This document provides statistics related to homelessness in South Ayrshire and Scotland. It summarizes that 761 people registered as homeless in South Ayrshire last year, though the actual number is likely higher. While no one was recorded as sleeping rough in Ayrshire last year, over 2,600 people slept rough in Scotland. The document also notes that 1 in 4 homelessness claims involve children, and that Seascape currently supports 450 clients, having helped 425 people into affordable homes over the past 5 years through their various services and programs.
2. 761
Seven hundred and sixty one.
The number of people in South Ayrshire last
year who registered themselves as homeless
with the council.
It is certainly an under estimate of the real
A lot of homelessness is hidden. The same year
there were an estimated 384 concealed
homeless those for example who are sofa-
surfing with friends or relatives.
The figure for Scotland is 34,972. - Table 1
3. 0
The number of people in Ayrshire who slept
rough last year.
If your mental picture of homeless is a
sleeping bag in a shop doorway, that figure may
surprise you.
Its a figure with some controversy. Seascape
saw no-one in the last twelve months who met
the official definition, and it is the definition that
drives that controversy. Official numbers report
that some 2,600 people slept rough in Scotland
last year before registering homeless. It is a
problem mainly of the cities.
Whatever, its a small number, its not the whole
picture. - Table 2
4. 1 in 4
One in four.
Children are involved in 1 in 4 claims
for homelessness.
6,581 children were in temporary
accommodation in Scotland in 2017
14,000 children were in households
assessed as homeless in 2017/18 - Table 8b
5. 450
Four hundred and fifty.
Thats the number of clients Seascape is
supporting at the current time.
Over the past five years we have
..and we have given out 贈 in stuff.
Often, clients will be followed up and
given on-going support over several
Seascape Business plan 2017-2020
6. 1 in 5
One in Five.
When you are homeless, any roof will
do. Right? In fact, 1 in 5 people who
are placed in accommodation are back
in the homeless system a year later.
It happens for a variety of reasons.
Homelessness is more often a
symptom of wider issues: family
breakdown, domestic violence,
addiction, mental health, debt.
Leaving those problems unsolved means
tenancies sometimes fail.
Seascape will give intensive 1 on 1 support to
clients, sometimes over a period of years to
get them back on their feet and able to
manage a home.
Seascape Business plan 2017-2020
7. 425
Four hundred and twenty five.
The people we have helped into
affordable homes in the past five years.
60% of South Ayrshire residents are
unable to purchase a home on the open
market. Across Scotland, the private
rented sector has nearly doubled when
the public housing has been shrinking.
Young people and vulnerable groups find it hard
to get into the private sector. Seascape has
relationships with over 500 landlords. Our Rent
Deposit Guarantee Service together with help
with housing benefits and rent payments direct
to landlords can help secure and maintain a
Seascape Business plan 2017-2020 - Chart 6a & 6b
8. 100+
Over one hundred.
Imagine you are homeless and are given
the keys to a home but theres no
furniture, no carpets, no curtains. What
do you sit down on, how do you eat?
Where do the kids sleep?
Thats a major reason why tenancies fail.
Seascape has helped over one hundred
people since instigating our Pass it on
scheme last year.
Pass it On recycles your unwanted
household items, anything from
cupboards and chairs to crockery and
utensils; everything needed to turn a
roof into a home.
9. Get
make a
If you want to support what we are
doing, you can help make a difference:
As an individual, you can donate, help
fundraise, contribute as a volunteer, or
raise awareness of our work
As a local company, you can contribute
your valuable resources and expertise
As a landlord, you can engage with us
to help disadvantaged people
To find out how, go to our Get
involved page on our website