The document discusses the importance of brands, especially in a down economy. It emphasizes that brands should be thought of as networks rather than linear systems, with both companies and consumers contributing to the brand experience. It recommends that companies focus on building emotional connections with consumers by better understanding them, engaging them in product development and marketing, and telling stories that create emotional responses. Companies should leverage current economic uncertainty as an opportunity to think differently and partner with consumers rather than rely on traditional top-down approaches.
This document is a powerpoint presentation about a singer named Shasana Maliya. She enjoys singing covers of songs from reality shows like "Terrified" by Kathrine McPhee. Her goals if she wins money are to keep 1.5 million for herself and donate the rest to charity. She introduces herself, stating she likes the shows Chuck and 10 Things I Hate About You and enjoys singing and playing softball.
This document discusses branding strategies. It defines branding as identifying goods and services through a name, symbol or design. The key elements of a brand are listed as name, logo, graphics, colors, sounds, tastes and movements. Different branding strategies are outlined, including product branding, line branding, range branding, umbrella branding and double branding. Each strategy is explained with examples. Brand equity is defined as the value added to a product or service from its brand assets and liabilities like name awareness, brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty.
Bob Dylan comp?s a can??o "Blowin' in the Wind" em 1962 quando tinha 21 anos. A letra levanta quest?es filos¨®ficas sobre paz, guerra, compaix?o e liberdade de uma forma esperan?osa, mantendo sua relev?ncia por mais de 40 anos. A m¨²sica foi um hino da luta contra a Guerra do Vietn? e a favor dos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos.
The document discusses the importance of brands, especially in a down economy. It emphasizes that brands should be thought of as networks rather than linear systems, with both companies and consumers contributing to the brand experience. It recommends that companies focus on building emotional connections with consumers by better understanding them, engaging them in product development and marketing, and telling stories that create emotional responses. Companies should leverage current economic uncertainty as an opportunity to think differently and partner with consumers rather than rely on traditional top-down approaches.
This document is a powerpoint presentation about a singer named Shasana Maliya. She enjoys singing covers of songs from reality shows like "Terrified" by Kathrine McPhee. Her goals if she wins money are to keep 1.5 million for herself and donate the rest to charity. She introduces herself, stating she likes the shows Chuck and 10 Things I Hate About You and enjoys singing and playing softball.
This document discusses branding strategies. It defines branding as identifying goods and services through a name, symbol or design. The key elements of a brand are listed as name, logo, graphics, colors, sounds, tastes and movements. Different branding strategies are outlined, including product branding, line branding, range branding, umbrella branding and double branding. Each strategy is explained with examples. Brand equity is defined as the value added to a product or service from its brand assets and liabilities like name awareness, brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty.
Bob Dylan comp?s a can??o "Blowin' in the Wind" em 1962 quando tinha 21 anos. A letra levanta quest?es filos¨®ficas sobre paz, guerra, compaix?o e liberdade de uma forma esperan?osa, mantendo sua relev?ncia por mais de 40 anos. A m¨²sica foi um hino da luta contra a Guerra do Vietn? e a favor dos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos.
2. Dintre cei care folosesc Yahoo! Messenger pentru mesaje scrise ?i care au ?ncercat s? scrie ?n limba rom?n? cu diacritice (singura care se cheam? ?rom?n?¡±, de fapt), unii s-au lovit de cel pu?in un obstacol tehnic. ?n aceast? pagin? este prezentat? o solu?ie de ocolire a acelui sau acelor obstacol(e) prin instalarea unui petic conceput ?i oferit de Cristian Adam.Secarica : Diacritice in Messenger
3. cei care folosesc Y!M versiunea 8.x ?i care ?n plus folosesc tastatura rom?neasc? ?Romanian (Programmers)¡± sau ?Romanian (Programmers, cu sedile)¡±, deoarece nu pot folosi caracterul ? (?i nici ?); la tastarea AltGr+A r?ndul scris p?n? ?n acel moment se ?terge iar ?n locul lui r?m?ne un singur ?; aceea?i problem? exist? ?i pentru tastaturile altor limbi; dac? se instaleaz?, de exemplu, tastatura ?Hungarian¡± cu care vine implicit orice Windows, nu se poate folosi caracterul ?, care se ob?ine tot prin AltGr+A cei care folosesc Y!M versiunea 8.x sau 9.x ?i care ?n plus folosesc tastatura rom?neasc? corect? lingvistic, cu ? ?i ? cu virgul? dedesubt (nume de tastatur? f?r? sufixul ?cu sedile¡±), deoarece ace?tia se mai pot lovi de cel pu?in de una dintre aceste probleme: Y!M versiunea 8.x nu este capabil s? accepte introducerea de la tastatur? a caracterelor ? ?i ? cu virgul? dedesubt, de?i ?n primire este capabil s? le afi?eze corect (admi??nd c? totul este ?n regul? dpdv al fontulor folosite) Y!M versiunea 9.x el ?nsu?i nu (mai) are probleme cu caracterele ? ?i ? cu virgul? dedesubt, dar dac? la cap?tul cel?lalt (la primirea mesajului) se afl? un sistem Windows pre-Vista care nu are fonturile actualizate, mesajele de acolo vor ap?rea cu g?uri ?n locul caracterelor ? ?i ? .Cineare nevoie de acestpetic ?
4. Solu?ia pentru aceste probleme sau poten?iale probleme este instalarea acestui petic peste Yahoo! Messenger 8.x sau 9.x deja instalat. Peticul poate fi dezinstalat oric?nd, caz ?n care Y!M regreseaz? la starea func?ional? anterioar? (proast?, sau neprotectoare la adresa coresponden?ilor de la cap?tul ?cel?lalt¡± care sunt pe Windows pre-Vista).Peticul nu le folose?te la nimic celor care folosesc tastatura ?Romanian (Standard, cu sedile)¡±, sau tastatura ?Romanian (Legacy)¡± (aceasta din urm? fiind cea veche, nestandard, cu care se livreaz? orice sistem operare Windows).Important:autorulacestuipetic este Cristian Adam(email: cristian DOT adam AT gmx DOT net);publicareaacestuipetic a fostf?cut?cuacordul lui explicit;toatedrepturile?iapar?in ?nexclusivitate !
5. Reproduc aici cele descrise de Cristian Adam cu privire la ac?iunile acestui petic:?Patch-ul face urm?toarele lucruri: instaleaz? injector.dll ?i detoured.dll, iar fi?ierul YahooMessenger.exe este modificat s? aib? o referin?? la injector.dll.La dezinstalare se scoate referin?a din YahooMessenger.exe, dac? se acceseaz? propriet??ile lui YahooMessenger.exe se poate vedea semn?tura digital? de la Yahoo, care nu exist? c?nd este patch-uit.¡±
6. Pentru utilizatorii versiunii 9.x, la momentul instal?rii (?i doar la momentul instal?rii) peticul permite alagerea modului ?n care vor fi tratate la tastare caracterele ? ?i ? cu virgul? dedesubt:dac? op?iunea ?Folosi?i diacritice cu sedile¡± este bifat? (op?iunea implicit?), caracterele rom?ne?ti cu diacritice vor fi afi?ate corect tehnic (dar incorect lingvistic) ?ntotdeauna pe orice sistem, indiferent de tastatur? rom?neasc? folosit? la momentul scrierii mesajelor dac? op?iunea ?Folosi?i diacritice cu sedile¡± este debifat?, dac? la momentul scrieri mesajelor va fi folosit? tastatura ?Romanian (Standard)¡± sau ?Romanian (Programmers)¡±, garan?ia afi??rii corecte tehnic ??n partea cealalt?¡± (la cel care prime?te mesajul) a caracteror ? ?i ? cu virgul? dedesubt (cele corecte lingvistic) exist? doar pentru cei care acolo folosesc Windows Vista (sau Mac, sau Linux :)