Focus your search topic and identify important keywords. Use synonyms and search operators like AND, OR and NOT to narrow or expand your search. Enclose phrases in quotes and use truncation with * to find word variants. Combine multiple operators and keywords using parentheses to organize complex searches.
2. How to Start a Search
Focus/narrow your topic
Pick out most important words
Indian movies
India and movies
Find synonyms for these words
Movie or film or cinema
India or Bollywood
3. Search Tips
Narrows your search by
adding more requirements
India or Bollywood
Expands your search
India or Bollywood
Narrows your search
India not Bollywood
4. Search Tips
Use for phrases
Indian cinema
Use * to find word variants
Film* brings back film, films, or filmography
5. Combine Search Operators
parentheses () to organize them:
(Movie* or film or cinema or motion
pictures) and (India or Bollywood)