This document provides a checklist for screening and evaluating patients for potential Ebola virus disease (EVD). The checklist asks whether the patient has a fever, compatible EVD symptoms such as headache, weakness, or gastrointestinal issues, and if they have travelled to an Ebola-affected area within the last 21 days. If so, medical administrators should be notified and precautions like personal protective equipment should be used to prevent contact with the patient.
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Screening of ebola virus
1. 0 Check list for evaluation of ebola virus (EVD).
o Does the patient have fever?
o Does patient have compatible EVD symptoms headache
, weakness, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
* Has patient travelled to Ebola affected area/INTERNATION AL TRAVEL in 21 days before
illness onset?
Notify to medical administrator
Send patient to Naidu hospital
USE CAP GOWN MASK N95* Double gloves, disposable shoe cover