This scene takes place during the day in a conference room. It focuses on a medium close up of the character Sarah. Only Zara is listed as playing the role of a patient. No extras, stunts, props, wardrobe or vehicles are needed for this scene.
This document is a breakdown sheet for a scene taking place in a conference room during the day. It involves a point of view shot of a patient named Zara and will require fake blood as a prop.
This document is a breakdown sheet for a film scene taking place in a conference room during the day. It involves a high angle shot focusing on the character Sarah, with various camera angles including point of view, close ups, and straight cuts. The only cast member listed is Zara playing a patient. No extras, stunts, props, wardrobe, or vehicles are required.
This document is a script breakdown sheet for a scene taking place in a conference room during the day. It involves a psychiatrist character moving next to a patient character who is lying down, with the camera zooming in for a close up. Only two main cast members are listed along with minimal props and wardrobe needed.
This script breakdown sheet is for a scene set in a conference room during the day. It involves a psychiatrist and patient character and requires a mug, clipboard, and wig prop. The scene will be filmed on a studio set from a front angle view.
This summary analyzes the last scene from The Hunger Games. It examines whether the scene represents a whole narrative, section, or enigma. The scene is presented linearly and in real time, with no graphics or flashbacks. It features a single narrative from the hero's perspective as she gets ready to shoot, misses her target, tries to get attention, and succeeds. The scene takes over an hour but is condensed to 2 minutes and 25 seconds through editing.
The document provides instructions on how to produce an accurate storyboard. It explains that storyboarding is used in pre-production to visualize a script and make shooting and directing quicker. It lists the key information that should be included to properly label each storyboard frame, such as shot type and angle, setting, sound, dialogue, lighting, duration, and camera movements. Examples are provided of correctly labeled storyboard frames. The lesson aims to teach learners how to produce their own correctly labeled storyboard.
The screenplay provides scene directions, actions, and character instructions in a standardized format to aid filmmakers in production. Scene headings include whether a scene takes place interior or exterior, its location, and time of day. Character names are capitalized and actions are written in the present tense from the perspective of what an audience can see. This format ensures screenplays clearly convey essential visual and performance details to allow for effective filming without requiring actors to interpret creative intent.
The document provides a step-by-step outline for the opening of a film, breaking it down into sections for genre, description of action with timings, mise-en-scene, sound, camerawork, editing, and typography.
This document provides a shooting schedule detailing various shot types, locations, actions, and cast for filming. Shots include extreme close-ups of a mobile phone, zooming out to reveal more of a location, panning shots, medium shots of characters in different settings, close-ups showing facial expressions, tracking shots of characters walking, and low angle shots. Jump cuts will be used to show a character having a flashback and going into shock. A graphic match will dissolve from a character's eye to a car wheel.
The document outlines the filming plan for a movie scene, including the placement of characters, cameras, and props. Camera positions are numbered and will face in the directions of the arrows. Actors will be in certain marked areas, like hostages in Barn 2. Shots of a car chase on a road are also planned.
The shooting schedule outlines various shots needed for two locations - Steetly and Baptist Street. Shots include extreme close-ups, zooming out, panning, over the shoulder shots, tracking shots, and low angle shots. The shots will feature the characters Waqa, Steetly and others and show actions like characters conversing in a tunnel, walking outdoors, and Waqa reacting to something on his mobile phone while in bed.
The document provides descriptions of different camera shot types including their purposes and intended effects on viewers. Wide angle shots show full context while low angle shots make subjects appear powerful. High angle shots make subjects seem vulnerable. Point of view and over the shoulder shots involve viewers. Close ups convey emotion while establishing shots set the scene. Tracking and panning shots follow action.
Yes, the use of editing in TV dramas does help construct meaning about relationships between characters. The different editing techniques like shot reverse shot, match on action, and eye line match are used to clearly show who is interacting with whom and emphasize the connections between characters. Editing allows the audience to understand the dynamics and power dynamics between characters by how their interactions are framed and cut together. Through editing, subtext and nuances in relationships can be revealed that might not otherwise come across just through the dialogue and acting alone. So editing plays a key role in how we interpret and understand the relationships that are central to the story.
This document analyzes various shots used in the trailer for the film "Contagion". It describes several shots including a medium close up, establishing shot with pan, follow shot using a handheld camera, handheld POV shot, high angle surveillance-style shot, POV shot from a car windshield, and long shot. It concludes that a variety of shots were used effectively to convey genre elements like panic, but that additional shots could have been included, such as an extreme close-up or over the shoulder shot.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about Scene #3 from the script breakdown sheet:
Scene #3 takes place inside a newsroom media suite during the day where the sole character, Horatio Milton Baxter, will be writing an article about Mia while the camera follows his typing to highlight his obsessive and compulsive traits as he sits alone in the room. No extras, stunts, or vehicles are needed for the simple scene of Horatio sitting and typing at a computer with a collage of Mia's pictures and news articles decorating the set meant to look like a newsroom.
This document provides a shooting schedule for a film project including 11 days of filming from September 1-October 28. It lists the scene, location, time of day, shot description, characters and props needed for each scene. Some of the key scenes include the initial victim being murdered in their bedroom, the arrest and interrogation of the villain, an execution scene, and the final church scene where the main character gets vengeance. The schedule involves both interior and exterior night and day shoots across multiple locations.
This document appears to be a shot list for a film or video production. It contains headings for scene number, shot number, shot type, camera, shot description, dialogue, and production/producer type but does not contain any details about specific scenes, shots, or dialogue. The document provides an overview of the structure and format for a shot list but does not include any substantive shot details.
This document contains a shot list for a film scene with descriptions of 24 shots including camera angles, movement, and key actions shown. Shot 1 is an establishing shot of a road and house. Shots 2, 6, 10, 12, and 24 are title screens. Shot 3 is a wide shot introducing the living room. Subsequent shots include points of view, intruders entering, the protagonist tied up in a car, being dragged into a field, and finally screaming into the camera in a close-up.
A woman watches a song on her TV and laptop inside her house. When the postman rides up on his bicycle to deliver a letter. The scene takes place during the daytime outside and inside a house. It involves two main cast members, Jordan Adeyemi and Genie Abbott, along with a postman delivering mail on a bicycle. Props include a TV, hat, laptop and bag. Filming is scheduled for Friday, October 8th 2010 at the media suite.
1) The document provides information on techniques for filming conversations, including the 180 degree rule, match on action, and different camera shots.
2) The 180 degree rule states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to avoid confusing the audience. Match on action matches the speed of an action like catching a ball across two shots to make the movement seem continuous.
3) Different camera shots are defined, including establishing shots, close-ups, extreme close-ups, two shots, and over the shoulder shots. The uses and purposes of each shot type are explained.
The summary provides context for the film through three key details:
1) A hole in the wall frames the city skyline beyond, setting the scene.
2) A medium shot allows the audience to see that the figure is a robot.
3) A handheld camera engages the audience as it circles the character until the hole is in front.
This risk assessment document summarizes potential hazards and safety controls for filming at a barn location. Hazards identified include fire, weak building structure, slipping on boggy ground, contact with animals, camera falling on crew, tripping over cables, and being hit by a vehicle. Controls already in place include multiple exits, checking the building structure, wearing sensible footwear, checking with the land owner about animals, securely mounting the camera, warning about cable locations, and filming awareness. Additional controls identified are ensuring crew knowledge of what to do in case of fire and making cable locations clear. The designated safety contact on location is Laura Thornborrow.
The document is an interactive story about a potential home buyer viewing an apartment. It presents various scenarios and dialogue options for the interaction between the buyer and the seller. The user can make choices that impact how the story progresses, such as changing characters, dialogue, and settings to watch new scenes unfold. The purpose is to explore different outcomes and perspectives through an interactive narrative format.
1. The breakdown sheet is for a film titled "FILM TITLE" and script breakdown sheet #1.
2. The scene takes place during the daytime outside and inside a house. It involves a woman watching a song on TV and then a postman delivering a letter and the woman dancing in her garden.
3. The cast includes Jordan Adeyemi and Genie Abbott. No extras or stunts are needed. Props include a TV, laptop, postman bag, and wig. A bicycle is also needed. Crew are to meet at 1:00pm on Friday, October 8th, 2010 and remember to bring the props.
This document provides a diagram of an audience seating area with a stage in front of tiered rows. There are 4 cameras placed in different locations likely to film or record the stage performance. Additionally, there are 2 boom microphones suspended above the stage that are used to capture audio.
Photos taken whilst shooting for out trailerZara31
This set of photos documents a meeting between Ryan and Tony, where Tony seems to hold a position of power over Ryan, who appears confused and scared. Subsequent photos show Tony as serious about getting a job done by Ryan, a phone ringing with tension building, Ryan running with a package while being pursued, a gun held to Ryan's head over an unknown issue, and Ryan sniffing drugs, providing context for the previous scenes.
The colors black, purple and white are used in the image, with the right side being darker possibly implying greater danger, as a man holds a baseball bat there. While the figures stand alone, their facial expressions suggest they each bear private sorrows and struggles, though standing alone could also mean strength and independence for facing challenges alone.
The document discusses creating a poster using screenshots and image editing software. It mentions adjusting effects like saturation and opacity on the images to achieve the desired look and feel. The screenshots show adjusting lighting and layering multiple images to create the final poster design.
The document discusses the visual elements and symbolism within a movie poster. It analyzes the use of colors like black, white, and mustard, as well as character dress and positioning. Black suggests death is involved and secrets. The two characters in the poster may be hiding something important. The positioning and dress of the characters implies the front character is more important but also possibly guilty, while the back character has less importance.
This document provides a shooting schedule detailing various shot types, locations, actions, and cast for filming. Shots include extreme close-ups of a mobile phone, zooming out to reveal more of a location, panning shots, medium shots of characters in different settings, close-ups showing facial expressions, tracking shots of characters walking, and low angle shots. Jump cuts will be used to show a character having a flashback and going into shock. A graphic match will dissolve from a character's eye to a car wheel.
The document outlines the filming plan for a movie scene, including the placement of characters, cameras, and props. Camera positions are numbered and will face in the directions of the arrows. Actors will be in certain marked areas, like hostages in Barn 2. Shots of a car chase on a road are also planned.
The shooting schedule outlines various shots needed for two locations - Steetly and Baptist Street. Shots include extreme close-ups, zooming out, panning, over the shoulder shots, tracking shots, and low angle shots. The shots will feature the characters Waqa, Steetly and others and show actions like characters conversing in a tunnel, walking outdoors, and Waqa reacting to something on his mobile phone while in bed.
The document provides descriptions of different camera shot types including their purposes and intended effects on viewers. Wide angle shots show full context while low angle shots make subjects appear powerful. High angle shots make subjects seem vulnerable. Point of view and over the shoulder shots involve viewers. Close ups convey emotion while establishing shots set the scene. Tracking and panning shots follow action.
Yes, the use of editing in TV dramas does help construct meaning about relationships between characters. The different editing techniques like shot reverse shot, match on action, and eye line match are used to clearly show who is interacting with whom and emphasize the connections between characters. Editing allows the audience to understand the dynamics and power dynamics between characters by how their interactions are framed and cut together. Through editing, subtext and nuances in relationships can be revealed that might not otherwise come across just through the dialogue and acting alone. So editing plays a key role in how we interpret and understand the relationships that are central to the story.
This document analyzes various shots used in the trailer for the film "Contagion". It describes several shots including a medium close up, establishing shot with pan, follow shot using a handheld camera, handheld POV shot, high angle surveillance-style shot, POV shot from a car windshield, and long shot. It concludes that a variety of shots were used effectively to convey genre elements like panic, but that additional shots could have been included, such as an extreme close-up or over the shoulder shot.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about Scene #3 from the script breakdown sheet:
Scene #3 takes place inside a newsroom media suite during the day where the sole character, Horatio Milton Baxter, will be writing an article about Mia while the camera follows his typing to highlight his obsessive and compulsive traits as he sits alone in the room. No extras, stunts, or vehicles are needed for the simple scene of Horatio sitting and typing at a computer with a collage of Mia's pictures and news articles decorating the set meant to look like a newsroom.
This document provides a shooting schedule for a film project including 11 days of filming from September 1-October 28. It lists the scene, location, time of day, shot description, characters and props needed for each scene. Some of the key scenes include the initial victim being murdered in their bedroom, the arrest and interrogation of the villain, an execution scene, and the final church scene where the main character gets vengeance. The schedule involves both interior and exterior night and day shoots across multiple locations.
This document appears to be a shot list for a film or video production. It contains headings for scene number, shot number, shot type, camera, shot description, dialogue, and production/producer type but does not contain any details about specific scenes, shots, or dialogue. The document provides an overview of the structure and format for a shot list but does not include any substantive shot details.
This document contains a shot list for a film scene with descriptions of 24 shots including camera angles, movement, and key actions shown. Shot 1 is an establishing shot of a road and house. Shots 2, 6, 10, 12, and 24 are title screens. Shot 3 is a wide shot introducing the living room. Subsequent shots include points of view, intruders entering, the protagonist tied up in a car, being dragged into a field, and finally screaming into the camera in a close-up.
A woman watches a song on her TV and laptop inside her house. When the postman rides up on his bicycle to deliver a letter. The scene takes place during the daytime outside and inside a house. It involves two main cast members, Jordan Adeyemi and Genie Abbott, along with a postman delivering mail on a bicycle. Props include a TV, hat, laptop and bag. Filming is scheduled for Friday, October 8th 2010 at the media suite.
1) The document provides information on techniques for filming conversations, including the 180 degree rule, match on action, and different camera shots.
2) The 180 degree rule states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to avoid confusing the audience. Match on action matches the speed of an action like catching a ball across two shots to make the movement seem continuous.
3) Different camera shots are defined, including establishing shots, close-ups, extreme close-ups, two shots, and over the shoulder shots. The uses and purposes of each shot type are explained.
The summary provides context for the film through three key details:
1) A hole in the wall frames the city skyline beyond, setting the scene.
2) A medium shot allows the audience to see that the figure is a robot.
3) A handheld camera engages the audience as it circles the character until the hole is in front.
This risk assessment document summarizes potential hazards and safety controls for filming at a barn location. Hazards identified include fire, weak building structure, slipping on boggy ground, contact with animals, camera falling on crew, tripping over cables, and being hit by a vehicle. Controls already in place include multiple exits, checking the building structure, wearing sensible footwear, checking with the land owner about animals, securely mounting the camera, warning about cable locations, and filming awareness. Additional controls identified are ensuring crew knowledge of what to do in case of fire and making cable locations clear. The designated safety contact on location is Laura Thornborrow.
The document is an interactive story about a potential home buyer viewing an apartment. It presents various scenarios and dialogue options for the interaction between the buyer and the seller. The user can make choices that impact how the story progresses, such as changing characters, dialogue, and settings to watch new scenes unfold. The purpose is to explore different outcomes and perspectives through an interactive narrative format.
1. The breakdown sheet is for a film titled "FILM TITLE" and script breakdown sheet #1.
2. The scene takes place during the daytime outside and inside a house. It involves a woman watching a song on TV and then a postman delivering a letter and the woman dancing in her garden.
3. The cast includes Jordan Adeyemi and Genie Abbott. No extras or stunts are needed. Props include a TV, laptop, postman bag, and wig. A bicycle is also needed. Crew are to meet at 1:00pm on Friday, October 8th, 2010 and remember to bring the props.
This document provides a diagram of an audience seating area with a stage in front of tiered rows. There are 4 cameras placed in different locations likely to film or record the stage performance. Additionally, there are 2 boom microphones suspended above the stage that are used to capture audio.
Photos taken whilst shooting for out trailerZara31
This set of photos documents a meeting between Ryan and Tony, where Tony seems to hold a position of power over Ryan, who appears confused and scared. Subsequent photos show Tony as serious about getting a job done by Ryan, a phone ringing with tension building, Ryan running with a package while being pursued, a gun held to Ryan's head over an unknown issue, and Ryan sniffing drugs, providing context for the previous scenes.
The colors black, purple and white are used in the image, with the right side being darker possibly implying greater danger, as a man holds a baseball bat there. While the figures stand alone, their facial expressions suggest they each bear private sorrows and struggles, though standing alone could also mean strength and independence for facing challenges alone.
The document discusses creating a poster using screenshots and image editing software. It mentions adjusting effects like saturation and opacity on the images to achieve the desired look and feel. The screenshots show adjusting lighting and layering multiple images to create the final poster design.
The document discusses the visual elements and symbolism within a movie poster. It analyzes the use of colors like black, white, and mustard, as well as character dress and positioning. Black suggests death is involved and secrets. The two characters in the poster may be hiding something important. The positioning and dress of the characters implies the front character is more important but also possibly guilty, while the back character has less importance.
Deconstructing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 TrailerZara31
The trailer summarizes key scenes and information from the final Harry Potter film. Voldemort narrates and challenges Harry to confront his fate as they have one final battle. Fast cuts build suspense between scenes of the dark clouds, destroyed settings, and worried protagonists. The trailer highlights Harry saying they will finish it together and him jumping off with Voldemort. It shows the struggle between Harry as the heroic protagonist and Voldemort as the villain will determine who can live forever.
Deconstructing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 TrailerZara31
The trailer summarizes key scenes and information from the final Harry Potter film. Voldemort narrates and challenges Harry to confront his fate as they have one final battle. Fast cuts build suspense between scenes of the protagonists worried or scared about what will happen. Slow shots contrast the now destroyed Hogwarts grounds against memories of its former glory. The trailer highlights Harry and Voldemort's final confrontation and who will be left standing at the end to live forever.
The document summarizes feedback received on a music video uploaded to YouTube and Facebook. Both positive and negative feedback was received. Negative feedback included suggestions to add music during an intro without words to build tension, dim the background music during a conversation scene, and include a shot of a character in a mirror disappearing. The creator acknowledges these ideas could improve the video. Overall the feedback was pleasing, and future videos would incorporate this feedback to improve.
Eblogger was the primary new media technology used for research, planning, and evaluation for the student's coursework. All of the student's work was stored on Eblogger, allowing easy access without worrying about losing physical work. Eblogger also allowed embedding YouTube videos on the research blog for analyzing videos and receiving feedback, which provided helpful context for the student and teacher.
Usher's 2010 music video "There Goes My Baby" is a 4 minute and 44 second narrative/performance video directed by Anthony Mandler. The video depicts Usher singing about his love and compliments for his girlfriend. While focused mostly on Usher's performance of the romantic R&B song, the camera occasionally cut to his girlfriend as he sings about her. The soft, romantic atmosphere created through Usher's vocals and gentle visuals was likely meant to attract its target audience of teenagers and adults.
This music video tells the story of a woman singing about how men don't change and are often liars and cheaters in relationships. The artist, Amy Dalley, plays the guitar and sings while also portraying the narrator of the story about her friend Lisa's relationship with an untrustworthy man. Through a combination of the artist's performance and jump cuts between her and the other characters, the video conveys the message of the song in a realistic yet comedic way to engage the target audience of men and women who have dealt with unreliable partners.
The document appears to be lyrics and visuals for a song. The lyrics describe being in love and devoted to one's soulmate. The visuals show an actress remembering happy times with her best friend, like swinging together, but also depict an argument between them. She takes the bus to his house to reconcile, but he is not there. She leaves a note for him, hoping their love can overcome this difficulty.
Fight For This Love is Cheryl Cole's first solo single after leaving the girl band Girls Aloud. The song was written by American songwriters Steve Kipner, Wayne Wilkins and Andre Merrit, with Merrit originally demoing the song. It was Cole's debut as a solo artist outside of her former group.
The music video analyzes Jay Sean's song "Down" and its portrayal of his insecure girlfriend. Key elements include the recurring blue light and rose representing sadness over the girlfriend's worries about Jay Sean dancing with other girls. The target audience seems to be teenagers given the party atmosphere with drinking and dancing. Technical aspects like Jay Sean being shown topless and the use of colors like black and white are explored for their symbolic meanings and appeals.
The document describes the concept for a music video that tells the story of a close friendship between the female artist and a male friend from childhood through the present. It includes flashbacks of them playing together as children, spending time together in various locations as they grew up, and expressing their deep care and support for each other. The video performance portions feature the artist singing to her friend in different outfits and locations, representing the love and importance they hold in each other's lives.
The document is a song about a romantic relationship between two people, Zara and Jordan. It describes their childhood memories together, their strong feelings of love and dependence on each other now, and how Zara sees Jordan as her "everything" - her remedy, therapy, and the flame that heats her soul. The song is performed with visuals of Zara and Jordan together from their childhood playing at school up to the present where they hug as the song ends.
The song expresses deep love and devotion for the subject, saying they are the singer's everything, remedy, and therapy. The singer is consumed by their touch and knows it is true love. Even when asked to leave, the subject stayed close and the singer wants to express how much they love the subject's whole attitude. The singer's love is like a dream and they are thankful to have found the subject.
Jay Sean tries to convince his insecure girlfriend that she is the only one for him in his music video for "Down". The video shows the girlfriend feeling uneasy as Jay Sean dances with other women at a party. While focusing primarily on Jay Sean and his girlfriend's relationship struggles, the video also features background dancers and creates a lively atmosphere to match the song's theme of helping the girlfriend relax and feel comfortable.
The filmmakers aimed to attract a youth audience with their thriller genre and modern costumes like hoodies and jeans. They chose a small room setting to pique audience curiosity about what was happening inside. Feedback from a 15-year-old friend suggested the film did not fully meet her expectations and could have been improved.
How does your media product represent particular social groups2Zara31
The document summarizes how a media product represents social groups. It focuses on two main female characters - a victim and a psychiatrist. The victim is portrayed as vulnerable, quiet, and scared, representing women as more emotional. The psychiatrist is shown as caring, friendly, and helpful, portraying professional women as concerned with appearance over career. Both characters in the film are Asian females, shown working high status jobs as doctors or accountants.
How does your media product represent particular social groups2Zara31
Script Breakdown Sheet5
1. Scene #
Breakdown Sheet #
Int / Ext Set Day / Night Pages
Int Conference room Day
Description Location Studio
Medium close up of Sarah
Cast Extras Stunts
Patient - Zara
Props Wardrobe Vehicles