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Marie Kenny, MA
CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence
October 25, 2013
Financial Disclosure
There is a financial relationship
between CCADV and CHC, Inc.
CCADV provides some funding to
New Horizons,
a CCADV member program
within CHC, Inc.

 Defining Domestic Violence
 Screening Patients

Benefits for Patients
Benefits for Providers


Enhancing Safety
Building Confidence

 Following Up with Patients
Defining Domestic Violence
Why Routine Screening?
 1 in 4 women experiences domestic violence in her
 40% of female adolescent patients seen at urban
clinics had experienced IPV2
 21% reported sexual victimization2
 More than half (53%) of women seen at family
planning clinics reported physical or sexual IPV3
 $4.1 billion is spent annually for direct medical and
mental health services related to IPV4
Defining Domestic Violence
CCDAV Programs Provided (FY 13)
 Crisis intervention services to 25,130 individuals
 Calls to statewide and individual agency hotlines

 Safe Home Services to 2,069 victims
 1,220 adults and 849 children received emergency shelter

 Community Services to 13,949 victims
 Individual counseling, safety planning, support groups, legal

advocacy and information & referrals

 Criminal Court-based services to 39,585 victims
 Safety planning, counseling, court advocacy, assistance with orders of

protection, information & referrals
Defining Domestic Violence
 DV goes by a variety of names
 IPV, abuse, battering, dating violence
 Certain elements are universal
 to establish and maintain CONTROL

Defining Domestic Violence
Denial and minimization of abuse, monitoring, jealousy, social isolation, Jekyll and Hyde
public vs. private persona

Sabotage of school or work, denying access to accounts, car or phone, making unilateral
spending decisions, making threats about public assistance, destroying credit, shutting off
utilities, etc.

Degrading, humiliating, condescending, threatening, guilt-tripping, using kids

Coercive sex, rape, threatening to out a partner, cheating, reproductive coercion

Does NOT always leave a mark, can be infrequent, throwing or breaking
things, intimidation tactics can be very subtle to others
Defining Domestic Violence
 Typically male on female BUT not always
 Some men are victims of women
 Similar rates for same sex relationships5
 MOST men do not abuse their partners

 Prevalence cuts across all demographics
 Impacts all
racial, ethnic, economic, religious, educational, professio
nal backgrounds, any age and sexual orientation
 Look at behaviors not demographics
Screening Patients  Why?
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)6
recommends that clinicians screen women of
childbearing age for IPV and provide or refer women
with positive screens to interventions.
This recommendation applies to women who do not
have signs or symptoms of abuse.

Screening Patients  Why?
Health impact
 Injuries resulting from physical assaults
 Some are obvious

 Some not visible
 Some can be cumulative or delayed

Screening Patients  Why?
 Women with a history of IPV had significantly higher

healthcare utilization and costs, continuing long after
IPV ended 7
 PTSD and IPV occur among a sizable proportion of

women referred for headache symptoms.8
 9.8% reported a recent incident of domestic violence
 36.9% reported a lifetime prevalence of domestic


Screening Patients  Why?
Abused women vs non-abused women9
 Have more headaches, back pain, sexually transmitted

diseases, vaginal bleeding, vaginal infections, pelvic
pain, painful intercourse, urinary tract
infections, appetite loss, abdominal pain, and digestive
 Are 3x more likely to have UTI, PID, STI
 Have a 50% to 70% increase in
 gynecological problems
 central nervous system problems
 stress-related problems
Screening Patients  Why?
 Adverse childhood experiences, including exposure to

domestic violence, have been linked to a range of
adverse health outcomes in adulthood, including10,11
 substance abuse
 cardiovascular disease

 premature mortality

Screening Patients  Why?
can result in substantial health effects12:
 Physical: dizziness, nausea, sore throat, voice changes,
throat and neck injuries, breathing problems,
swallowing difficulties, ringing in ears, vision change
 Neurological: eyelid droop, facial droop, left or right
side weakness, loss of sensation, loss of memory,
 Psychological: PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation,
Screening Patients  Why?
Can result in delayed death
 Neck edema may not be visible immediately, but may

develop due to internal hemorrhage and injury to
underlying neck structures. This edema may progress
and compromise the airway causing delayed death.13,14

Screening Patients  Why?
Affordable Care Act

 Moves from traditional medical model to one of

 Links between IPV and health costs justifies inclusion

of domestic violence screening as a preventive
 As of January 2104, insurance companies, health care

providers, and health programs that receive federal
funds will be prohibited from denying coverage due to
domestic violence
Screening Patients  Why?
Affordable Care Act
As of August 2012,
all new and non-grandfathered health plans
must cover screening and counseling
for domestic violence

Screening Patients  Why?
Affordable Care Act
Congressional intent under ACA
was that screening and assessing for IPV can be
considered a primary prevention
or early intervention service
similar to smoking cessation,
obesity screening, and alcohol misuse

Screening Patients  Why?
Affordable Care Act
 No specific guidance was provided regarding what
codes to use
 Some groups are exploring using preventive medicine
service codes 99381-99397
 which include age appropriate counseling,
 anticipatory guidance,
 risk factor reduction interventions

 Codes 99401-99412 may be applied for counseling

provided separately, at a different encounter on a
different day
Screening Patients  How?
 SAFETY is paramount
 Meet privately with patient
 Do not use family or friend to interpret

Screening Patients  How?
Find a way to get the patient alone,
away from whomever brought her.
 Its our policy to conduct the exam in private
 Can you please help me straighten out some

insurance questions?

Be creative!
Screening Patients  How?
 Framing Statement

Weve started asking all of our female
patients about safe and healthy
relationships because it can have such a
large impact on your health.

Screening Patients  How?
 Before we get started, I want you to know
that everything here is confidential. That
means that I wont talk to anyone else about
what is said unless I hear something that
legally requires me to make a report.

Screening Patients  How?
 Questions should be direct and clear

Have you ever been in a relationship in which you were
hit, slapped, kicked, choked, or otherwise physically

Are you now or have you ever been in a relationship in
which you felt threatened or afraid?

 KNOW how you will follow up
Screening Patients  How?
 5 tools have demonstrated efficacy15
 3 tools are especially suitable for use in primary

care settings15:
1. HARK  Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick
2. HITS  Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream
3. WAST  Woman Abuse Screening Tool16
 Some question remains regarding selfadministered vs. physician administered15,17


 Humiliated or emotionally abused in other ways by

your partner or ex-partner?
 Have you been afraid of your partner or ex-partner?

 Have you been raped or forced to have any kind of

sexual activity by your partner or ex-partner?
 Have you been kicked, hit, slapped, or otherwise

physically hurt by your partner or ex-partner?

 A positive response to ONE OR MORE QUESTION

will identify approximately 81% of the patients who
are experiencing IPV
 100% of patients who respond yes to 3 or 4 questions

are experiencing IPV

Screening Patients  How?
 Responding to a positive screen
 Express concern
 Does patient think its safe to go home

 Inform patient about available services
 Assume the patient is not able to or

considering leaving the relationship

Screening Patients  How?
Responding to a positive screen when there are
children in the home
 The presence of IPV does not automatically warrant

DCF intervention
 Try to let the patient know if you need to report
 Explain why its necessary
 Offer to make the call with the patient

 Talking with DCF:
 Identify what the survivor does to protect the child
 Connect the dots between exposure and impact on
Screening Patients  How?
Responding to a positive screen
 CCADV programs provide
 FREE services
 CONFIDENTIAL services (protected by statute)
 24 hour hotline
 support groups
 emergency shelter
 work with children
 assistance with orders of protection
 information about IPV and other community resources
Following Up
 Additional screening
ACOG recommends that their physicians19
 SCREEN at periodic intervals, including during

obstetric care (first prenatal visit, at least once each
trimester, and at the postpartum checkup)
 OFFER ongoing support
 REVIEW available referral options

Following Up
 As part of the community safety net, you ARE NOT

expected to become experts at domestic violence
 You are asked to
 IDENTIFY patients who have experienced IPV and
 REFER for safety planning, advocacy and support
 Just as you do for other health concern or diagnoses

 Become familiar with the CCADV program in your area

Women who received information about safety
were more likely to report ending a relationship
because the relationship was unhealthy
or because they felt unsafe

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Screening Patients for Domestic Violence

  • 1. Marie Kenny, MA CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence October 25, 2013
  • 2. Financial Disclosure There is a financial relationship between CCADV and CHC, Inc. CCADV provides some funding to New Horizons, a CCADV member program within CHC, Inc. 2
  • 3. AGENDA Defining Domestic Violence Prevalence Dynamics Screening Patients Why? Benefits for Patients Benefits for Providers How? Enhancing Safety Building Confidence Following Up with Patients 3
  • 4. Defining Domestic Violence Why Routine Screening? 1 in 4 women experiences domestic violence in her lifetime1 40% of female adolescent patients seen at urban clinics had experienced IPV2 21% reported sexual victimization2 More than half (53%) of women seen at family planning clinics reported physical or sexual IPV3 $4.1 billion is spent annually for direct medical and mental health services related to IPV4 4
  • 5. Defining Domestic Violence CCDAV Programs Provided (FY 13) Crisis intervention services to 25,130 individuals Calls to statewide and individual agency hotlines Safe Home Services to 2,069 victims 1,220 adults and 849 children received emergency shelter Community Services to 13,949 victims Individual counseling, safety planning, support groups, legal advocacy and information & referrals Criminal Court-based services to 39,585 victims Safety planning, counseling, court advocacy, assistance with orders of protection, information & referrals www.ctcadv.org 5
  • 6. Defining Domestic Violence DV goes by a variety of names IPV, abuse, battering, dating violence Certain elements are universal a PATTERN of BEHAVIORS to establish and maintain CONTROL over an INTIMATE PARTNER 6
  • 7. Defining Domestic Violence BEHAVIORS Psychological Denial and minimization of abuse, monitoring, jealousy, social isolation, Jekyll and Hyde public vs. private persona Financial Sabotage of school or work, denying access to accounts, car or phone, making unilateral spending decisions, making threats about public assistance, destroying credit, shutting off utilities, etc. Emotional Degrading, humiliating, condescending, threatening, guilt-tripping, using kids Sexual Coercive sex, rape, threatening to out a partner, cheating, reproductive coercion Physical Does NOT always leave a mark, can be infrequent, throwing or breaking things, intimidation tactics can be very subtle to others 7
  • 8. Defining Domestic Violence DEMOGRAPHICS Typically male on female BUT not always Some men are victims of women Similar rates for same sex relationships5 MOST men do not abuse their partners Prevalence cuts across all demographics Impacts all racial, ethnic, economic, religious, educational, professio nal backgrounds, any age and sexual orientation Look at behaviors not demographics 8
  • 9. Screening Patients Why? The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)6 recommends that clinicians screen women of childbearing age for IPV and provide or refer women with positive screens to interventions. This recommendation applies to women who do not have signs or symptoms of abuse. 9
  • 10. Screening Patients Why? Health impact Injuries resulting from physical assaults Some are obvious Some not visible Some can be cumulative or delayed 10
  • 11. Screening Patients Why? Women with a history of IPV had significantly higher healthcare utilization and costs, continuing long after IPV ended 7 PTSD and IPV occur among a sizable proportion of women referred for headache symptoms.8 9.8% reported a recent incident of domestic violence 36.9% reported a lifetime prevalence of domestic violence 11
  • 12. Screening Patients Why? Abused women vs non-abused women9 Have more headaches, back pain, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal bleeding, vaginal infections, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, urinary tract infections, appetite loss, abdominal pain, and digestive problems Are 3x more likely to have UTI, PID, STI Have a 50% to 70% increase in gynecological problems central nervous system problems stress-related problems 12
  • 13. Screening Patients Why? Adverse childhood experiences, including exposure to domestic violence, have been linked to a range of adverse health outcomes in adulthood, including10,11 substance abuse depression cardiovascular disease diabetes cancer premature mortality 13
  • 14. Screening Patients Why? STRANGULATION can result in substantial health effects12: Physical: dizziness, nausea, sore throat, voice changes, throat and neck injuries, breathing problems, swallowing difficulties, ringing in ears, vision change Neurological: eyelid droop, facial droop, left or right side weakness, loss of sensation, loss of memory, paralysis Psychological: PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation, insomnia 14
  • 15. Screening Patients Why? STRANGULATION Can result in delayed death Neck edema may not be visible immediately, but may develop due to internal hemorrhage and injury to underlying neck structures. This edema may progress and compromise the airway causing delayed death.13,14 15
  • 16. Screening Patients Why? Affordable Care Act Moves from traditional medical model to one of prevention Links between IPV and health costs justifies inclusion of domestic violence screening as a preventive measure As of January 2104, insurance companies, health care providers, and health programs that receive federal funds will be prohibited from denying coverage due to domestic violence 16
  • 17. Screening Patients Why? Affordable Care Act As of August 2012, all new and non-grandfathered health plans must cover screening and counseling for domestic violence 17
  • 18. Screening Patients Why? Affordable Care Act Congressional intent under ACA was that screening and assessing for IPV can be considered a primary prevention or early intervention service similar to smoking cessation, obesity screening, and alcohol misuse 18
  • 19. Screening Patients Why? Affordable Care Act No specific guidance was provided regarding what codes to use Some groups are exploring using preventive medicine service codes 99381-99397 which include age appropriate counseling, anticipatory guidance, risk factor reduction interventions Codes 99401-99412 may be applied for counseling provided separately, at a different encounter on a different day 19
  • 20. Screening Patients How? SAFETY is paramount Meet privately with patient Do not use family or friend to interpret 20
  • 21. Screening Patients How? Find a way to get the patient alone, away from whomever brought her. Its our policy to conduct the exam in private Can you please help me straighten out some insurance questions? Be creative! 21
  • 22. Screening Patients How? Framing Statement Weve started asking all of our female patients about safe and healthy relationships because it can have such a large impact on your health. 22
  • 23. Screening Patients How? Confidentiality Before we get started, I want you to know that everything here is confidential. That means that I wont talk to anyone else about what is said unless I hear something that legally requires me to make a report. 23
  • 24. Screening Patients How? Questions should be direct and clear Have you ever been in a relationship in which you were hit, slapped, kicked, choked, or otherwise physically hurt? Are you now or have you ever been in a relationship in which you felt threatened or afraid? KNOW how you will follow up 24
  • 25. Screening Patients How? SCREENING TOOLS 5 tools have demonstrated efficacy15 3 tools are especially suitable for use in primary care settings15: 1. HARK Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick 2. HITS Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream 3. WAST Woman Abuse Screening Tool16 Some question remains regarding selfadministered vs. physician administered15,17 25
  • 26. HARK 18 WITHIN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU BEEN Humiliated or emotionally abused in other ways by your partner or ex-partner? Have you been afraid of your partner or ex-partner? Have you been raped or forced to have any kind of sexual activity by your partner or ex-partner? Have you been kicked, hit, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt by your partner or ex-partner? 26
  • 27. HARK A positive response to ONE OR MORE QUESTION will identify approximately 81% of the patients who are experiencing IPV 100% of patients who respond yes to 3 or 4 questions are experiencing IPV 27
  • 28. Screening Patients How? Responding to a positive screen Express concern Does patient think its safe to go home Inform patient about available services Assume the patient is not able to or considering leaving the relationship 28
  • 29. Screening Patients How? Responding to a positive screen when there are children in the home The presence of IPV does not automatically warrant DCF intervention Try to let the patient know if you need to report Explain why its necessary Offer to make the call with the patient Talking with DCF: Identify what the survivor does to protect the child Connect the dots between exposure and impact on child 29
  • 30. Screening Patients How? Responding to a positive screen CCADV programs provide FREE services CONFIDENTIAL services (protected by statute) SAFETY PLANNING including 24 hour hotline support groups emergency shelter work with children assistance with orders of protection information about IPV and other community resources 30
  • 31. Following Up Additional screening ACOG recommends that their physicians19 SCREEN at periodic intervals, including during obstetric care (first prenatal visit, at least once each trimester, and at the postpartum checkup) OFFER ongoing support REVIEW available referral options 31
  • 32. Following Up As part of the community safety net, you ARE NOT expected to become experts at domestic violence You are asked to IDENTIFY patients who have experienced IPV and REFER for safety planning, advocacy and support Just as you do for other health concern or diagnoses Become familiar with the CCADV program in your area 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. Women who received information about safety were more likely to report ending a relationship because the relationship was unhealthy or because they felt unsafe REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY HAD DISCLOSED A HISTORY OF IPV20

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Defining:Prevalence: research and CT #s Dynamics: Youve all had some training on this from Michelle Waldner at New HorizonsReviewunderstand complexities to help understand what your patients are facingScreening:WHY: Prevalence #s and health effects reveal the needUnderstand why its importantHOW:Safety considerationsHelp you understand your role: Identify and referFOLLOWING UP:Positive screensBeyond the initial screeningRefer
  • #5: High prevalence rates you are seeing pts who are abused you just dont know who they are 20 years studies range 25%-nearly 50% lifetime prevalence Most fall in 25-30% rangeHigh HC costs associated with IPV
  • #6: Safe HomesLonger stays lower numbers always fullCommunity ServicesMORE than just emergency shelter and hotlinesThese #s do NOT represent prevalence only a fraction of cases are reported to police or
  • #7: PATTERNincidents are NOT isolated no matter what patient saysBEHAVIORSmore conscious choices than explosive reactionsWhere they occur (not against neighbors or co-workers)Against whom (in privacy of home, not public)CONTROLis the main issue entitlement, rulesINTIMATE PARTNERNot just spousal abuse teen dating relationships, same sex
  • #8: PSYCHOLOGICALDenial make her think shes crazy, using a diagnosis against the partnerBlaming Jealousy accusations, not just about flirting, also toward friends and familyJekyl/Hyde no one will believe youFINANCIALApplies to ALL socioeconomic strata, public assistance or housingEMOTIONALAssault on partners self-esteemBlaming victimGuilt-trippingNo one else understands meIm better with youDOJ study re: incarcerated offenders, recorded calls no threats or apologies, just guiltUsing children:To guilt-trip (We can be a family when Mom says)To monitorForced pregnancyAbuse childrenPHYSICALIntimidating/threatening behaviors I didnt even hit you I could really have hurt youExplosions what is broken, where are injuries, where does it happen