A few tips for more specific and faster searches in Google. Designed as introduction to search tips for journalism students. Given in association with Google Cheat Sheet. Feedback welcome.
2. When you enter keywords into Google, it searches web pages from
across the world wide web. That’s great if you want a wide search
that catches any page or document that contains those words
“Flight of the Conchords”
3. But what if you want specific information and you’re in a hurry?
4. There are ways to make Google searches more specific.... and faster
5. Let’s say you’re researching the Flight of the Conchords and you
want to find a story that ran in the NZ Herald newspaper. You
can search nzherald.co.nz from the Google search box
6. Use this syntax to ask Google to search only nzherald.co.nz for
“flight of the conchords”
site: www.nzherald.co.nz “flight of the conchords”
7. Compare the results of these two searches. The search on the right
immediately gives you results from nzherald.co.nz – and hopefully
just what you were looking for
“flight of the conchords” site: www.nzherald.co.nz “flight of the conchords”
8. If you wanted to know about a music download, you might search
the Conchords’ MySpace page
site: www.myspace.com“flight of the conchords”
9. You can also search particular kinds of sites such as university
websites (perhaps if you wanted to know whether there was any
academic research into the Flight of the Conchords)
site: .ac.nz
33. Percentage
Raise to a power
Old measure in new
% of
old in new
5*9+(sqrt 10)^3
25 % of 978
10 ^2
45 Celsius in Fahrenheit
5*9+(sqrt 10)^3=
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