The document discusses an approach to building products called "the simplest thing that could possibly work". It advises making a prediction, building the simplest version, shipping it, and measuring results. It then discusses Cheezburger Network's early successes with funny cat sites and launching many humor sites. The document emphasizes building something quickly with no investment that can pivot easily based on results. It provides tips like focusing on shipping in one day and accepting need for refactoring. It concludes by listing job openings.
12. User StoryAs a __________ , I want _________ , so that ________ .
13. CheezburgerIf we launch a site with funny cat pictures, then people will visit because people like funny stuff.Unbelievably, it worked!
14. Second HypothesisIf we launch many sites with funny pictures, then even more people will visit because there are many tastes in humor.Unbelievably, that worked too!
Facebook buttonsVisits will increaseBecause peer-to-peer recommendations are powerfulI build an awesome iphone camera appI will sell many of themMy camera has awesome filters
As a userI want to share on facebookso that my friends will appreciate my sense of humorAs a mobile phone userI want a camera with awesome filters So that I can take killer pics
9 sitesSeveral weeks each
Frustration backlog of ideasPain one of them failedTrying to figure out what to do to make it cheaper to launch sitesAnd less painfulThinking of schemes for templatingthen we asked
Wordpress + Gmail = Klunky
Reason Called Ship ItUnrealizedTree in forest
Social - EngagementSoftware or SAAS - CustomersE-Commerce - Average Order SizeMedia - Unique Visitors