Education
Adult education is a process whereby persons whose major social roles are characteristic of adult
status undertake systematic and sustained learning activities for the purpose of bringing about
changes in knowledge, attitudes, values, or skills.
Darkenwald & Merriam (1982)
Malcolm Knowles
Key Theories- Knowles
1. Assumptions
2. Principles
1. Involved in planning & evaluation
2. Experience drives learning
3. Immediate relevance of content
4. Problem-centered vs. content centered
Gain attention
Inform learner of objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Present stimulus material
Provide learner guidance
Elicit performance
Provide feedback
Assess performance
Enhance retention and transfer
Adapted from: Gagne, R. (1985). The Conditions of Learning (4th
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Nine Events of Instruction drive learning outcomes
Move from dependency to self-directedness;
Draw upon their reservoir of experience for learning;
Are ready to learn when they assume new roles; and
Want to solve problems and apply new knowledge
Adapted from: Knowles, M. (1970). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From
Pedagogy to Andragogy.
Four andragogical assumptions are that adults:
Set a cooperative learning climate.
Create mechanisms for mutual planning.
Arrange for a diagnosis of learner needs and interests.
Enable the formulation of learning objectives based on the diagnosed needs
and interests.
Design sequential activities for achieving the objectives.
Execute the design by selecting methods, materials, and resources.
Evaluate the quality of the learning experience while re-diagnosing needs for
further learning.
Adapted from: Knowles, M. (1970). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From
Pedagogy to Andragogy.
Knowles advice to adult educators
Application- Knowles
1. Involvement
1. They design or select activity, topics, options  provide
options for different skill levels
2. They create / modify rubric
3. They design quiz questions
4. Self evaluation
2. Experience drives learning
1. Ground topic in experience
2. Compare/contrast experiences
Application- Knowles
3. Immediate relevance of content
1. Ask or survey about experience  past or future,
personal or career.
2. Role play  you are an intern
3. Plan use / transfer
4. Problem-centered vs. content centered
1. Provide a reason to learn (e.g., programming)
2. Cases, scenarios, simulations, failure examples, work
tools, websites, group projects
Course Application- knowles
1. ID a concept, skill or process your students
struggle with mastering.
2. Pick one of these principles to adopt
David Kolb Experiential Learning
David A. Kolb. Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development (1984)
Key theories  David Kolb
Key theories- KOLB
- People have different ways of learning.
- Diverging  feeling and watching
- Assimilating  thinking and
- Converging  thinking and doing
- Accommodating  feeling and
Application- Kolb
1. After the experience
2. Reflect/observe  describe what happened.
What worked/didnt work?
 Self assessment.
 Share / pool knowledge
3. Abstract  What did we learn? Why did it
happen? Analyze causes.
4. Plan future application  in career; in life
1. Predict what will be on exam
Course Application- Kolb
1. ID an experience your students have where
they dont master or retain what you want
2. Adopt some of the techniques from Kolbs
Key theories  Lev Vygotsky
Application- ZPD
1. If below ZPD: break into chunks or steps
2. Assign problem-solving tasks
3. Use groups  have them help one another
4. Survey students about skills/knowledge
5. Self-assessment of skills/knowledge
6. Assign early task to gauge their skills
Key theories  Vygotsky, others
Application- Scaffolding
Provide cues, clues, elaborations, clarification, suggestions, reminders
Provide prompts, questions, probes, requests, redirection
Provide simplified solutions
Provide emotional support, encouragement
Provide role modeling
Focus attention
Encourage self-monitoring, reflection
Remove supports over time
Application  Scaffolding Continued
Break complex tasks into pieces, provide feedback on
each step (e.g., research paper: topic; question; article
summaries; outline; sections of paper)
Peer feedback building to instructor feedback
Pacing / process should be flexible, individualized
Key theories  Vygotsky, Bandura
Application  cognitive apprenticeship
Break complex task into smaller chunk
 House in realistic situation
More experienced people give guidance, hints,
reminders, coaching
Paired feedback, small group feedback
Post-activity description of action, outcome and self-
Application  Vygotsky, et al.
1. ID an experience your students have where
they dont master or retain what you want
2. Adopt some of the tactics of ZPD,
scaffolding, or cognitive apprenticeship
 Students design or select activity,
topics, options
 Students create / modify rubric
 Students design quiz questions
 Self evaluation
 Ground topic in personal
 Compare/contrast experiences
 Ask or survey students about
 Role play
 Plan use of skill / transfer
 Provide a reason to learn (problem-solve
in realistic context)
 Cases, scenarios
 Failure examples
 Work tools, websites
 Group projects
Application ideas
 Self assessment.
 Share / pool knowledge
 Abstract and analyze.
 Plan future application  in career; in
 Predict what will be on exam
 If below ZPD: break into chunks or
 Assign problem-solving tasks
 Survey students about skills/knowledge
 Self-assessment of skills/ knowledge
 Assign early task to gauge their skills
Provide cues, clues, elaborations, clarification,
suggestions, reminders
Provide prompts, questions, probes, requests,
Provide simplified solutions
Application ideas
Provide emotional support, encouragement
Provide role modeling
Focus attention
Encourage self-monitoring, reflection
Remove supports over time
Peer feedback building to instructor
Pacing / process should be flexible,
Paired feedback, small group feedback
Post-activity description of action and outcome
Application ideas
Learning Styles
asking questions,
 Class Activities
Training Methods
Training Method % Retained
Seeing & Hearing
Talking & Writing
+ Doing
Effectiveness of
information retained is
related to training
methods used.
Paulo Freire
 Wrote the
Pedagogy of the
 Education should
be designed to
raise the
consciousness of
its participants and
allow them to
become aware of
how personal
experiences are
connected to larger
societal problems
Julius Kambarage
 The role of
education is to
inspire people to
works towards
 Arose from social
philosophy called
Ujamaa (meaning
Jack Mezirow
 Author of the
Learning Theory
 Worked to create
synergy between
the developments
in theory of adult
particularly as
rooted in
Critical Perspectives In Adult Education
Delivery Skills
Use Ice Breaker
Communicate the session objectives at the beginning of your presentation
Greet the learners individually and as a group (especially on the first day)
Learn the names of the learners quickly
Supplement PowerPoint slide information with examples relating to the topic and
specific location
Be familiar enough with the training materials so you avoid reading directly from
PP slides
Delivery Skills

Be sensitive to participants literacy differences

Speak loud enough to ensure participants in the back can hear

Enunciate your words clearly

Avoid saying uhm..

Avoid distracting mannerisms such as jingling change or playing with your hair

Involve participants by encouraging and asking questions

Pace your delivery according to the time schedule and the material to be covered

Cover everything in the training module  handouts, activities, etc., or explain changes
-Not equally skilled writing, speaking, reading
-Read aloud all instructions and info written down
-Ask for volunteers to read or write material
Ileetha Groom, Ph.D.

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Editor's Notes

  • #8: The answer to the question of who an adult is can be answered by a particular society and culture at a particular time. For example, in Colonial America the notion of adulthood was based on English common law wherin males readched "the age of discretion" at fourteen and females at twelve (Jordan, 1978). If biologically defined, many cultures consider puberty to to be the entry into adulthood. Legal definitions of adulthood generally are anchored in chronological age, which varies within the same culture. Can you think of some examples of this? For ex. in the U.S. men and women can vote at age eighteen, drink at twenty-one, leave compulsory schooling at sixteen, and in some states be tried in court as an adult at age fourteen. Other definitions of adulthood hinge upon psychological maturity or social roles. Ex. Individuals should be treated as adults educationally if they behave as adults by performing adult roles and if their self-concept is that of an adult (Knowles, 1980). Can you think of some problems with this view of an adult? Ex. What about the teenage parent living on welfare? The married, full-time college student? The adults in prison or in a mental hospital? Paterson (1979) offers a way to define adults which may be a way out of this quagmire. At the heart of the concept is the notion that adults are older than children and as a result there is a set of expectation about their behavior. Although those people in most societies whom we consider as adults may and do have the widest possible variety of intellectual gifts, physical powers, character traits, beliefs, tastes, and habits. But we correctly deem them as adults by virtue of their age which requires them to evince the basic qualities of maturity.
  • #10: Father of andragogy. Popularized the study giant in field. (Term was coined in 1830s, but he elevated it.) Studied adult learning from both informal (YMCA, unions, forums, clubs) and formal continuing education (e.g., ccs).
  • #11: Assumptions can argue with them. Certainly not always true; idealized people. But irrelevant to us. Self-concept:油As a person matures his self concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being Experience:油As a person matures he accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning. Readiness to learn.油As a person matures his readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his social roles. Orientation to learning.油As a person matures his time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application, and accordingly his orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject-centeredness to one of problem centredness.) Motivation to learn:油As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal油(Knowles 1984:12). Principles of Andragogy: Self-direction is important; adults are less likely to learn under direction without understanding why. Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.油 Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for learning activities.油 Adults need to fit learning into their prior experiences, and add new ones. Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life. Adults need to know why they need to learn something, and they learn best when the topic is of immediate value Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented. (Kearsley, 2010). Adults approach learning as problem-solving. Learning by solving problems.
  • #15: Different ways of engaging Ground topic: Describe a time when you A situation you have seen To define intelligence: Who is the smartest person you know? The least smart? Why, what makes them smart? - Consider different experiences; mine is not the sum and substance. What does it all mean, together? Instructors adopt a role of facilitator or resource rather than lecturer or grader.
  • #16: Example of teaching computers: You need to explain the reasons specific things are being taught (e.g., certain commands, functions, operations, etc.) Instruction should be task-oriented instead of promoting memorization -- learning activities should be in the context of common tasks to be performed Instruction should take into account the wide range of different backgrounds of learners; learning materials and activities should allow for different levels/types of previous experience with computers. instruction should allow learners to discover things and knowledge for themselves without depending on people. However, learners should be offered guidance and help when mistakes are made.
  • #17: NOTE: Need trusting environment. Need to be able to fail, and analyze failure, and learn from it.
  • #18: I wanted to share with you David Kolbs cycle of experiential learning. This is a useful paradigm to be familiar with, especially as you consider teaching procedural knowledge. While most of us are neither intensivists nor surgeons, it may seem that we have very few procedures that fall into our practice. But I am talking about procedures like bone marrow biopsies, lumbar punctures, and in the setting of 2nd year medical students, this is applicable for analysis of a bone marrow or peripheral blood smear or for interpretation of lab results. So according to Kolb, the first step is concrete experience, when the learner, after hearing your instruction on this procedure, such as analysis of a peripheral blood smear, gets directly involved with the activity through concrete experience. After completing the activity, the learner delves into reflection, during which he thinks critically about the experiencewhat went well? At what point did I run into difficulty? If I misinterpreted the smear, what happened? The learner will then engage in abstract conceptualization, during which he tries to link your message from your teaching with what was just experienced. The learner may say I remember my teacher telling me that it is important to discern what the dominant, or most common morphology is on a peripheral blood smear in order to interpret it correctly. I bet I should have remembered that when I saw just one target cell and wrongly diagnosed this patient as having Hb SC disease. With these realizations in mind, the learner engages in experimentation where he tried to improve his performance now that he has better understood your lessons. Experiential learning is a process Experience - This may be a new experience or situation, or a reinterpretation of existing experience in the light of new concepts. Requires reflection and observation to learn most deeply- Particularly important are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding. Mistakes generate learning. Conceptualize what you learned - reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept (the person has learned from their experience). Involves analysis and generalization. Plan or actually carry out next step. The learner applies their idea(s) to the worl around them to see what happens. (Even in terms of final exam. Write it down. What will you do?) JUST DOING THE EXPERIENCE ISNT ENOUGH (vs. Knowles adults are self driven, need to pick their own experience, little guidance.) Different ways of learning, too.
  • #19: Experiential learning is a process Experience - This may be a new experience or situation, or a reinterpretation of existing experience in the light of new concepts. Requires reflection and observation to learn most deeply- Particularly important are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding. Mistakes generate learning. Conceptualize what you learned - reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept (the person has learned from their experience). Involves analysis and generalization. Plan or actually carry out next step. The learner applies their idea(s) to the worl around them to see what happens. (Even in terms of final exam. Write it down. What will you do?) JUST DOING THE EXPERIENCE ISNT ENOUGH (vs. Knowles adults are self driven, need to pick their own experience, little guidance.) Different ways of learning, too.
  • #20: People have different ways of learning. Diverging feeling and watching Assimilating thinking and watching Converging thinking and doing Accommodating feeling and doing I personally think this particular model is a not valid, but there are many other models of learners have different ways of learning/knowing (Gardner). Let students approach the learning in different ways. Take them through different steps; they may not learn through abstraction (assimilation) the way most academics do.
  • #21: Let students approach the learning in different ways. Enter at different points planning application, etc. Keeping and transferring knowledge is hard. Kolbs model will help them do that. Reflecting/observing Abstracting Plan or try out learning in future.
  • #22: Keeping and transferring knowledge is hard. Kolbs model will help them do that. Reflecting/observing Abstracting Plan or try out learning in future.
  • #23: Zone of Proximal Development ZPD. Definition: the distance between the actual development level as determined through independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers Get students to where they can learn the topic, skill, process with guidance.
  • #24: If they can do it independently, why are you assigning it?
  • #25: Scaffolding Essentially, its moving people along from beginners to advanced, step by step. Break complex topics or skills down into constituent pieces, and practice/learn in stages. The metaphor is fabulous, but has taken over the original meaning (Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976 ), Originally, it meant 1-on-1 tutoring or work with more advanced peer. Bridging the learners current abilities and the target task. As the paper unfolds further, it provides us with the analysis of gradual transfer of initiative, decrease of the provided help and encouragement of responsibility during the scaffolding process (cf. with transfer of responsibility and fading of scaffolding A functional system that emerges between a child and an adult, as they both iteratively and contingently adapt to each other while solving a particular learning task. A temporary adaptive support that forms a functional system with the learner, where teacher and learner adapt to one another. Key elements: Recruit of the learner to focus on the topic, Reduce the degrees of freedom: simplifying the task by reducing the number of constituent acts required to reach solution. Maintain focus and actions until the entire process is learned Mark or ID critical features (feedback for improvement.) Help control frustration, and油 when it does happen, help guide them through it. Demonstration or modeling Now, meaning has broadened - Help learner or provide those elements of the task that are beyond the learners capacity, thus permitting him to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are within his range of competence, - Break the learning into manageable steps or tasks. Move the supports as needed.
  • #26: If they can do it independently, why are you assigning it?
  • #27: 油 Data analysis: Start with MC assessment of facts Go to simple applications, SA answers, small group applications of mini-cases Go to failure analysis Go to complex analysis Go to unstructured complex analysis, where they make many choices (e.g., data set, type of analysis to use, question to answer.)
  • #28: Cognitive Apprenticeship comes from social constructivism Ideas from Vygotsky, Theory of modeling (Bandura). Model from Collins,油Brown, and Newman (1989( Teach cognitive skills by modeling but because they are cognitive, the teacher has to break down the skills and describe them as they do them. Carry out a cognitive task, describing what they are doing and why. Think teaching statistics, math. Makes tacit knowledge explicit. Start with simpler, go to more complex. Then direct students to do the same. Observe, give feedback, guide. Give reminders, hints. Scaffolding here = help them, do pieces for them, support them. Then meta-analysis. Make them conscious and aware, to develop mastery Have students describe what they are doing Reflection have students assess how they are doing. (Compare to expert) Develop internal model of expertise. Then student explores, tries skills in another context. This supports transfer. Ideally, approach or describe the problem in a realistic situation like where they will use it. (Situated learning. Context of cognitive skills is important. Some sort of problem solving big problem broken up into smaller ones. Make it cooperative a social experience, where feasible. Art is taught this way. Also statistics, math, economics. Other skills, like reading/writing! Can be used to teach the following types of Content, which includes concrete facts and ideas as well as problem-solving skills: Dimension knowledge: Specific concepts, facts, and procedures Heuristic strategies: Generally applicable techniques to accomplish tasks (rules of thumb) Control strategies: General approaches for directing ones solution process Learning strategies: Knowledge about how to learn new concepts, facts, and procedures
  • #35: Effective Training Techniques, Jeff Chr辿tien, OH&S Canada; May/June 1995; p. 29-33