10. Data Collection
1) Paper based forms are transformed to
electronic questionnaires using XLS, XML and
other related technologies. The electronic
questionnaires can then be used in Android
based mobile devices ( Phones, Tablets) as
well as for data collection via a web browser.
2) Forms can be used to capture both qualitative
and quantitative data(Geo tagged images,
audio and video recordings etc)
3) Complex validations and skip patterns can be
included to ensure data quality, and
completeness of the survey
4) Forms work in both online and offline mode.
Enumerators can collect data from the field in
offline mode, and then push the data to the
centralized server when they are online.
11. Data Collation
1) Data collected from multiple devices is then
collated in a centralized server.
2) Collected data can be exported into CSV files.
3) We can then develop aggregation logic to
aggregate the data across various categories
12. Data Sharing
1) Analysed and aggregated data can then be
represented in a visually engaging and
interactive dashboard.
2) Functionality to share the aggregated and
analysed data as pdf and xls files can be built.
3) The online dashboard can represent analyses
and aggregated data from multiple rounds of
data collection, across geographies for
multiples of indicators and sectors.
14. www.sdrc.co.in
eHPM – Humanitarian Performance Monitoring System
SDRC designed the electronic versions of the data collection tools
and the analysed, aggregated data was then presented in a
visually engaging online dashboard.
16. www.sdrc.co.in
Phailin Needs Assessment Dashboard
Odisha India
SDRC designed the electronic versions of the data collection tools
and the analysed, aggregated data was then presented in a
visually engaging online dashboard.
19. `Logical View of Devinfo
SMEs, DB AdministratorSMEs, DB Administrator
Users, Decision makersUsers, Decision makers
DevInfo 7.0 Database Administration (Windows Forms application)
Define IUS
Data Exchange utility , Import Export Validation Tools, Reporting
.tpl Files.tpl Files
Data Entry
DevInfo 7.0 User Web application
Devinfo Databases
Web Services As
Composable UI
Web pages And
User administration
and Personalization
Adhoc reporting and
Asynchronous Operation