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Introducing Seattle Nativity School
       Overview - Spring 2012

Our Belief
            Every student is capable of academic excellence.
               Every child is capable of changing the world.
 The Nativity School can provide tools for hope and the chance to excel.

          Hope is not a catch phrase. It is the mission of the
          Nativity School.

               Education opportunity enables transformation. The Nativity
               School builds a foundation and community for success.

          Dignity is rooted in the rights of an individual. The Nativity
          School provides the rights to learn which opens doors.

Feasibility Study Overview:
Current Snapshot of Feasibility Efforts:
 Defining the Need          Development Plan
 Community Outreach         Governance
  Efforts                    Facilities
 Impact on Existing         Feasibility Plan moving
  Catholic Schools            Forward  30 & 60 Day
 High Schools Absorption     View
  of SNS Students            Approvals & Key Decision
 Operating Budget            Makers

The Case For Seattle Nativity School
Today our targeted neighborhoods in
Central & South Seattle struggle,                   We believe that these children provide
experiencing economic distress:                     the greatest hope to break the cycle of
 The Numbers:                                      poverty in their communities.
    There are 1,917 minors living in the Bailey
     Gatzert neighborhood (SUYI                     Seattle Nativity School will:
     Demographics 2011)
                                                     Build a community
    Of those, 349 attend Bailey Gatzert
      Elementary                                     Provide a microcosm in diversity of
    At Bailey Gatzert, 318 students are eligible      faith
      for free or reduced lunch (Bailey Gatzert      Grow leaders with Catholic Christian
      Annual Report, 2011)                             values
 Income Levels:
    Median annual family income for
     Washington State in 2010: $63,951
    For Seattle: $85,600 (FFIEC, 2010)
    Bailey Gatzert Neighborhood: $35,283
        Of the residents in this area, 37% are
          below the poverty line (SUYI
          Demographics 2011)                                                                  4
Defining The Need: Data & Demographics
The need in Central & South Seattle is immense:
 The number of students qualifying for Free/Reduced Lunch in our target
   neighborhoods entering 5th grade in 2012 surpasses 500 students
                                                                            Current 4th
                                                         Percentage of         graders
                                                    Students Receiving   (potential 5th
   School                                Zip Code Free/Reduced Lunch          graders)
   Gatzert Elementary School                 98122               94.0%              42
   Hawthorne Elementary School               98118               85.9%              44
   Dearborn Park Elementary School           98108               79.7%              49
   Leschi Elementary School                  98122               71.2%              40
   BEACON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL             98144               64.9%              43
   Maple Elementary School                   98108               62.3%              52
   John Muir Elementary School               98144               59.8%              41
   Kimball Elementary School                 98144               59.7%              48
   The New School At South Shore             98118               58.4%              46
   Graham Hill Elementary School             98118               52.5%              25
   Thurgood Marshall Elementary              98144               42.8%              35
   Orca (columbia)                           98118               33.5%              17
   Madrona K-8                               98122               71.1%              30

                                     Total Eligible
                                      4th Graders                                 512

Defining The Need: Academic Achievement
 Percentage of Students at Local Elementary
 Schools who met testing standards:
                                                         5th Grade           5th Grade
 SNS plans to                                           MSP       5th Grade MSP
  address todays      School                            Reading   MSP Math Science
  need for Science     Gatzert Elementary School               45.8%     29.2%      10.4%
  and Math             Dunlap Elementary School                43.3%     25.4%      29.9%
                       Hawthorne Elementary School             36.4%     32.6%      28.9%
  instruction with a   Van Asselt Elementary School            78.8%     62.5%      63.8%
  STEM-based           Dearborn Park Elementary School         40.0%     35.0%      21.7%
  curriculum           Wing Luke Elementary School             68.6%     67.1%      52.9%
                       Leschi Elementary School                42.4%     39.0%      22.0%
                       BEACON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL           78.5%     70.1%      69.7%
 NativityMiguel       Maple Elementary School                 63.0%     71.2%      72.6%
                       John Muir Elementary School             65.3%     53.3%      65.3%
  alumni graduate
                       Kimball Elementary School               60.0%     65.0%      53.1%
  from high schools    Graham Hill Elementary School           64.6%     47.9%      68.8%
  at rates 20%         Thurgood Marshall Elementary            89.5%     78.9%      81.6%
                       Orca (columbia)                         74.5%     65.5%      52.7%
  higher than their
                       Madrona K-8                             34.5%     24.1%      34.5%
  peer groups
Defining the Need: Community Outreach
The Seattle Nativity Feasibility Committee has
been engaging the community to help define
the need and gauge interest in an alternative
Catholic Middle School:
 Community Information Nights:
      Douglas-Truth Library Info Session
      Rotary Boys & Girls Club
      Mount Baker Community Club
      Monicas Village Spirit Center
      Upcoming: Yesler Community Center
 Distribution of Family and Child Surveys
    Target is 50 Surveys
 One on One in-home family interviews
    4 complete, targeting 10
Family Testimonials & Community Feedback
 Common Concerns voiced by the Community:
錫Will you be preaching Catholic doctrine to the students?
錫Will your school be diverse? Will the staff be diverse?
How will you cultivate a spirit of inclusion?
錫Will you provide transportation to and from the school?
錫How will students make the adjustment from public
school atmosphere to private? How will students who are
behind catch up?
錫Why cant you start earlier than 5th grade?
錫How do I know my daughter wont slip through the
cracks at this school?
錫It will be difficult to sign up for a school that doesnt yet
exist and I cannot necessarily trust
Many families are deeply rooted in their neighborhoods
and existing schools, enrolling in a new school is a big leap
Approvals & Key Decision Makers
The Seattle Nativity School is seeking
approvals & endorsements from the
following key constituents:
 Archdiocese of Seattle
 Oregon Province of the Society of
 NativityMiguel Network
 SNS Board

Feasibility Study Plan Going Forward
30 & 60 Day View
 Next 30 days:
                                                                       Across the country this kind
      Fulcrum Foundation Distribution Committee  March 23rd          of Jesuit-inspired school has
      Archbishop Sartain  late March                                 proven to be a necessary and
      Oregon Province of Society of Jesus  early April               very effective way of making
                                                                       it possible for students, who
      $1 million in major gifts secured
                                                                       might otherwise not have the
                                                                       opportunity, to succeed in
                                                                       school and go on to
 Next 60 Days:                                                        secondary school and college.
      Presentation to NativityMIguel Network                          As the Jesuit university of
      Site Selection Finalized                                        Seattle, we are glad to join,
                                                                       particularly with Seattle
      Feasibility Study Completed                                     Preparatory School, in
      Endorsement from key constituents                               supporting this new

 Ongoing                                                              -Fr. Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J.
    Continual evolution of draft, hosting of community events, one-   President, Seattle University
     on-one family interviews, survey distribution
    Continual engagement with Rainbow Schools & Archdiocese of
     Seattle                                                                                            10
SNS Roadmap & Milestones
     Aug 2011           Dec 2011         Mar 2012        June 2012        Aug 2012 Sept 2012

  Feasibility Team  Site selection          1st Draft    Feasibility Study  Summer       School
                                                             Complete            Academy       Opens
  Incorporation      Founding Donors         Feasibility
  Initial Board      Begin Community         Study                             Opens
                                                             Archdiocese of
  $40,000             Outreach &              Complete      Seattle, Oregon  Admission of
   commitments         Research               Secure        Province of         first class
  Baseline research                           Funding       Jesuits,

 Spend level is $16,000 per student (includes programs, uniforms, books, meals,

 Our target is to have the first 3 years of operating budget secured by school
  opening - $3,000,000
        Operating budget for 2012 is $400,000 (not including capital improvement)
        Annual operating budget for full year for all grades - $1,300,000
SNS Feasibility Committee
   Fr. Paul Magnano                                          Ms. Kay Purcell, M. Ed.
        Pastor of Christ our Hope
                                                                   Assistant Superintendent for School Accreditation
                                                                    and Instructional Service, Archdiocese of Seattle
   Mr. Dan Sherman
        Principal, St. Madeleine Sophie Middle School
                                                              Professor Jeffrey Anderson
                                                                   College of Education, Seattle University

   Ms. Diane Kocer                                           Mr. Kent Hickey
        Executive Director, AGC Education Foundation
                                                                   President Seattle Prep

   Fr. Peter Ely S.J.                                        Fr. Joseph Carver S.J.
        Vice President of Mission and Ministry, Seattle           Regional Superior, Montana Jesuits
   Ms. Mary Lundeen                                          Gene Colin
        Principal, St. Edwards School                            CEO, Ferguson Construction

   Ms. Cindy Reopelle, Provincial Lead on                    Mr. Michael Mott
    Schools                                                        General Manager, Microsoft & Passionate Driver
        Secondary and Middle Schools NW Province                   for Nativity in Seattle
   Mr. Eric de Los Santos                                    Mr. Joe Womac
        Assistant General Counsel, TrueBlue Inc.
                                                                   Executive Director, Fulcrum Foundation
   Mr. Brian Kelly
        Feasibility Coordinator
   Ms. Marisa Spooner-Le Duff
        Community Engagement / Community Leader                                                                   12

More Related Content

Seattle Nativity School

  • 1. Introducing Seattle Nativity School Overview - Spring 2012 1
  • 2. Our Belief Every student is capable of academic excellence. Every child is capable of changing the world. The Nativity School can provide tools for hope and the chance to excel. Hope Hope is not a catch phrase. It is the mission of the Nativity School. Education opportunity enables transformation. The Nativity Opportunity School builds a foundation and community for success. Dignity is rooted in the rights of an individual. The Nativity Dignity School provides the rights to learn which opens doors. 2
  • 3. Feasibility Study Overview: Current Snapshot of Feasibility Efforts: Defining the Need Development Plan Community Outreach Governance Efforts Facilities Impact on Existing Feasibility Plan moving Catholic Schools Forward 30 & 60 Day High Schools Absorption View of SNS Students Approvals & Key Decision Operating Budget Makers Overview 3
  • 4. The Case For Seattle Nativity School Today our targeted neighborhoods in Central & South Seattle struggle, We believe that these children provide experiencing economic distress: the greatest hope to break the cycle of The Numbers: poverty in their communities. There are 1,917 minors living in the Bailey Gatzert neighborhood (SUYI Seattle Nativity School will: Demographics 2011) Build a community Of those, 349 attend Bailey Gatzert Elementary Provide a microcosm in diversity of At Bailey Gatzert, 318 students are eligible faith for free or reduced lunch (Bailey Gatzert Grow leaders with Catholic Christian Annual Report, 2011) values Income Levels: Median annual family income for Washington State in 2010: $63,951 For Seattle: $85,600 (FFIEC, 2010) Bailey Gatzert Neighborhood: $35,283 Of the residents in this area, 37% are below the poverty line (SUYI Demographics 2011) 4
  • 5. Defining The Need: Data & Demographics The need in Central & South Seattle is immense: The number of students qualifying for Free/Reduced Lunch in our target neighborhoods entering 5th grade in 2012 surpasses 500 students Current 4th Percentage of graders Students Receiving (potential 5th School Zip Code Free/Reduced Lunch graders) Gatzert Elementary School 98122 94.0% 42 Hawthorne Elementary School 98118 85.9% 44 Dearborn Park Elementary School 98108 79.7% 49 Leschi Elementary School 98122 71.2% 40 BEACON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 98144 64.9% 43 Maple Elementary School 98108 62.3% 52 John Muir Elementary School 98144 59.8% 41 Kimball Elementary School 98144 59.7% 48 The New School At South Shore 98118 58.4% 46 Graham Hill Elementary School 98118 52.5% 25 Thurgood Marshall Elementary 98144 42.8% 35 Orca (columbia) 98118 33.5% 17 Madrona K-8 98122 71.1% 30 Total Eligible 4th Graders 512 5
  • 6. Defining The Need: Academic Achievement Percentage of Students at Local Elementary Schools who met testing standards: 5th Grade 5th Grade SNS plans to MSP 5th Grade MSP address todays School Reading MSP Math Science need for Science Gatzert Elementary School 45.8% 29.2% 10.4% and Math Dunlap Elementary School 43.3% 25.4% 29.9% Hawthorne Elementary School 36.4% 32.6% 28.9% instruction with a Van Asselt Elementary School 78.8% 62.5% 63.8% STEM-based Dearborn Park Elementary School 40.0% 35.0% 21.7% curriculum Wing Luke Elementary School 68.6% 67.1% 52.9% Leschi Elementary School 42.4% 39.0% 22.0% BEACON HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 78.5% 70.1% 69.7% NativityMiguel Maple Elementary School 63.0% 71.2% 72.6% John Muir Elementary School 65.3% 53.3% 65.3% alumni graduate Kimball Elementary School 60.0% 65.0% 53.1% from high schools Graham Hill Elementary School 64.6% 47.9% 68.8% at rates 20% Thurgood Marshall Elementary 89.5% 78.9% 81.6% Orca (columbia) 74.5% 65.5% 52.7% higher than their Madrona K-8 34.5% 24.1% 34.5% peer groups 6
  • 7. Defining the Need: Community Outreach The Seattle Nativity Feasibility Committee has been engaging the community to help define the need and gauge interest in an alternative Catholic Middle School: Community Information Nights: Douglas-Truth Library Info Session Rotary Boys & Girls Club Mount Baker Community Club Monicas Village Spirit Center Upcoming: Yesler Community Center Distribution of Family and Child Surveys Target is 50 Surveys One on One in-home family interviews 4 complete, targeting 10 7
  • 8. Family Testimonials & Community Feedback Common Concerns voiced by the Community: 錫Will you be preaching Catholic doctrine to the students? 錫Will your school be diverse? Will the staff be diverse? How will you cultivate a spirit of inclusion? 錫Will you provide transportation to and from the school? 錫How will students make the adjustment from public school atmosphere to private? How will students who are behind catch up? 錫Why cant you start earlier than 5th grade? 錫How do I know my daughter wont slip through the cracks at this school? 錫It will be difficult to sign up for a school that doesnt yet exist and I cannot necessarily trust Many families are deeply rooted in their neighborhoods and existing schools, enrolling in a new school is a big leap 8
  • 9. Approvals & Key Decision Makers The Seattle Nativity School is seeking approvals & endorsements from the following key constituents: Archdiocese of Seattle Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus NativityMiguel Network SNS Board 9
  • 10. Feasibility Study Plan Going Forward 30 & 60 Day View Next 30 days: Across the country this kind Fulcrum Foundation Distribution Committee March 23rd of Jesuit-inspired school has Archbishop Sartain late March proven to be a necessary and Oregon Province of Society of Jesus early April very effective way of making it possible for students, who $1 million in major gifts secured might otherwise not have the opportunity, to succeed in school and go on to Next 60 Days: secondary school and college. Presentation to NativityMIguel Network As the Jesuit university of Site Selection Finalized Seattle, we are glad to join, particularly with Seattle Feasibility Study Completed Preparatory School, in Endorsement from key constituents supporting this new endeavor. Ongoing -Fr. Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J. Continual evolution of draft, hosting of community events, one- President, Seattle University on-one family interviews, survey distribution Continual engagement with Rainbow Schools & Archdiocese of Seattle 10
  • 11. SNS Roadmap & Milestones Aug 2011 Dec 2011 Mar 2012 June 2012 Aug 2012 Sept 2012 Feasibility Team Site selection 1st Draft Feasibility Study Summer School Complete Academy Opens Incorporation Founding Donors Feasibility Endorsement: Initial Board Begin Community Study Opens Archdiocese of $40,000 Outreach & Complete Seattle, Oregon Admission of commitments Research Secure Province of first class Baseline research Funding Jesuits, NativityMiguel Network Spend level is $16,000 per student (includes programs, uniforms, books, meals, transportation) Our target is to have the first 3 years of operating budget secured by school opening - $3,000,000 Operating budget for 2012 is $400,000 (not including capital improvement) Annual operating budget for full year for all grades - $1,300,000 11
  • 12. SNS Feasibility Committee Fr. Paul Magnano Ms. Kay Purcell, M. Ed. Pastor of Christ our Hope Assistant Superintendent for School Accreditation and Instructional Service, Archdiocese of Seattle Mr. Dan Sherman Principal, St. Madeleine Sophie Middle School Professor Jeffrey Anderson College of Education, Seattle University Ms. Diane Kocer Mr. Kent Hickey Executive Director, AGC Education Foundation President Seattle Prep Fr. Peter Ely S.J. Fr. Joseph Carver S.J. Vice President of Mission and Ministry, Seattle Regional Superior, Montana Jesuits University Ms. Mary Lundeen Gene Colin Principal, St. Edwards School CEO, Ferguson Construction Ms. Cindy Reopelle, Provincial Lead on Mr. Michael Mott Schools General Manager, Microsoft & Passionate Driver Secondary and Middle Schools NW Province for Nativity in Seattle Mr. Eric de Los Santos Mr. Joe Womac Assistant General Counsel, TrueBlue Inc. Executive Director, Fulcrum Foundation Mr. Brian Kelly Feasibility Coordinator Ms. Marisa Spooner-Le Duff Community Engagement / Community Leader 12

Editor's Notes

  • #9: At the high school level, performance remains above district averages but achievement gaps are much larger than for the district as a whole