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                IMAGINING                           6,619	 Downloads

                &BELIEVE                            4.7/5	 Rating	from	219	Users	on	the	JED

                               CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7   24,591	 Forum	Members

                CREATE ANYTHING.                    25,000	 Forum	Posts

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                             WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01 WHAT IS SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA?                                                                            2

  	 SEBLOD	CCK	is	a	content	construction	kit	for	Joomla	1.7	as	well	as	a	Software	Development	Kit	(SDK)
  	 Allows	developers,	designers	&	admins	to	build	any	type	of	content:	blog,	classifieds,	downloads	etc
  	 Extend	Articles,	Categories &	Users

                  Joomla! Only Installation                    Joomla! + SEBLOD CCK Installation

          NAME                                               NAME
          USER NAME                                          USER NAME
          E-MAIL                                             E-MAIL
          PASSWORD                                           PASSWORD
                                                             SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES
                                                             PROFILE PICTURE

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                     WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                              3

  	 A	CCK	(Content	Construction	Kit)	allows	you	to	create	different	types	of	content	by	assigning	fields		
     of	various	types	to	a	content	item.	
  	 The	content	part	of	a	CCK	is	no	more	than	a	collection	of	data	fields	displayed	in	a	certain	format.
  	 Lets	take	a	recipe	content	type	for	example:

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                          WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                  4

  	 Very	well	integrated	into	the	Joomla	core.
  	 Streamlined	AJAX interface,	increased	productivity.
  	 Lots	of field types	to	chose	from.
  	 Unmatched	field storage capabilities.
  	 Content	types	are	integrated	into	the	Joomla!	article	manager.
  	 Powerful template engine.	Templates	are	created	similarly	to	Joomla!	templates.	
  	 Efficient	front-end	content	submission.
  	 Extend	SEBLOD	through	native Joomla! plug-ins.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                               WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                          5

  	 Classifieds Web Site	-	User	contributed	listings.
  	 Download / Document Manager	-	ACL,	file	upload	fields,	document	descriptions	etc.
  	 Comment Systems	-	Easily	add	comment	functionality	to	any	content	type.
  	 Real Estate Listings	-	Powerful	search	&	list	features	make	filtering	content	on	any	field	a	breeze.
  	 Restaurant Guide	-	Search	/	list	types	&	a	3rd	party	Google	Maps	plug-in.

        The	amount	of	fields	(and	the	ability	to	add	more),	powerful	search	features	and	a	solid	
        template	system	mean	that	the	skys	the	limit	when	it	comes	to	creating	custom	content	types	
        with	SEBLOD	2.0	CCK.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                       WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                     6

  	 All	content	types,	for	example	an	image	gallery,	consist	of	a	collection	of	fields.
  	 There	are	many	fields	included	with	SEBLOD,	examples	include:	

        Text	-	Standard	input	field
        Checkbox		-	Standard	HTML	checkbox
        Submit Button	-	To	submit	forms	&	searches
        File upload	(choose	location,	1	item	per	user,	resize	up	to	6	sizes...)
        Image upload	with	up	to	5	auto-generated	thumbnails,	their	size	defined	by	you
        FieldX	-	Repeat	a	field	X	times
        GroupX	-	Repeat	a	group	of	fields	X	times

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                  WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                           7

  	 Create	your	own	fields	for	Admin	Form,	Site	Form	&	Content	view	types
  	 Apply	Typo	plug-ins	to	field	content	- Typo	means	typography,	but	not	limited	to	that
        H1,	H2,	H3...
        Italic,	Bold,	Underline
        Link	to	Content	-	Field	value	links	to	full	article
        Open	Images	in	Lightbox	Window	-	Applicable	to	image	upload	fields
  	 Write	your	own	Typo	plug-in	and	do	what	you	want	with	the	field	values.	
  	 Use	Live	values	-	Grab	the	value	of	a	URL	variable,	user	profile	field,	article	ID	etc.
  	 Show	field	values	as form,	hidden, read only or value	in	forms.
  	 Select	the	Storage Type	of	your	field.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                        WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                         8

  	 Fields	can	be	stored	in	a	number	of	ways:

  	 CUSTOM:		introtext	column	of	the	joomla content table	as	::field_name::	value	::/field_name::
  	 STANDARD:	Within	an	already	present	column	of	any	table,	eg:	title	in	Joomla content table
  	 By	adding	a new column to any table	present	in	your	database
  	 Stored	in	a	table	relative	only to	the	content	type	in	which	the	field	is	created
  	 JSON:	Suitable	if	youre	storing	smaller	amounts	of	less	used	fields.

        When	adding	fields	to	an	already	present	column,	creating	a	new	column	in	an	existing	table	or	
        creating	a	new	table	for	your	content	type	you	will	always	have	the	choice	of	setting	the	table	
        column	properties:	char(25),	varchar(25),		text,	int(11),	datetime	etc

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                      WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                              9

      The	value	of	field	sd_alias	is	then	stored	in	the	introtext	column	of	our	content	table

                                                                             ::sd_alias:: test ::/sd_alias::

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                           WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                        10

      The	value	of	field	recipe_notes	is	stored	in	its	own	column	in	the	#__cck_type_recipe table

                                                                     ::sd_alias:: test ::/sd_alias::

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                      WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                                                  11

  	 There	are	advantages	and	disadvantages	for	each	field	storage	method
  	 You	need	to	consider	a	few	things	when	choosing	a	field	storage	type:
        Exclusivity -	Do	you	need	this	field	to	be	available	to	other	content	types?
        Storage Properties	-	Do	you	require	a	specific	type	like	char,	varchar,	int	etc?
        Third party access		-	Having	your	its	own	table	column	makes	this	easier.
        Efficiency	-	Will	there	be	too	many	other	fields	in	the	introtext	column?	Consider	storing	it	in	its	own	column	then.
        Data Role	-	If	the	field	data	appears	mainly	in	article	intros,	it	makes	more	sense	to	store	it	in	the	introtext	column.

        Invest	the	time	planning	how	your	fields	will	map	to	your	content	type.	This	will	save	you	a	lot	of	
        headaches	in	the	long	run	and	will	ensure	that	your	content	type	is	as	efficient	as	it	can	be.	
        Avoid	naming	conflicts	with	third	party	cck	fields	by	prefixing	your	fields	with	a	letter	or	two.	I	use	
        my	initials,	so	the	field	tags	becomes	sd_tags.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                                          WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                                      12

  	 There	are	4	types	of clients to	assign	content	type	fields	to:
        Admin Form	-	The	content	creation	form	in	the	administration	area	of	SEBLOD,	i.e.	The	Article	Manager	screen.
        Site Form	-	The	content	creation	/	submission	form	in	the	Joomla!	front	end,	user	submitted	content.
        Content		-	Fields	assigned	here	will	appear	in	the	full	article	view.
        Intro -	Fields	assigned	here	will	appear	only	in	the	article	intro	view.

  	 Each	client	can	have	its	own template	assigned	to	it,	granting	you	total	control	over	the	display	of	
     your	content	types	data	/	content.
  	 Each	client	can	have	its	very own set of ACL	rules.	Fields	of	each	client	can	also	have	ACL	rules
     assigned	to	them.
  	 Fields	are	added	to	a	position	of	your	choice,	this	concept	is	similar	to	module	positions.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                                   WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                                                                             13

  	 Function	much	the	same	as	module	positions.	A	collection	of	fields	are	assigned	to	a	certain	position,	
     and	that	position	is	then	rendered	in	your	template.
  	 The	default	template	seb_one	ships	with	42	field	positions.
  	 Each	position	can	be	overridden	in	your	template.
  	 Style	variations	can	be	applied	to	any	and	all	positions.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                        WWW.SEBLOD.COM
01                                                         14



01                                                     15

10                                                                                                              16

  	 ACL	rules	can	be	applied	to	all clients	of	a	content	type.
  	 ACL	rules	can	be	applied	to all fields	within	a	client.
  	 ACL	for	publication, edition & access	of	content.
  	 Total	control	over	who	can	do	what,	where	and	when.

                                                                  2 large red peppers
                                                                  1 large onion
                                                                  250g butter
                                                                  150ml vegetable stock
                                                                  250ml cream

                                                                  Download:                Available	only	to
                                                                                           recipe	subscribers

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                      WWW.SEBLOD.COM
11                                                                                                            17

  	 Extremely	flexible & powerful	templating	system
  	 Reside	in	the	native	Joomla!	templates	directory
  	 Templates	for	form,	content	&	search	types
  	 Overrides on	item	positions	based	on	their	type & client:
        You	want	to	specifically	style	a	recipe	content	types	position	but	only	in	INTRO	view
        You	want	to	specifically	style	a	content	types	positions	but	only	in	a LIST	view

  	Create	your	own	variations	and	apply	them	to	your	positions:
        You	want	some	content	to	display	before	and	after	a	certain	position
        You	want	to	manually	render	the	content	of	your	fields	using	SEBLODS	rendering	API

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                                          WWW.SEBLOD.COM
12                                                                                                18

  	 Create	tailored	search rules	for	any	content	type
  	 Define	which	fields	users	can	&	cannot	search	against.
  	 Choose	to	show	or	hide	fields	in	the	front	end,	or	create	your	own	custom	form.
  	 Bind	live	values	to	the	field(s)	youre	searching	against.
  	 ACL	rules	are	fully	available	to	all	fields	in	your	search	type.
  	 Display	the	results	of	a	search	in	a	list module.
  	 Style	your	search	results	through	a	template	or	override.

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                                              WWW.SEBLOD.COM
12                                                                        19


                                            	 Use	live	values
                                            	 Choose	searchable	fields
                                            	 Choose	match	types
                                            	 Control	results	template

SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles                 WWW.SEBLOD.COM

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GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great Product
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GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great Product
James Anderson

SEBLOD CCK Presentation By Simon Dowdles - Joomla! Day South Africa 2011

  • 1. 1 STOP IMAGINING 6,619 Downloads &BELIEVE 4.7/5 Rating from 219 Users on the JED CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 24,591 Forum Members CREATE ANYTHING. 25,000 Forum Posts SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 2. 01 WHAT IS SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA? 2 SEBLOD CCK is a content construction kit for Joomla 1.7 as well as a Software Development Kit (SDK) Allows developers, designers & admins to build any type of content: blog, classifieds, downloads etc Extend Articles, Categories & Users Joomla! Only Installation Joomla! + SEBLOD CCK Installation NAME NAME USER NAME USER NAME E-MAIL E-MAIL PASSWORD PASSWORD INTERESTS SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES PROFILE PICTURE SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 3. 02 OKAY, SO ITS A CCK, BUT WHAT IS THAT? 01 3 A CCK (Content Construction Kit) allows you to create different types of content by assigning fields of various types to a content item. The content part of a CCK is no more than a collection of data fields displayed in a certain format. Lets take a recipe content type for example: SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 4. 03 THERE ARE OTHER CCKs, WHY CHOOSE SEBLOD? 01 4 Very well integrated into the Joomla core. Streamlined AJAX interface, increased productivity. Lots of field types to chose from. Unmatched field storage capabilities. Content types are integrated into the Joomla! article manager. Powerful template engine. Templates are created similarly to Joomla! templates. Efficient front-end content submission. Extend SEBLOD through native Joomla! plug-ins. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 5. 04 USAGE SCENARIOS FOR SEBLOD CCK 01 5 Classifieds Web Site - User contributed listings. Download / Document Manager - ACL, file upload fields, document descriptions etc. Comment Systems - Easily add comment functionality to any content type. Real Estate Listings - Powerful search & list features make filtering content on any field a breeze. Restaurant Guide - Search / list types & a 3rd party Google Maps plug-in. The amount of fields (and the ability to add more), powerful search features and a solid template system mean that the skys the limit when it comes to creating custom content types with SEBLOD 2.0 CCK. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 6. 05 THE HEART OF SEBLOD: FIELDS & CONTENT TYPES 01 6 All content types, for example an image gallery, consist of a collection of fields. There are many fields included with SEBLOD, examples include: Text - Standard input field Checkbox - Standard HTML checkbox Submit Button - To submit forms & searches File upload (choose location, 1 item per user, resize up to 6 sizes...) Image upload with up to 5 auto-generated thumbnails, their size defined by you FieldX - Repeat a field X times GroupX - Repeat a group of fields X times SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 7. 06 CCK FIELDS 01 7 Create your own fields for Admin Form, Site Form & Content view types Apply Typo plug-ins to field content - Typo means typography, but not limited to that H1, H2, H3... Italic, Bold, Underline Link to Content - Field value links to full article Open Images in Lightbox Window - Applicable to image upload fields Write your own Typo plug-in and do what you want with the field values. Use Live values - Grab the value of a URL variable, user profile field, article ID etc. Show field values as form, hidden, read only or value in forms. Select the Storage Type of your field. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 8. 07 CCK FIELDS - STORAGE TYPES 01 8 Fields can be stored in a number of ways: CUSTOM: introtext column of the joomla content table as ::field_name:: value ::/field_name:: STANDARD: Within an already present column of any table, eg: title in Joomla content table By adding a new column to any table present in your database Stored in a table relative only to the content type in which the field is created JSON: Suitable if youre storing smaller amounts of less used fields. When adding fields to an already present column, creating a new column in an existing table or creating a new table for your content type you will always have the choice of setting the table column properties: char(25), varchar(25), text, int(11), datetime etc SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 9. 07 CCK FIELDS - STORAGE TYPES 01 9 The value of field sd_alias is then stored in the introtext column of our content table ::sd_alias:: test ::/sd_alias:: SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 10. 07 CCK FIELDS - STORAGE TYPES 01 10 The value of field recipe_notes is stored in its own column in the #__cck_type_recipe table ::sd_alias:: test ::/sd_alias:: SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 11. 07 CCK FIELDS - STORAGE TYPES 01 11 There are advantages and disadvantages for each field storage method You need to consider a few things when choosing a field storage type: Exclusivity - Do you need this field to be available to other content types? Storage Properties - Do you require a specific type like char, varchar, int etc? Third party access - Having your its own table column makes this easier. Efficiency - Will there be too many other fields in the introtext column? Consider storing it in its own column then. Data Role - If the field data appears mainly in article intros, it makes more sense to store it in the introtext column. Invest the time planning how your fields will map to your content type. This will save you a lot of headaches in the long run and will ensure that your content type is as efficient as it can be. Avoid naming conflicts with third party cck fields by prefixing your fields with a letter or two. I use my initials, so the field tags becomes sd_tags. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 12. 08 CONTENT TYPES 01 12 There are 4 types of clients to assign content type fields to: Admin Form - The content creation form in the administration area of SEBLOD, i.e. The Article Manager screen. Site Form - The content creation / submission form in the Joomla! front end, user submitted content. Content - Fields assigned here will appear in the full article view. Intro - Fields assigned here will appear only in the article intro view. Each client can have its own template assigned to it, granting you total control over the display of your content types data / content. Each client can have its very own set of ACL rules. Fields of each client can also have ACL rules assigned to them. Fields are added to a position of your choice, this concept is similar to module positions. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 13. 09 CONTENT TYPES - FIELD POSITIONS 01 13 Function much the same as module positions. A collection of fields are assigned to a certain position, and that position is then rendered in your template. The default template seb_one ships with 42 field positions. Each position can be overridden in your template. Style variations can be applied to any and all positions. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 15. 01 15 SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 16. 01 ACL & CONTENT TYPES 10 16 ACL rules can be applied to all clients of a content type. ACL rules can be applied to all fields within a client. ACL for publication, edition & access of content. Total control over who can do what, where and when. Ingredients: 2 large red peppers 1 large onion 250g butter 150ml vegetable stock 250ml cream Download: Available only to red-pepper-soup-43.pdf recipe subscribers SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 17. 01 TEMPLATES 11 17 Extremely flexible & powerful templating system Reside in the native Joomla! templates directory Templates for form, content & search types Overrides on item positions based on their type & client: You want to specifically style a recipe content types position but only in INTRO view You want to specifically style a content types positions but only in a LIST view Create your own variations and apply them to your positions: You want some content to display before and after a certain position You want to manually render the content of your fields using SEBLODS rendering API SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 18. 01 SEARCH TYPES 12 18 Create tailored search rules for any content type Define which fields users can & cannot search against. Choose to show or hide fields in the front end, or create your own custom form. Bind live values to the field(s) youre searching against. ACL rules are fully available to all fields in your search type. Display the results of a search in a list module. Style your search results through a template or override. SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM
  • 19. 01 SEARCH TYPES 12 19 ...../search-results.htm?tagged=smokey Use live values Choose searchable fields Choose match types Control results template SEBLOD CCK FOR JOOMLA 1.7 | Simon Dowdles WWW.SEBLOD.COM