Linear chains can lift heavy loads with long strokes while taking up very little space, making them ideal for lifting tables and automated guided vehicles. One linear chain lifted a load 1200mm while only requiring 170mm of space when retracted. The document encourages contacting Grob Antriebstechnik sales to learn more about linear chains and their applications.
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Secrets in the deep
1. Secrets in the deep!
Linear Chain as central element of lifting tables and AGV
Because of innovative Linear Chain technology, lifting tables with huge
strokes can realize smallest installation dimension.
High speed with linear force
curve and on top of this ex-
tremely space-saving thats
what our Linear Chain stands for.
The example shown has been ex-
ecuted with a stroke of 1200mm.
Have we piqued your interest? Do you want to get to know our Linear Chain?
Arrange an appointment today with our sales team at any time.
+49(0)7261 / 9263-0 or per mail
Retracted 170mm, extended 1370mm