The survey captures information about a team's sprint planning and execution practices. It includes yes/no questions about the tools, processes, and participants involved in activities like sprint planning meetings, backlog management, daily standups, and retrospectives. The survey also prompts for additional details to understand how and why the team approaches certain agile practices the way they do.
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Scrum survey sprint planning
1. Sprint
WHY? For in-place teams, the Scrum Master can quickly identify the
manner in which Sprints are being performed, and the survey also
captures the Sprint execution preferences of a new team.
YES/NO Things to Consider
1. Is a tool used to manage the Sprint Backlog? [If Yes, please identify the tool(s)?]
2. Does the Team employ a Task Board? [If Yes, is an electronic, physical, or both used?]
3. Is the Team estimating the Sprint Backlog [If No, what value is the Team using the estimate
using hours? the Sprint Backlog?]
4. Does the Team assume responsibility for [If No, who currently applies updates to the
adding Tasks to the Sprint Backlog? Sprint Backlog?]
5. What information is captured in the Sprint [Are any of the following tracked for Tasks in the
Backlog? Sprint Backlog: Task Definition, Task Owner,
Original Estimated Hours, Estimated Hours
Remaining, Is Task Blocked (Yes/No)?]
6. Is the Team currently allocating tasks to [If Yes, is the Team experiencing any challenges
resources during Sprint Planning? with self-organizing on the ownership of tasks?]
7. Who typically attends the Sprint Planning [Do the Product Owner and Delivery Team
Meeting? always participate in the Sprint Planning
8. What is the typical duration of the Sprint [Is a standard format used for all Sprint Planning
Planning Meeting? Meetings?]
9. Has the Team established a Velocity? [If Yes, over how many Sprints has the Team
maintained this Velocity?]
2. 10. Is the Team collaborating with the Product [If Yes, how is the Team fairing in achieving the
Owner to establish a Goal for each Sprint? goals of the Sprints?]
11. Is the Team routinely conducting a Sprint [If Yes, what is the format of the Sprint Review?
Do any Distributed Team Members participate in
the Sprint Review?
Is the Product Owner and other Stakeholders
always present at the Sprint Review?]
12. What is the typical duration of your Sprint [If the duration is exceeds 1 hour, what is the
Reviews? rationale for having a Sprint Review of this
13. When does the Team usually discuss the [Is this activity combined with Sprint Planning,
feedback received from the Sprint Review? Sprint Retrospective, other?]
14. Is the Sprint Plan posted in a central [Is Yes, what is the location?]
15. What metrics are tracked for the Sprint? [What reports are used to present these metrics?]
16. Is The Team generating Unit Test for code [If Yes, are the Unit Test automated?
delivered in each Sprint?
Are the estimated hours for the Unit Test task
explicitly stated in the Sprint Plan?]
17. Is The Team including estimates for Team [If Yes, is the Meeting Preparation & Execution
Meetings in the Sprint Plan? been tracked as a single task or broken into
separate tasks for each team member?]
18. Does The Team employ a Commitment- [Is the Team informed about the differences
Driven or Velocity-Driven approach for between these two approaches?]
Sprint Planning?
19. Does The Team have any Support and/or [If Yes, is the amount of effort for these activities
Maintenance responsibilities? being estimated per each Sprint?
How often is the Resource Capacity of The Team