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Script Writing
Script Writing for Educational Videos
A script is often referred to something like
a blueprint for filmmaking  its the plan
that flows from the Creative Brief and
carries the actual story. In addition, a
script saves you a lot of time in editing and
How to Write a Script for a Video
1. Introduce yourself and/or the topic at the beginning
of your script.
2. Start writing your script, section by section.
3. Be as concise as you can.
4. Write conversationally.
5. Write for the audience
Script-Writing for Educational  Video lesson.pptx
Encourage Socially-Distanced Book
If your students live in the same area, you might suggest
to kids and parents the possibility of swapping small
stacks of books for reading. If they reach out to a friend
or fellow student and would love to trade a few to read,
then they can arrange to leave a bag of books that
haven't been touched in three days for a friend to pick-
up and leave their own bag of untouched books (in three
days) behind.
Make a Drop-Off Run
Are there some students in your class that you
can't reach through tech? Write them a quick note
to say hello, that you're thinking of them, and that
you wanted to lend them something to read until
they return to school. Then put it in a bag with a
storybook or two you think they'd like and drop it
off at their house.
Classroom Reading Instruction That
Supports Struggling Readers: Key
Components for Effective Teaching
1. Teach essential skills and strategies.
 Effective reading teachers teach skills,
strategies, and concepts.
Classroom Reading Instruction That
Supports Struggling Readers: Key
Components for Effective Teaching
2. Provide differentiated instruction to meet
students' needs.
 Effective teachers recognize that one size
doesn't fit all and are ready to adapt
instructionboth content and methods.
Classroom Reading Instruction That
Supports Struggling Readers: Key
Components for Effective Teaching
3. Provide explicit and systematic
instruction with lots of practice.
 Students should not have to infer what
they are supposed to learn.
Classroom Reading Instruction That
Supports Struggling Readers: Key
Components for Effective Teaching
4. Provide opportunities to apply skills
and strategies in reading and writing
meaningful text with teacher support.
 Students need to be taught what to do
when they get to a "hard word."
Applying Skills and Strategies in
Meaningful Text
A. Look for parts of the word you know.
 In the earliest stages of learning to read, students may find a
letter or a letter combination (e.g., th, ing) that they know.
 Later, they may recognize common word endings (e.g., 
ot in pot, rot, cot).
 Still later, they may identify roots or base words, such as the
root spect (which means "to see") in the
words inspect and spectacles, or common prefixes and
suffixes like pre- or -ly.
Applying Skills and Strategies in
Meaningful Text
B. Sound it out.
Students should be taught from the earliest lessons to use a
sounding-out strategy to read unfamiliar words. They should
learn how to blend sounds and larger word parts together to read
words and how to apply this strategy when reading real text.
If a word is too difficult for a student to sound out, the teacher
can model the process of looking for known letters or word parts
and sounding out the word, and then simply tell the student the
Applying Skills and Strategies in
Meaningful Text
C. Check it.
After students sound out the unfamiliar word, the last step of
the three-part word reading strategy is to teach students to put
the newly solved word back into the sentence and to check it
to be sure it makes sense. Thus, the meaning of the word in
context is not ignored; it is used as the checking mechanism.
Studies of skilled young readers show that this is the main way
they use contextnot for guessing what words are, but for
checking to be sure that their reading is making sense so they
can make corrections when it doesn't make sense.
Classroom Reading Instruction That
Supports Struggling Readers: Key
Components for Effective Teaching
5. Don't just "cover" critical content; be sure
students learn itmonitor student progress
regularly and reteach as necessary.
 Effective teachers adjust their teaching
accordingly to try to accelerate student
Script-Writing for Educational  Video lesson.pptx

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Script-Writing for Educational Video lesson.pptx

  • 2. Script Writing for Educational Videos A script is often referred to something like a blueprint for filmmaking its the plan that flows from the Creative Brief and carries the actual story. In addition, a script saves you a lot of time in editing and filming.
  • 3. How to Write a Script for a Video 1. Introduce yourself and/or the topic at the beginning of your script. 2. Start writing your script, section by section. 3. Be as concise as you can. 4. Write conversationally. 5. Write for the audience
  • 5. Encourage Socially-Distanced Book Swapping If your students live in the same area, you might suggest to kids and parents the possibility of swapping small stacks of books for reading. If they reach out to a friend or fellow student and would love to trade a few to read, then they can arrange to leave a bag of books that haven't been touched in three days for a friend to pick- up and leave their own bag of untouched books (in three days) behind.
  • 6. Make a Drop-Off Run Are there some students in your class that you can't reach through tech? Write them a quick note to say hello, that you're thinking of them, and that you wanted to lend them something to read until they return to school. Then put it in a bag with a storybook or two you think they'd like and drop it off at their house.
  • 7. Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching 1. Teach essential skills and strategies. Effective reading teachers teach skills, strategies, and concepts.
  • 8. Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching 2. Provide differentiated instruction to meet students' needs. Effective teachers recognize that one size doesn't fit all and are ready to adapt instructionboth content and methods.
  • 9. Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching 3. Provide explicit and systematic instruction with lots of practice. Students should not have to infer what they are supposed to learn.
  • 10. Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching 4. Provide opportunities to apply skills and strategies in reading and writing meaningful text with teacher support. Students need to be taught what to do when they get to a "hard word."
  • 11. Applying Skills and Strategies in Meaningful Text A. Look for parts of the word you know. In the earliest stages of learning to read, students may find a letter or a letter combination (e.g., th, ing) that they know. Later, they may recognize common word endings (e.g., ot in pot, rot, cot). Still later, they may identify roots or base words, such as the root spect (which means "to see") in the words inspect and spectacles, or common prefixes and suffixes like pre- or -ly.
  • 12. Applying Skills and Strategies in Meaningful Text B. Sound it out. Students should be taught from the earliest lessons to use a sounding-out strategy to read unfamiliar words. They should learn how to blend sounds and larger word parts together to read words and how to apply this strategy when reading real text. If a word is too difficult for a student to sound out, the teacher can model the process of looking for known letters or word parts and sounding out the word, and then simply tell the student the word.
  • 13. Applying Skills and Strategies in Meaningful Text C. Check it. After students sound out the unfamiliar word, the last step of the three-part word reading strategy is to teach students to put the newly solved word back into the sentence and to check it to be sure it makes sense. Thus, the meaning of the word in context is not ignored; it is used as the checking mechanism. Studies of skilled young readers show that this is the main way they use contextnot for guessing what words are, but for checking to be sure that their reading is making sense so they can make corrections when it doesn't make sense.
  • 14. Classroom Reading Instruction That Supports Struggling Readers: Key Components for Effective Teaching 5. Don't just "cover" critical content; be sure students learn itmonitor student progress regularly and reteach as necessary. Effective teachers adjust their teaching accordingly to try to accelerate student progress.