The document provides tips for effective internet searching. It advises to take time to learn relevant databases, define a topic and purpose, and use 6-8 noun keywords. Connectors like "+" and words like "and" can be used, and phrases should be in quotation marks. Punctuation should be ignored, articles and prepositions avoided, and alternative spellings considered to avoid missing results. Most importantly, searching should be fun.
2. Advices to follow Take your time to learn how to use some databases that could help you to find information about some specific fields. Define your topic, and the purpose of your search.Use keywords (6 to 8). Try to use nouns.SILVIA BUJN G.
3. Advices to follow Use connectors. For example, Put together 2 or more words by using a + symbol. Also, use words like and, or, and and not.Put phrases between quotation _ marks. Forget about punctuation.SILVIA BUJN G.
4. What to avoid?Do not use articles, pronouns or prepositions. Try to spell carefully, and always consider other spelling options. Avoid redundancy. SILVIA BUJN G.