Here are the estimates for the paper town buildings in story points:
House: 3 story points
Villa: 5 story points
Apartment Building: 8 story points
Fire Department: 13 story points
4. AimThis courseaims to provide a basicunderstandingof Agile methods, in particularScrum as a method, itsrelevance and mindset, and practicaluseofScrum in projectsItsprimaryaudience is developerswithlittle or nounderstandingofScrum
5. ContentsPart 1: Agile and Scrum 10 min breakPart 2: Agile Estimating and PlanningPart 3: ScalingScrum 10 min breakPart 4: Exercise
6. ContentsPart 1: Agile and Scrum 10 min breakPart 2: Agile Estimating and PlanningPart 3: ScalingScrum 10 min breakPart 4: Exercise
7. Manifesto for Agile Software DevelopmentWe are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
9. ScrumScrum, as a holistic approach in which phases strongly overlap and the whole process is performed by one cross-functional team across the different phases, is comparable to rugby, where the whole team "tries to go to the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth (from The New New Product Development Game by Hirotaka Takeuchi and IkujiroNonaka )
10. ScrumWikipedia: Scrum is an iterative incremental process of software development commonly used with agile software development.
11. ScrumWikipedia: Scrum is an iterative incremental process of software development commonly used with agile software development.Definitionsvary: Its a method its not a methodits a process its not a processits a framework its not a frameworkits a method etc
12. ScrumWikipedia: Scrum is an iterative incremental process of software development commonly used with agile software development.Definitionsvary: Its a method its not a methodits a process its not a processits a framework its not a frameworkits a method etcButthat is not important!
13. Scrum in 100 words (or less)Scrum is an Agile process focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time
14. Scrum in 100 words (or less)Scrum is an Agile process focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest timeThe business sets the priorities. The developers self-organize to determine best to deliver the highest priority features
15. Scrum in 100 words (or less)Scrum is an Agile process focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest timeThe business sets the priorities. The developers self-organize to determine best to deliver the highest priority featuresIt utilizes rapid and repeated inspection of work products
16. Scrum in 100 words (or less)Scrum is an Agile process focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest timeThe business sets the priorities. The developers self-organize to determine best to deliver the highest priority featuresIt utilizes rapid and repeated inspection of work productsEvery two to four weeks anyone can see real working product increments which may be released to customers
17. Scrum in 64 wordsScrum is an Agile process focuses on delivering the highest business value in the shortest timeThe business sets the priorities. The developers self-organize to determine best to deliver the highest priority featuresIt utilizes rapid and repeated inspection of work productsEvery two to four weeks anyone can see real working product increments which may be released to customers
22. The ArtifactsProductBackloga prioritized list of high level requirementsSprint Backloga list of tasks to be completed during the sprintBurndownCharta progress chartmeasuring estimatedhoursremaining
23. The ArtifactsProductBackloga prioritized list of high level requirementsSprint Backloga list of tasks to be completed during the sprintBurndownCharta progress chartmeasuring estimatedhoursremainingScrumBoardmaking it all visible
26. The ProcessDailyScrum15 minutes STANDING; each team memberanswer 3 questions:What have youdonesinceyesterday?What do you plan to do today?Do you have any impediments?
27. The ProcessDailyScrum15 minutes STANDING; each team memberanswer 3 questions:What have youdonesinceyesterday?What do you plan to do today?Do you have any impediments?SprintAn iteration, 2-4 weeksNo changes in the Sprint Backlog during thisperiod!
28. The ProcessDailyScrum15 minutes STANDING; each team memberanswer 3 questions:What have youdonesinceyesterday?What do you plan to do today?Do you have any impediments?SprintAn iteration, 2-4 weeksNo changes in the Sprint Backlog during thisperiod!Sprint Retrospective inspect and adaptAt end of a Sprint, 30 minutes to 4 hours
30. Exercise 1: The DysfunctionalScrum8 volunteersEach person willget a cardwithinstructionsOne person will be theScrum MasterThe team willperform a DailyScrum, witheach person actingoutthe given instructions
31. Exercise 1: The DysfunctionalScrum: ExerciseRetrospectiveWhatthecardssaidBe very vague about what you did yesterday.Attempt to distract the people next to youGet really technical about what you did or are going to do so nobody on the team understands your jargon.Youve been struggling with the same task for the last 5 days. Try and talk for as long as possible about what you did yesterday or are going to do today.Always interrupt others when they are talking.Immediately leave the room. Then, return (turn up late to the Daily Scrum) and act uninterested.Pigs and Chickens
33. The PigRolesThe Teamdevelopers, designers, testersresponsible for deliveringtheproductThe Scrum Masterresponsible for facilitatingtheScrumprocess
34. The PigRolesThe Teamdevelopers, designers, testersresponsible for deliveringtheproductThe Scrum Masterresponsible for facilitatingtheScrumprocessThe ProductOwnerresponsible for maintaining the Product Backlog by representing the interests of the stakeholders ("customers").
43. ScrumPrerequisitesUnderstandingofthemethod and itsprinciples(this is whyweareheretoday)Customeravailable during theprojectCulture for opencommunicationSelf-discipline and honestyRemember it is the Team and not theindividualdeveloperthat is responsible for delivering!
46. ScrumAdvantagesTeam is focused on frequently delivering value to the businessDailyScrum makes all problems visibleCustomer Collaboration makes for betterRequirements and Change Management
47. ScrumAdvantagesTeam is focused on frequently delivering value to the businessDailyScrum makes all problems visibleCustomer Collaboration makes for betterRequirements and Change ManagementAdministration and documentation kept to a minimum
48. ScrumAdvantagesTeam is focused on frequently delivering value to the businessDailyScrum makes all problems visibleCustomer Collaboration makes for betterRequirements and Change ManagementAdministration and documentation kept to a minimumPossibility to combine Scrum with other methodics
58. ContentsPart 1: Agile and Scrum 10 min breakPart 2: Agile Estimating and PlanningPart 3: ScalingScrum 10 min breakPart 4: Exercise
59. Planning PokerWikipedia: Planning Poker is a consensus-based estimation technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of tasks in software development.
60. Planning PokerWikipedia: Planning Poker is a consensus-based estimation technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of tasks in software development.Most commonly used for estimatingeffort, butcanalso be used for estimatingvalue
63. Planning PokerFirst, thetask is described by onewho understands itEach person thenselects a card he feelsappropriate
64. Planning PokerFirst, thetask is described by onewho understands itEach person thenselects a card he feelsappropriateThe cardsareshownsimultanously
65. Planning PokerFirst, thetask is described by onewho understands itEach person thenselects a card he feelsappropriateThe cardsareshownsimultanouslyThe person withthehighest and lowestnumberarguetheirestimate total time no more than 5 minutes before a newround is played
66. Planning PokerFirst, thetask is described by onewho understands itEach person thenselects a card he feelsappropriateThe cardsareshownsimultanouslyThe person withthehighest and lowestnumberarguetheirestimate total time no more than 5 minutes before a newround is playedIfno consensus is reachedafter 3 rounds, thetask is parked
67. Planning PokerBaselining is done by selecting a fairlysmall and well-understoodtask and estimating it first, preferably to a lownumber, typically 2
68. Planning PokerBaselining is done by selecting a fairlysmall and well-understoodtask and estimating it first, preferably to a lownumber, typically 2The cards are numbered as they are to account for the fact that the higher an estimate is, the more uncertainty it contains
69. Planning PokerBaselining is done by selecting a fairlysmall and well-understoodtask and estimating it first, preferably to a lownumber, typically 2The cards are numbered as they are to account for the fact that the higher an estimate is, the more uncertainty it containsEstimates obtained through the Planning Poker process are shown to be less optimistic and more accuratethan estimates obtained through mechanical combination of individual estimates for the same tasks
70. UserStories and theProductBacklogA user story is a software system requirement formulated as one or two sentences in the everyday or business language of the userAs a customer representative, I can search for my customers by their first and last name.As a non-administrative user, I can modify my own schedules but not the schedules of other users.
71. UserStories and theProductBacklogA user story is a software system requirement formulated as one or two sentences in the everyday or business language of the userAs a customer representative, I can search for my customers by their first and last name.As a non-administrative user, I can modify my own schedules but not the schedules of other users.A User Story has value, thisvalue is visualizedwith a relative numbercalled Story Points
72. UserStories and theProductBacklogA user story is a software system requirement formulated as one or two sentences in the everyday or business language of the userAs a customer representative, I can search for my customers by their first and last name.As a non-administrative user, I can modify my own schedules but not the schedules of other users.A User Story has value, thisvalue is visualizedwith a relative numbercalled Story PointsThe ProductBacklog is a prioritized list ofUserStories
76. Team VelocityTeam velocity is how much product backlog effort a team can deliver in one sprint measured in Story points per SprintRemember, thefocus is howmuchvaluecanweadd to the business andnot howmuchcodecanweproduce
77. Team VelocityTeam velocity is how much product backlog effort a team can deliver in one sprint measured in Story points per SprintRemember, thefocus is howmuchvaluecanweadd to the business andnot howmuchcodecanweproduceThe team commits to theamoutofwork it feels it candeliver
78. Team VelocityTeam velocity is how much product backlog effort a team can deliver in one sprint measured in Story points per SprintRemember, thefocus is howmuchvaluecanweadd to the business andnot howmuchcodecanweproduceThe team commits to theamoutofwork it feels it candeliverThe team quickly (2-3 sprints) achieves a fairly stable velocity (calibration)
80. DefinitionofDone (DoD)DoD is a checklist of valuable activities required to produce softwareDoD is the primary reporting mechanism for team membersa feature is either done or it is not-done
81. DefinitionofDone (DoD)DoD is a checklist of valuable activities required to produce softwareDoD is the primary reporting mechanism for team membersa feature is either done or it is not-doneDoD is informed by reality
82. DefinitionofDone (DoD)DoD is a checklist of valuable activities required to produce softwareDoD is the primary reporting mechanism for team membersa feature is either done or it is not-doneDoD is informed by realityDoD is not static
83. DefinitionofDone (DoD)DoD is a checklist of valuable activities required to produce softwareDoD is the primary reporting mechanism for team membersa feature is either done or it is not-doneDoD is informed by realityDoD is not staticDoD is auditable
85. Exercise 2: The Paper Town, part 1Make an estimate for a papertown to be built in nextexerciseSpecificationofthebuildingsonthenext slide (and handedout)Props for building: A4-paper, scissors, tape, ruler10 minutes
86. Exercise 2: The Paper Town, part 1specificationofbuildingsHouse: 150 +/- 25 cm^2, 1 story1 story = 8-10 cmVilla: 250 +/- 25 cm^2, 1 storyApartement Building: 150 +/-25 cm^2, 4 storiesFire Departement: 300 +/- 10 cm^2, 2 storiesplus a tower, 30 +/-2 cm tallPolice Station: 300 +/- 10 cm^2, 3 storiesHospital: 2 stories, 400 +/- 10 cm^2 and 250 +/- 10 cm^2School: 300 +/- 10 cm^2, inside a fenced area 600 +/- 10 cm^2, fence 4-6 cm tallGeneral Store: 400 cm^2 +/- 25 cm, 1 story
90. ContentsPart 1: Agile and Scrum 10 min breakPart 2: Agile Estimating and PlanningPart 3: ScalingScrum 10 min breakPart 4: Exercise
91. 息 2009 Capgemini. All rights reservedSteinar rdal & Geir Magne Trengereid92ScalingScrum(as done in the NAV Pension project)DailyScrumSprintSmallScrumBig Scrum
92. 息 2009 Capgemini. All rights reservedSteinar rdal & Geir Magne Trengereid93DailyScrumProduct BacklogxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSprintSprint BacklogxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNew, demonstrablefunctionality at end ofeach Sprint4 WeeksThe Scrumprocess
93. 息 2009 Capgemini. All rights reservedSteinar rdal & Geir Magne Trengereid94Scrum of ScrumsABCDEDaily ScrumOfScrums(15 min)ScrumMasters & Architects(++)
102. ContentsPart 1: Agile and Scrum 10 min breakPart 2: Agile Estimating and PlanningPart 3: ScalingScrum 10 min breakPart 4: Exercise
103. Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2building and deployingBuildthebuildingsestimated in Exercise 215 minutes sprint, followed by 5 minute Sprint RetrospectiveDoD:A building must be placedonthetown area to be doneA building must be able to support itselfA building must be square or rectangularA building must have a roofNote that not all buildingsarerequested in all sprints!
104. Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2ProductBacklog Sprint 1Team Commitment?
105. Whichbuildingscanyour team committ to?Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2 Sprint 1 RetrospectiveDidyour team meetitscommitment?Process:Howdidyouorganiseyour team?Didyou ask theProductOwneranyquestions?Requirements:Are thereanychanges to DoD?Are thereanychanges to theProductBacklog?
106. Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2ProductBacklog Sprint 2Team Commitment?
107. Whichbuildingscanyour team committ to?Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2 Sprint 2 RetrospectiveDidyou make anyorganisationalchanges to the team?Didyour team meetitscommitment?Requirements:Are thereanychanges to DoD?Are thereanychanges to theProductBacklog?
108. Exercise 3: The Paper Town, part 2ProductBacklog Sprint 3A towerdoes not need to be square or rectangularA tower must be at least 50 cm tall, and support itself
#26: Demonstrateoneburndownchart. Talk aboutdifferentapproaches to theuseofburndowncharts, for examplethesetwodifferentapproaches:A burndownchartcovering all tasks for oneuser story or use caseA burndownchartcovering all tasks for one sprintDemoshould be simple and quick, ca 5 minutes?
#71: Studyofestimate: ^Molokken-Ostvold, K. Haugen, N.C. (13 April 2007). "Combining Estimates with Planning Poker--An Empirical Study". IEEE. Retrieved on 2008-02-01. (Simulap奪Lysaker)
#100: A semi-largeexercise, practicalexercise, typicallythe team buildsomething. Facilitator is ProductOwner, must provide materials and backlogwith story pointsIncludesestimating (team), building (team), requirementchange (PO), story pointchange (PO)Facilitatorprovides materials and backlog, completewith story points. ---Town Area: A table or marked area onthefloor (brownpaper?). Props: Scissors, paper (A4), tape, ruler