This document discusses large-scale scientific computing in the Netherlands. It introduces SARA, the Dutch national high-performance computing center, which facilitates science in the Netherlands through large-scale computing, data storage, networking, visualization and other resources. SARA supports scientists through infrastructure maintenance, consulting, developing new services and tools, and tracking innovations. SARA works with scientists on projects and through resource requests to help solve large-scale computing problems.
4. Facilitating Science in The Netherlands with Equipment for
and Expertise on Large-Scale Computing, Large-Scale
Data Storage, High-Performance Networking,
eScience, and Visualization
WUR, March 22, 2011
5. What We Do
Maintenance of physical infrastructure
Renewing infrastructure
Project Based
Help scientists to use the infrastructure
Consultancy for projects
Services, interfaces, visualization tools, and so on
Keep track of developments in the field
Evaluation of new technologies in pilot projects
WUR, March 22, 2011
6. How We Do It
As partner in projects
Usually larger; maybe in time, maybe in amount, maybe in
ambition, maybe in perspective, ...
Roles in organization, reporting,
Infrastructure partners, in the broadest sense
Using resource requests
Typically dealing with one scientist or a small consortium,
solving a certain problem
(Hands-on) support and access to resources
We help with the requests (this is simple!)
WUR, March 22, 2011
8. Foundation National
Compute Facilities
Part of NWO, the
Organization for
Scientific Research
Resource requests for
Huygens, Lisa and GPU
WUR, March 22, 2011
9. A collaboration between
Resource requests for
Grid, Cloud and Hadoop
WUR, March 22, 2011
13. For example
BBMRI / Genome of The The Virtual Knowledge
Netherlands (GvNL) Studio
Alignment and of How do categories on
sequenced genomes of Wikipedia evolve over
750 people time?
750 times the same Periodically look through
pipeline of applications Wikipedia dumps and build
category trees
WUR, March 22, 2011