The document is a science curriculum for year 1 students in primary school that covers topics on life science, including living things and non-living things, and the basic needs of living things. It provides learning standards, objectives, suggested hands-on activities and assessments for teachers to use when teaching the topics. The activities encourage students to observe, compare, classify and discuss examples of living and non-living things, and describe the needs of humans, animals and plants for food, water, air and shelter through videos, pictures and worksheets.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bunyi-bunyi alam dan benda seharian yang panjang atau pendek, serta mengisi tempat kosong dengan gambar yang sesuai. Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang pengenalan bunyi dasar dan latihan mengenalpasti sifat bunyi.
Dokumen tersebut berisi serangkaian instruksi untuk mengerjakan soal-soal pada lembar kerja. Instruksinya meliputi menggarisbawahi kalimat yang sama, memberi tanda silang pada kalimat yang sama bunyinya, menyambungkan huruf-huruf, melengkapi ayat yang tidak selesai, menamakan alat, mengoreksi salasilah keturunan nabi, dan menulis berdasarkan gambar.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bulanan bahasa melayu untuk murid tahun 2 yang mencakupi soalan pilihan ganda, lengkapkan ayat, garis kata, dan perkataan berlawan. Soalan-soalan ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji pengetahuan dan kemahiran penulisan bahasa melayu murid.
The document provides a series of exercises for matching words, filling in blanks, spelling words correctly, arranging letters to form words, coloring matching words, choosing the right word to complete sentences, and replacing pictures with words. The exercises cover topics like forming words with suffixes, matching pictures to words, spelling homophones, rearranging letters, following directions on a map, answering true/false questions, and replacing elements of a story with selected words.
The document discusses building objects and structures using basic shapes from a science textbook. It provides two projects - to build a mini robot and mini house out of basic shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles. For each project, students are asked to name the basic shapes used and count how many of each shape were included in the design.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang bunyi-bunyi alam dan benda seharian yang panjang atau pendek, serta mengisi tempat kosong dengan gambar yang sesuai. Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang pengenalan bunyi dasar dan latihan mengenalpasti sifat bunyi.
Dokumen tersebut berisi serangkaian instruksi untuk mengerjakan soal-soal pada lembar kerja. Instruksinya meliputi menggarisbawahi kalimat yang sama, memberi tanda silang pada kalimat yang sama bunyinya, menyambungkan huruf-huruf, melengkapi ayat yang tidak selesai, menamakan alat, mengoreksi salasilah keturunan nabi, dan menulis berdasarkan gambar.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bulanan bahasa melayu untuk murid tahun 2 yang mencakupi soalan pilihan ganda, lengkapkan ayat, garis kata, dan perkataan berlawan. Soalan-soalan ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji pengetahuan dan kemahiran penulisan bahasa melayu murid.
The document provides a series of exercises for matching words, filling in blanks, spelling words correctly, arranging letters to form words, coloring matching words, choosing the right word to complete sentences, and replacing pictures with words. The exercises cover topics like forming words with suffixes, matching pictures to words, spelling homophones, rearranging letters, following directions on a map, answering true/false questions, and replacing elements of a story with selected words.
The document discusses building objects and structures using basic shapes from a science textbook. It provides two projects - to build a mini robot and mini house out of basic shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles. For each project, students are asked to name the basic shapes used and count how many of each shape were included in the design.
Dokumen tersebut berisi petunjuk dan instruksi mengenai amalan kesederhanaan dalam kehidupan seharian, termasuk menggunakan barang sampai habis, memperbaiki barang rusak, serta menghindari pemborosan makanan. Terdapat juga contoh perilaku Danny yang mengamalkan sikap sederhana dengan menjahit tas yang putus dan memperbaiki buku yang robek.
This document provides a matching exercise that pairs different forms of energy with their definitions in both English and Malay. It then discusses the transformation of energy, explaining that energy can be transformed from one form to another. Examples of energy transformations are provided based on pictures showing activities like riding a bike, lighting a fire, and photosynthesis. The key points are that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another.
The science textbook pages review the parts of animals and their importance. Students are asked to name the parts from an earlier section and state the significance of each part to the animal based on a subsequent section. The date and day are provided to help students keep track of their work.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya sikap toleransi dan bertolak ansur dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Diberikan contoh-contoh situasi yang memerlukan toleransi seperti berbagi mainan dan bersabar menunggu giliran. Kebaikan mengamalkan sikap toleransi antara lain memungkinkan semua orang untuk bersenang-senang bersama dan hidup dalam damai.
1. Anggaran pendapatan dan perbelanjaan Panitia Sains SK Nanga Sama, Kapit untuk tahun 2021 adalah sebanyak RM304.37.
2. Anggaran belanja mengurus Panitia Sains untuk tempoh 5 tahun (2021-2026) adalah sebanyak RM5,500.
3. Laporan kewangan menunjukkan pembelian peralatan sains sebanyak RM294.80 daripada dana PCG subjek Teras dan Pusat Sumber untuk tahun 2021.
This document contains exercises from a science textbook about forms of energy. It includes unscrambling words related to different forms of energy, finding words in a word search, matching forms of energy with their definitions, solving a crossword puzzle about forms of energy, and identifying forms of energy from pictures. The exercises cover the main forms of energy: kinetic, potential, chemical, electrical, light, heat, sound, nuclear, and solar energy.
This document is from a science textbook and discusses different sources of energy. It contains several exercises to test understanding of energy sources:
1. Exercise A asks students to fill in blanks about energy being the ability to do work and being obtained from various sources like the sun.
2. Exercise B involves unscrambling words related to energy sources like sun, water, and fossil fuels.
3. Exercise C has students find words related to energy sources hidden in a grid using color pencils to identify sources like nuclear, waves, geothermal and biomass.
4. Exercise D asks students to name the sources of energy represented by numbers, including sources like sun, water and fossil fuels.
This document is a worksheet asking students to identify the effects of different situations like asthma, difficulty breathing, coughing, and lung cancer on human breathing. It also asks students to suggest ways to keep lungs healthy, such as not smoking, eating healthy food, exercising, and avoiding open burning. The student is meant to fill in the blanks with their responses.
The document discusses the rate of breathing and how it is affected by activity level. It states that the rate of breathing is the number of upward and downward chest movements per minute. It also notes that the rate of breathing depends on the type of activity being performed, with more active tasks requiring an increased rate of breathing to provide more oxygen and energy to the body.
The document discusses the processes of excretion and defecation in the human body. It notes that the body produces waste products like urine, carbon dioxide, sweat, and water vapor. These waste products must be removed from the body to avoid diseases. The removal of water products like urine from the body is called excretion, while the removal of feces through the anus is called defecation. Humans need to carry out these processes to remove toxic waste that can otherwise harm the body and cause diseases like blood in the urine, intestinal cancer, kidney stones, inflammation of the intestines, and blocked intestines.
pengenalan kepada buli dan cara pencegahan bulig95547989
1. DAY : TUESDAY DATE : 03.08.2021
2. DAY : THURSDAY DATE : 05.08.2021
3. DAY : TUESDAY DATE : 10.08.2021
Classify the plants into flowering plants and non-flowering plants.
Kelaskan tumbuhan kepada tumbuhan berbunga dan tumbuhan
tidak berbunga.
Flowering Plants Non-Flowering Plants
4. DAY : THURSDAY DATE : 12.08.2021
Classify the plants into woody stems and non-woody stem.
Kelaskan tumbuhan kepada batang berkayu dan batang tidak
Woody Stem Non-woody Stem
5. DAY : TUESDAY __ DATE : 17.08.2021
Classify the plants into netted leaf veins and parallel leaf veins.
Kelaskan tumbuhan kepada urat daun jejala dan urat daun selari.
Netted Leaf Veins Parallel Leaf Veins
6. DAY : THURSDAY _ DATE : 19.08.2021
Classify the plants into tap root and fibrous root.
Kelaskan tumbuhan kepada akar tunjang dan akar serabut.
Tap Root Fibrous Root