4K 4 x 2 HDMI Matrix with Serial & IR Control
● Route 4 different HDMI sources to different displays
EGO MX Functions (Advanced Auto-sensing)
● Versatile port selection functions of Priority, Auto and Switch modes
● User-friendly port switching via button pressing or priority setting
● Configurable Audio channel setting ideal or 5.1 / 7.1 Home Theater AV Receiver
● Non-volatile memory stores all settings in case of a blackout
Switch by Moving Mouse
Seamless Switching by Moving the Cursor across Screen Border and Circulating among PCs (Roaming Mouse)
USB Audio support
Hardware design, no software or driver needed
Support Windows & Mac & Linux, No Software Required
management business in asia and how to deal with other nationsJimmyKelana2
managerial development in asia and the rest of the world. managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.
4K 4 x 2 HDMI Matrix with Serial & IR Control
● Route 4 different HDMI sources to different displays
EGO MX Functions (Advanced Auto-sensing)
● Versatile port selection functions of Priority, Auto and Switch modes
● User-friendly port switching via button pressing or priority setting
● Configurable Audio channel setting ideal or 5.1 / 7.1 Home Theater AV Receiver
● Non-volatile memory stores all settings in case of a blackout
Switch by Moving Mouse
Seamless Switching by Moving the Cursor across Screen Border and Circulating among PCs (Roaming Mouse)
USB Audio support
Hardware design, no software or driver needed
Support Windows & Mac & Linux, No Software Required
management business in asia and how to deal with other nationsJimmyKelana2
managerial development in asia and the rest of the world. managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.managerial development in asia and the rest of the world.
Dreamweaver cs6 multiple browsers and devices training demoyunjuli
This 6-hour Dreamweaver CS6 training demo will cover understanding the Dreamweaver UI and HTML5 structure, adding different types of content to web pages including text, lightboxes, widgets, and forms, styling content with CSS, using webfonts, building an HTML5 layout with percentages instead of pixels, creating an AJAX menu bar, and testing sites across multiple browsers and devices including desktop, tablets, and smartphones to ensure compatibility. The training is suitable for anyone looking to use Dreamweaver to create a single responsive website that works well on all devices.
44. 閱讀位置
? Chapter Title: A methodology for collaborations in
software engineering education using social web
technologies and applications
Collaborative Social Web
Educational Activity Technology/Application
Collaborative 狠狠撸
Presenting Results
of Software Project
(Scribd, 狠狠撸Share)
45. Amazon Scribd.com相關書籍-2
? The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to
Communicate and Connect With Your
46. 閱讀位置
? Chapter Title: Using Infographics to Build Your Brand
若您的特定文件是將service、idea 、topic or
issue 混搭在一起,建議檔案發佈如下平台
Video YouTube、Vimeo
Documents and e-book
or PPT
48. 閱讀位置
? Chapter 9: Redrawing the Boundaries in Online
Education through Media Literacy, OER,
and Web 2.0:
1. 真正的社群2.0網路平台包含如下:開放、免費註冊與使
用 、 提 倡 合 作 學 習 and are widely available to the
general public
2. 未來的學習教室會是一個虛擬與現實不停的交會,因此
3. 文件類網路工具有以上這些特性,不外乎就是Scribd
and 狠狠撸share