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Design and implement high performing retail
environments and communication strategies
that directly influence consumer buying behavior

Founded in 1983

Headquartered in Rochester, N.H. with offices
in Jackson, Seattle, Milwaukee, and Hartford

Partnered with more than 2,000 financial
services companies and touched more than
36,000 branches worldwide

TyPically, goals of Bank design and
securiTy are aT cross PurPoses

seeks to create warm welcoming
environments that are very retail-like

wants to create the safest
environment possible in which to
conduct transactions


Ray Kelly
NyC Police Commissioner
    One well known tier 1 banks architecture
    is actually conducive to robberies because
    its more like a living room than a business
    (couches, tV sets showing news,
    coffee stations) . . .

bank Security Specialist
    banks are making themselves
    robber-friendly. . .

even the dictionary points to the many facets of security.
        Main Entry:       se揃cu揃ri揃ty
	   	 	 Pronunciation:	si-kyur--t
        Function:         noun
        1: the quality or state of being secure: as
             a: freedom from danger: safety   b: freedom from fear or anxiety
        2    a:	something	given,	deposited,	or	pledged	to	make	certain	the	fulfillment		
             of an obligation b: surety
        3:	an	instrument	of	investment	in	the	form	of	a	document	(as	a	stock	certificate		
            or bond) providing evidence of its ownership
        4    a: something that secures : protection
             b(1): measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime,
                      attack, or escape
              (2): an organization or department whose task is security

achieving The oBjecTives
of designers and securiTy
sPecialisTs is a conundrum
ThaT does have a soluTion

if viewed holistically across every detail
of a branch, bank branches can be both
attractive and secure

iTs more Than jusT
PrevenTing roBBeries.

iTs aBouT:

Customers sense of PRiVaCy

Customers and employees
feelings of SaFety

some send a message,
some are more TangiBle.

indicators that purport security but dont
necessarily offer actual safety, e.g. half
doors at teller counter, signs about hat

how the display of the space and the
movement of people affects security,
e.g. clear site lines

actual tangible features of the branch
that impact security, e.g. cameras


SeCuRity                        WE
can be improved at every                 ME
touchpoint of the environment                        ES
                                                          (E N
                                                                      E S)
at each phase feed into
                                INTERIOR                                         SECURITY
the success of the next

                                                                          E NT
                                                               N GAG
                                                      G   &E
                                              I   NIN
                                     F   TRA

access conTrol vesTiBule

bulletPROOF bOx
essentially allows entrance to
one person at a time

Metal DeteCtOR
scans for weapons

allOwS aCCeSS
only if youre cleared

Tip: Training is key to the success of this feature.
Employees and customers must understand
the benefits for it to be seen as a positive
addition to the security plan, rather than as
an annoyance.

signs requesTing The removal of
hoods, haTs and sunglasses

Meant to encourage customers to remove items
that keep them from being unrecognizable

Must be done respectfully

training is key

Tip: If employees understand the purpose of
policies and procedures in the branch, security
related or otherwise, easier to gain compliance,
and results will be more effective

cameras and disPlay screens

Common security tactic in retail

Makes customers aware that theyre being recorded

Tip: They dont have to be ugly prisonlike cameras.
A sleek, modern screen with a simple case
surrounding it allows form and function have
an equal part.

meeTer greeTer sTaTions
By fronT door

also a common retail tactic

lets customers know theyve been noticed

Deters potential robbers and increases
customer service

Tip: Meeter greeter station must be staffed.
An unstaffed greeter station is an open invitation
to potential robbers, and gives them a sense of

Take a simple meeter/greeter approach to the next
level with the Safe Catch method.

A new method thats gaining some attention:
Approach suspicious customers in a friendly manner,
give them an opportunity to leave by providing
them with an exceptional level of customer service
(ask for ID, etc).

Works well in tandem with traditionally accepted method
of not causing friction. Customer is still always right.

Use of this tactic reportedly thwarted the
Garden Glove Bandit in Seattle.

baNDit baRRieRS
bullet-proof glass separating tellers from customers

arguably the best deterrent against robbery,
but definitely not very welcoming . . .

CleaR SigHt liNeS
tHROugHOut tHe bRaNCH

The most commonly
made mistake, but also
very important when
considering the branch
merchandising plan.


maintaining privacy is key.

Privacy is often mostly about
perception and it doesnt have
to compromise security


vaults rarely in use anymore.
(we havent installed one in years)

Replaced by smaller safes, cash
drawers and drop boxes.

electronic security keeps them safe
with motion detectors, cameras,
heat detectors, etc.


clear, open windows are critical

Do not have complete
obstructions or blinds.

Police want a clear view inside
in the event of a robbery.

are opportunities for robbers and
liabilities for customers and employees
(break room, public bathrooms, etc.)

avoid out of site doorways, hidden nooks etc
if you cant avoid it, make sure hidden areas are
monitored with security cameras

gates or doors to block access to behind
teller line are mostly a visual cue. they wont
actually stop a determined robber but do
provide a certain level of safety for tellers

Tip: Gates with a keypad more effective
than without. Doors even better where possible.

Teller heighTs and widTh

a visual cue more than anything and are only a
small component to a thorough security plan.

Make it difficult for a robber to leap the counter

big sticking point between design and security
security often wants them higher and wider, but
design must also comply with aDa standards.

Tip: When building new teller stations, keeping the
transaction space as small as possible is also helpful
in keeping robbers from leaping over the counter.


Different purpose from entrance cameras

No need for customers to see the cameras

take advantage of new smaller technology
    - blends in with design
    - half-dome cameras can be built right
       into millwork
    - consider using at the driveup to get
       a clear view of people in cars

Tip: Hidden camera can be concealed in
nameplates and in egress doors frames -
the same functionality, but dont detract
from design.

PossiBly The mosT criTical Piece
of The overall securiTy Plan

Make staff aware of all security features.

Reinforce the benefits to gain buy-in on
entire plan

Reiterate other elements of standard security
procedures: compliance with robbers etc

employees who feel safe in the environment
will inspire customers to also feel safe

ulTimaTely, iTs a Balancing acT
between various needs of the branch:



    aDa etc . . .

iT also dePends on locaTion.

whaT works for one Branch
mighT noT work for anoTher.

Some areas might require almost virtual
lock down, others the bare minimum

Tip: When moving into new locations,
consider the surrounding area before
deciding your security approach.
What is the condition of the local economy?
Rate of robberies in area banks?

if The Branch is Perceived
as Being well secured . . .

RObbeRS will MOVe ON
tO tHe Next.

tHaNK yOu
information, material, and designs in this document are pro-
prietary to and owned by brandPartners Retail inc. and may
not be disclosed to any third party, reproduced, posted on a
global computer information network, or distributed in any way
without the written consent from brandPartners Retail inc.

          息2009 brandPartners Retail inc. all rights reserved.

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Secure Branch Design

  • 1. SECURE BRANCH DESIGN BrandPartners
  • 2. ABout BRANDPARtNERS Design and implement high performing retail environments and communication strategies that directly influence consumer buying behavior Founded in 1983 Headquartered in Rochester, N.H. with offices in Jackson, Seattle, Milwaukee, and Hartford Partnered with more than 2,000 financial services companies and touched more than 36,000 branches worldwide 2
  • 3. TyPically, goals of Bank design and securiTy are aT cross PurPoses DeSigN seeks to create warm welcoming environments that are very retail-like SeCuRity wants to create the safest environment possible in which to conduct transactions 3
  • 4. tHE EXPERtS SAY. . . Ray Kelly NyC Police Commissioner One well known tier 1 banks architecture is actually conducive to robberies because its more like a living room than a business (couches, tV sets showing news, coffee stations) . . . RObeRt MCCRie bank Security Specialist banks are making themselves robber-friendly. . . 4
  • 5. SECuRItY DEFINED even the dictionary points to the many facets of security. Main Entry: se揃cu揃ri揃ty Pronunciation: si-kyur--t Function: noun 1: the quality or state of being secure: as a: freedom from danger: safety b: freedom from fear or anxiety 2 a: something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation b: surety 3: an instrument of investment in the form of a document (as a stock certificate or bond) providing evidence of its ownership 4 a: something that secures : protection b(1): measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape (2): an organization or department whose task is security 5
  • 6. achieving The oBjecTives of designers and securiTy sPecialisTs is a conundrum ThaT does have a soluTion if viewed holistically across every detail of a branch, bank branches can be both attractive and secure 6
  • 7. SECuRItY iTs more Than jusT PrevenTing roBBeries. iTs aBouT: Customers sense of PRiVaCy Customers and employees feelings of SaFety 7
  • 8. 3 lAYERS oF SECuRItY PSYCHoloGY oloGY some send a message, some are more TangiBle. ViSual indicators that purport security but dont necessarily offer actual safety, e.g. half doors at teller counter, signs about hat removal SPatial how the display of the space and the movement of people affects security, e.g. clear site lines PHySiCal actual tangible features of the branch that impact security, e.g. cameras 8
  • 9. EVERY DEtAIl MAttERS SeCuRity WE LCO can be improved at every ME ZON touchpoint of the environment ES (E N TRA NC E S) iMPROVeMeNtS at each phase feed into INTERIOR SECURITY the success of the next E NT EM N GAG G &E I NIN F TRA STAF 9
  • 10. ENtRANCE PoINtS & WElCoME zoNES access conTrol vesTiBule bulletPROOF bOx essentially allows entrance to one person at a time Metal DeteCtOR scans for weapons allOwS aCCeSS only if youre cleared Tip: Training is key to the success of this feature. Employees and customers must understand the benefits for it to be seen as a positive addition to the security plan, rather than as an annoyance. 10
  • 11. ENtRANCE PoINtS & WElCoME zoNES signs requesTing The removal of hoods, haTs and sunglasses Meant to encourage customers to remove items that keep them from being unrecognizable Must be done respectfully training is key Tip: If employees understand the purpose of policies and procedures in the branch, security related or otherwise, easier to gain compliance, and results will be more effective 11
  • 12. ENtRANCE PoINtS & WElCoME zoNES cameras and disPlay screens Common security tactic in retail Makes customers aware that theyre being recorded Tip: They dont have to be ugly prisonlike cameras. A sleek, modern screen with a simple case surrounding it allows form and function have an equal part. 12
  • 13. ENtRANCE PoINtS & WElCoME zoNES meeTer greeTer sTaTions By fronT door also a common retail tactic lets customers know theyve been noticed Deters potential robbers and increases customer service Tip: Meeter greeter station must be staffed. An unstaffed greeter station is an open invitation to potential robbers, and gives them a sense of invisibility. 13
  • 14. ENtRANCE PoINtS & WElCoME zoNES Take a simple meeter/greeter approach to the next level with the Safe Catch method. A new method thats gaining some attention: Approach suspicious customers in a friendly manner, give them an opportunity to leave by providing them with an exceptional level of customer service (ask for ID, etc). Works well in tandem with traditionally accepted method of not causing friction. Customer is still always right. Use of this tactic reportedly thwarted the Garden Glove Bandit in Seattle. 14
  • 15. INtERIoR baNDit baRRieRS bullet-proof glass separating tellers from customers arguably the best deterrent against robbery, but definitely not very welcoming . . . 15
  • 16. INtERIoR CleaR SigHt liNeS tHROugHOut tHe bRaNCH The most commonly made mistake, but also very important when considering the branch merchandising plan. 16
  • 17. INtERIoR FuRNituRe maintaining privacy is key. Privacy is often mostly about perception and it doesnt have to compromise security 17
  • 18. INtERIoR Vault vaults rarely in use anymore. (we havent installed one in years) Replaced by smaller safes, cash drawers and drop boxes. electronic security keeps them safe with motion detectors, cameras, heat detectors, etc. 18
  • 19. INtERIoR wiNDOwS clear, open windows are critical Do not have complete obstructions or blinds. Police want a clear view inside in the event of a robbery. 19
  • 20. INtERIoR CONCealeD SPaCeS are opportunities for robbers and liabilities for customers and employees (break room, public bathrooms, etc.) avoid out of site doorways, hidden nooks etc if you cant avoid it, make sure hidden areas are monitored with security cameras 20
  • 21. INtERIoR gates or doors to block access to behind teller line are mostly a visual cue. they wont actually stop a determined robber but do provide a certain level of safety for tellers Tip: Gates with a keypad more effective than without. Doors even better where possible. 21
  • 22. INtERIoR Teller heighTs and widTh a visual cue more than anything and are only a small component to a thorough security plan. Make it difficult for a robber to leap the counter big sticking point between design and security security often wants them higher and wider, but design must also comply with aDa standards. Tip: When building new teller stations, keeping the transaction space as small as possible is also helpful in keeping robbers from leaping over the counter. 22
  • 23. INtERIoR cameras Different purpose from entrance cameras No need for customers to see the cameras take advantage of new smaller technology - blends in with design - half-dome cameras can be built right into millwork - consider using at the driveup to get a clear view of people in cars Tip: Hidden camera can be concealed in nameplates and in egress doors frames - the same functionality, but dont detract from design. 23
  • 24. StAFF tRAINING & CuStoMER ENGAGEMENt PossiBly The mosT criTical Piece of The overall securiTy Plan Make staff aware of all security features. Reinforce the benefits to gain buy-in on entire plan Reiterate other elements of standard security procedures: compliance with robbers etc employees who feel safe in the environment will inspire customers to also feel safe 24
  • 25. ulTimaTely, iTs a Balancing acT between various needs of the branch: SeCuRity FuNCtiONality aDa etc . . . 25
  • 26. iT also dePends on locaTion. whaT works for one Branch mighT noT work for anoTher. Some areas might require almost virtual lock down, others the bare minimum Tip: When moving into new locations, consider the surrounding area before deciding your security approach. What is the condition of the local economy? Rate of robberies in area banks? 26
  • 27. SECuRItY IS ABout PERCEPtIoN. if The Branch is Perceived as Being well secured . . . RObbeRS will MOVe ON tO tHe Next. 27
  • 28. tHaNK yOu information, material, and designs in this document are pro- prietary to and owned by brandPartners Retail inc. and may not be disclosed to any third party, reproduced, posted on a global computer information network, or distributed in any way without the written consent from brandPartners Retail inc. 息2009 brandPartners Retail inc. all rights reserved.