This document contains short descriptions of different sea creatures including whales, sharks, dolphins, fish, jellyfish, crabs, and starfish. It notes key features of each animal such as their size, fins, tails, teeth, shells, claws, colors, diets, and modes of movement in water or on rocks. The descriptions provide basic information about the appearance and characteristics of various ocean animals.
3. whale
Whales are
huge. They have
not got spines
or claws. They
are strong. They
have got big fins
and strong tails.
They have got
big mouths.
They are white
and black.
4. shark
Sharks are very
big. They have not
got spines or
claws. They have
big mouths and
they have lots of
teeth. Their teeth
are very sharp.
They can swim
quickly. They eat
fish and crabs.
5. Dolphin
Dolphins have
not got spines
and shells.
They have got
big fins. They
have got strong
tails. They can
swim quickly
too. Dolphins
are friendly.
9. starfish
Starfish do not
have shells or
claws. Starfish
have arms and
spines. The spines
are sharp. It has
lots of tiny feet.
Starfish can not
swim but they can
crawl on the rocks.
They eat shellfish