3. What is this about?
23.08.2018 Sabine Langmann Bit.ly/abjsd
4. We‘d like: to crawl specific
elements on our own web pages
or the ones of our competition
We use: Screaming Frog‘s
Custom Search + XPath
23.08.2018 Sabine Langmann Bit.ly/abjsd
15. XPath (XML Path Language) is a
query language
for selecting nodes
from an XML document.
23.08.2018 Sabine Langmann Bit.ly/abjsd
16. Simple Syntax
node every page element (e.g. H2, a, p, div)
// adresses a certain node
attribute attribute of a node (e.g. class, id)
@ adresses a certain attribute
count() counts addressed nodes
23.08.2018 Sabine Langmann Bit.ly/abjsd
72. Recap:
Which data do I need?
Can I crawl the respective elements?
What is the right Xpath selector?
That‘s it!
23.08.2018 Sabine Langmann Bit.ly/abjsd