Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine curves from side to side into an S or C shape. The standard way to measure the curvature is using the Cobb angle. Scoliosis can be congenital from birth anomalies, idiopathic with no known cause, or secondary to another condition. Surgery to implant screws can help correct the curvature before and after which there is a transformation of the spine. The document provides contact information for HBG Medical Assistance Pvt. Ltd. which treats scoliosis.
2. Scoliosis is a complex medical condition in which a
person's spine is curved from side to side.
Curves are often S shaped or C Shaped.
Standard method for assessing the curvature
quantitatively is measurement of the Cobb angle.
Spinal Curve is more than 10% towards right or left.
Scoliosis is either congenital (caused by birth
anomalies), idiopathic (unknown cause) or secondary
to primary condition.