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                      Scientica Life Sciences Private Limited
                                     Simplifying Science

                    ISBN-Indexed Medical Publishers & Advertising Agency

 Sr      Competencies                                    Deliverables
 1.      A. Medical Writing -         Medical Publishing:
            Content Sourcing            1. Interactive CME CDs / Video CDs / DVDs / DVD
            Medical and Health              Video
            Awareness along with        2. Medical Conference – audio / video coverage
            Content validation              and post-production
            from doctors                3. Indexed Journal Articles
                                        4. Books authored by doctors on clinical conditions
         B. Medical                     5. Case Studies contributed by doctors
            Visualization               6. Review Articles / Manuscript / Scientific writing
                                            for MEDLINE-indexed journals
         C. Script writing,             7. Newsletter content
            direction and               8. LBLs
            production of               9. Training Manuals
            scientific and health       10. Designing research protocol, informed consent
            awareness                   11. Compiling research reports

         D.    Healthiance Quality        12. Healthiance® Quality of Living Program is a
              of Living Program               screening and performance booster program for
              (QOL Quotient,                  Employees comprising of screening for Quality
              Awareness, Diet,                of Living Quotient and follow up sessions on
              Yoga, Homoeopathy)              Health Awareness, Diet, Yoga, and
                                              Homoeopathic treatment.

         E. Quality of Living –           13. Quarterly English Health Magazine –
            Periodical                        www.qualityofliving.in

 2.      Web Programming – PHP,          1. Booking domain names
         MySQL.                          2. Hosting web sites
                                         3. Installing web applications such as Content
                                             Management Systems (CMS), Shopping Cart,
                                             Payment Gateways
                                         4. Managing mailing lists
 3.      Replication of Disks         Replication of CDs / DVDs for quantity above 3000 –
                                      Normal & copy protected

Current Clients
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)           Torrent
Novartis                        Wockhardt
Pfizer / Pharmacia              Glenmark
Wallace                         Shalina
Johnson & Johnson               Stiefel
Mega – Philippines              Cosme
Panacea-Biotec                  Bharat Serums
Hetero Healthcare               Medical Associations
Merck                           Doctors – Specialists
Contact Person: Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan – 9920070300 / ashutosh@scientica.com


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Scientica Life Sciences Private Limited Services

  • 1. www.scientica.com Scientica Life Sciences Private Limited Simplifying Science ISBN-Indexed Medical Publishers & Advertising Agency Sr Competencies Deliverables 1. A. Medical Writing - Medical Publishing: Content Sourcing 1. Interactive CME CDs / Video CDs / DVDs / DVD Medical and Health Video Awareness along with 2. Medical Conference – audio / video coverage Content validation and post-production from doctors 3. Indexed Journal Articles 4. Books authored by doctors on clinical conditions B. Medical 5. Case Studies contributed by doctors Visualization 6. Review Articles / Manuscript / Scientific writing for MEDLINE-indexed journals C. Script writing, 7. Newsletter content direction and 8. LBLs production of 9. Training Manuals scientific and health 10. Designing research protocol, informed consent awareness 11. Compiling research reports documentaries D. Healthiance Quality 12. Healthiance® Quality of Living Program is a of Living Program screening and performance booster program for (QOL Quotient, Employees comprising of screening for Quality Awareness, Diet, of Living Quotient and follow up sessions on Yoga, Homoeopathy) Health Awareness, Diet, Yoga, and Homoeopathic treatment. E. Quality of Living – 13. Quarterly English Health Magazine – Periodical www.qualityofliving.in 2. Web Programming – PHP, 1. Booking domain names MySQL. 2. Hosting web sites 3. Installing web applications such as Content Management Systems (CMS), Shopping Cart, Payment Gateways 4. Managing mailing lists 3. Replication of Disks Replication of CDs / DVDs for quantity above 3000 – Normal & copy protected Current Clients GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Torrent Novartis Wockhardt Pfizer / Pharmacia Glenmark Wallace Shalina Johnson & Johnson Stiefel Mega – Philippines Cosme Panacea-Biotec Bharat Serums Hetero Healthcare Medical Associations Merck Doctors – Specialists
  • 2. Contact Person: Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan – 9920070300 / ashutosh@scientica.com Notes: