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Completed Music  Magazine Screenshots
I added the masthead from dafont.com. I stretched it across the top of the page to fill the edge and corners. I then put in a selling line music in fashion and lined it up with the V of the masthead to make it parallel and professional. I added the issue date to the other side in line with the selling line.  I put the barcode at the bottom right of the page and on top I wrote three pounds ninety to give it a sophisticated look.
I added coverlines trying not to fill the left third to much to avoid the left third being the importance and keeping the main eye on the writing on the image. I decided to heading my coverlines in bold to make them stand out and then write another line to entice the reader what its more about. I used times new roman font.  I wanted to make my front cover like Vogue or Elle so I used a technique they do by placing the model over the masthead. I used the magnetic lasso tool to do this then duplicating the image I placed it over the masthead layer.
Because my magazine was a special season fashion issue I wanted this to stand out. I dont this by Reversing the text. I wrote out my text and made it the size I wanted. I then highlighted it with a black Box so the white text would stand out. I then rotated both the writing and the box to make it different to The other coverlines hinting that this is a special issue.
To start with I put the image in the centre of the page. I then Wanted to put Verse logo on the top right of the page. I done This by using dafont to find a unique font.
I then added headings and lined them parallel across  the bottom of the picture.  I added my third photo at the bottom of the page to entice A reader to read into this article.  I then used a different font to my headings to write the  Pages and numbers.  I kept these all aligned and slightly to the right of their  Headings to make them stand out and give it more edginess.
I finished the contents by adding text to the Images. I placed the issue special name in the middle Of the main image to make it stand out. I also put text under each of the image with the page Numebr.
I started the double page spread by placing the image on the left Side of the page a little to the left of the centre.  I added text using dafont and the text tool.
I then added the article using the text tool and using italic and bold to make it all stand out and look a little more Interesting. I added page numbers at the bottom using the text tool.

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  • 1. Completed Music Magazine Screenshots
  • 2. I added the masthead from dafont.com. I stretched it across the top of the page to fill the edge and corners. I then put in a selling line music in fashion and lined it up with the V of the masthead to make it parallel and professional. I added the issue date to the other side in line with the selling line. I put the barcode at the bottom right of the page and on top I wrote three pounds ninety to give it a sophisticated look.
  • 3. I added coverlines trying not to fill the left third to much to avoid the left third being the importance and keeping the main eye on the writing on the image. I decided to heading my coverlines in bold to make them stand out and then write another line to entice the reader what its more about. I used times new roman font. I wanted to make my front cover like Vogue or Elle so I used a technique they do by placing the model over the masthead. I used the magnetic lasso tool to do this then duplicating the image I placed it over the masthead layer.
  • 4. Because my magazine was a special season fashion issue I wanted this to stand out. I dont this by Reversing the text. I wrote out my text and made it the size I wanted. I then highlighted it with a black Box so the white text would stand out. I then rotated both the writing and the box to make it different to The other coverlines hinting that this is a special issue.
  • 5. To start with I put the image in the centre of the page. I then Wanted to put Verse logo on the top right of the page. I done This by using dafont to find a unique font.
  • 6. I then added headings and lined them parallel across the bottom of the picture. I added my third photo at the bottom of the page to entice A reader to read into this article. I then used a different font to my headings to write the Pages and numbers. I kept these all aligned and slightly to the right of their Headings to make them stand out and give it more edginess.
  • 7. I finished the contents by adding text to the Images. I placed the issue special name in the middle Of the main image to make it stand out. I also put text under each of the image with the page Numebr.
  • 8. I started the double page spread by placing the image on the left Side of the page a little to the left of the centre. I added text using dafont and the text tool.
  • 9. I then added the article using the text tool and using italic and bold to make it all stand out and look a little more Interesting. I added page numbers at the bottom using the text tool.