The document summarizes two days of a service design event. Day 1 focused on hearing from clients about their experiences with service design. Day 2 provided deeper investigation into methods and case studies through lectures and workshops. Highlights from Day 2 included a keynote on police services, a presentation on delivering customer value, and a presentation on lessons from cloud services. Takeaways included that selling service design remains a challenge, but interest from consultants is growing, connecting it to overall change processes is important, most projects still have humble objectives, and the expertise gap may not be as large as expected.
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SDN Conference 2010 Redux
1. 息 2009 Proto Partners. Confidential & Proprietary.
2. 息 2009 Proto Partners. Confidential & Proprietary.
connecting the dots
3. 息 2009 Proto Partners. Confidential & Proprietary.
4. 息 2009 Proto Partners. Confidential & Proprietary.
5. 息 2009 Proto Partners. Confidential & Proprietary.
Day 1 focused on clients. The goal was to use the
chance to hear about clients experiences with
Service Design and how it makes a difference.
Day 2 was composed for anyone interested in
Service Design. There was a deeper
investigation into methods and case studies
through lectures and workshops.
6. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
7. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
the snook myPolice
keynote end of day 2
8. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
9. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
the palmu and fonecta
presentation about
customer value2
10. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
11. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
design continuum
presentation with key
lessons from the cloud3
12. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
1. Rethink the role of staff
2. Use technology in the right way
3. Deliver a consistent experience
4. Keep learning from customers
5. Refocus the organisation to deliver
whats right
13. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
orange presentation
on internal service
design teams5
14. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
1. Its important not to be overwhelming
2. Advocating through results is worth a
1000 design talks
3. Build up gradually the breadth and
depth of design involvement
15. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
meeting virtual
friends who are facing
the same issues5
16. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
17. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
18. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
nobody has cracked
the code in easily
selling service design1
19. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
despite that, CEX
keen area of interest
for consultants, brand
and ux 鍖rms
20. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
importance of
connecting to the
overall change process3
21. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
majority of projects
are still humble in
their objectives4
22. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.
there isnt the
expertise gap I thought
there might be5
23. 息 2010 Proto Partners. Con鍖dential & Proprietary.