Este documento presenta una metodolog鱈a para ense単ar sobre el terremoto de 1985 en M辿xico mediante una situaci坦n problema. Los estudiantes investigar鱈an las causas de los sismos, los da単os a la poblaci坦n y la justificaci坦n de las normas de prevenci坦n de desastres naturales consultando fuentes como hemerotecas, bibliotecas, internet y entrevistas. Realizar鱈an din叩micas y actividades para comprender los retos cognitivos de este enfoque situacional.
Este documento lista recursos bibliogr叩ficos, hemerogr叩ficos y ligas de internet 炭tiles para investigar el terremoto de M辿xico de 1985. Incluye sitios web sobre protecci坦n civil, cursos y publicaciones sobre la reducci坦n de desastres, as鱈 como wikipedia, galer鱈as de fotos y videos que explican los or鱈genes, efectos y consecuencias del terremoto, adem叩s de informes del Instituto de Geof鱈sica sobre el sismo.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Este documento presenta una metodolog鱈a para ense単ar sobre el terremoto de 1985 en M辿xico a trav辿s de una situaci坦n problema. Los estudiantes investigar鱈an las causas de los sismos, los da単os a la poblaci坦n y la justificaci坦n de las normas de prevenci坦n de desastres naturales mediante el uso de fuentes como hemerotecas, bibliotecas, internet y entrevistas. Las actividades desarrollar鱈an retos cognitivos como din叩micas y debates sobre estos temas.
Este documento describe el terremoto de 1985 en la Ciudad de M辿xico que caus坦 grandes da単os a edificios y personas. Explica que fue un fuerte sismo en una ciudad sin organizaci坦n adecuada para responder a desastres de gran magnitud. El documento tambi辿n incluye preguntas sobre sismos, fuentes de informaci坦n para investigar el terremoto, actividades de aprendizaje y conceptos clave como sismo, da単o, prevenci坦n y respuesta a desastres.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Este documento proporciona una lista de recursos 炭tiles para investigar el terremoto de M辿xico de 1985, incluyendo sitios web de protecci坦n civil, Wikipedia, galer鱈as de fotos y videos que describen los or鱈genes, efectos y consecuencias del desastre, as鱈 como informes del Instituto de Geof鱈sica sobre el terremoto. La lista incluye enlaces a explicaciones sobre lo sucedido y entrevistas con sobrevivientes del devastador terremoto.
Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region and incorporates many tropical fruits. Common dishes include caruru, a dish made with okra, onion, dried shrimp and nuts. Rice and beans are staples of the Brazilian diet. Football is the most popular sport, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu originated in Brazil. Samba is a lively dance that has been part of Brazilian culture since the late 19th century, and music plays an important role in sports like capoeira.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Saigo Takamori was born in 1822 to a farming family in Satsuma, Japan. He attended a neighborhood school where he studied education and martial arts. His education led him to a career in politics, where he rose through the ranks to become part of the inner circle by 1856. Saigo died in 1877 on the battlefield while wounded, killed by his own men to prevent his capture, in keeping with the samurai code of honor. Though initially considered a traitor, he is now remembered as a hero in Japan.
Your Employer Brand Under Siege: How Social Media is Changing RecruitmentBruce Richards
The document discusses how social media is changing recruitment and employment brands. It notes that finding good employees is getting more difficult due to various factors like retiring baby boomers. Companies now have employment brands whether they realize it or not. With increased transparency online via sites like Glassdoor, how a company recruits is as important as who they recruit. Emerging themes include the importance of transparency, job boards struggling while corporate sites and social media grow in importance. Best practices include differentiating one's brand, focusing on candidate experience, relationship management, technology integration, and leveraging referrals and social media. Marketing and HR should work together on employer branding and candidate experience.
Este documento presenta una metodolog鱈a para ense単ar sobre el terremoto de 1985 en M辿xico mediante una situaci坦n problema. Los estudiantes investigar鱈an las causas de los sismos, los da単os a la poblaci坦n y la justificaci坦n de las normas de prevenci坦n de desastres naturales consultando fuentes como hemerotecas, bibliotecas, internet y entrevistas. Realizar鱈an din叩micas y actividades para comprender los retos cognitivos de este enfoque situacional.
Este documento lista recursos bibliogr叩ficos, hemerogr叩ficos y ligas de internet 炭tiles para investigar el terremoto de M辿xico de 1985. Incluye sitios web sobre protecci坦n civil, cursos y publicaciones sobre la reducci坦n de desastres, as鱈 como wikipedia, galer鱈as de fotos y videos que explican los or鱈genes, efectos y consecuencias del terremoto, adem叩s de informes del Instituto de Geof鱈sica sobre el sismo.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Este documento presenta una metodolog鱈a para ense単ar sobre el terremoto de 1985 en M辿xico a trav辿s de una situaci坦n problema. Los estudiantes investigar鱈an las causas de los sismos, los da単os a la poblaci坦n y la justificaci坦n de las normas de prevenci坦n de desastres naturales mediante el uso de fuentes como hemerotecas, bibliotecas, internet y entrevistas. Las actividades desarrollar鱈an retos cognitivos como din叩micas y debates sobre estos temas.
Este documento describe el terremoto de 1985 en la Ciudad de M辿xico que caus坦 grandes da単os a edificios y personas. Explica que fue un fuerte sismo en una ciudad sin organizaci坦n adecuada para responder a desastres de gran magnitud. El documento tambi辿n incluye preguntas sobre sismos, fuentes de informaci坦n para investigar el terremoto, actividades de aprendizaje y conceptos clave como sismo, da単o, prevenci坦n y respuesta a desastres.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Este documento proporciona una lista de recursos 炭tiles para investigar el terremoto de M辿xico de 1985, incluyendo sitios web de protecci坦n civil, Wikipedia, galer鱈as de fotos y videos que describen los or鱈genes, efectos y consecuencias del desastre, as鱈 como informes del Instituto de Geof鱈sica sobre el terremoto. La lista incluye enlaces a explicaciones sobre lo sucedido y entrevistas con sobrevivientes del devastador terremoto.
Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region and incorporates many tropical fruits. Common dishes include caruru, a dish made with okra, onion, dried shrimp and nuts. Rice and beans are staples of the Brazilian diet. Football is the most popular sport, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu originated in Brazil. Samba is a lively dance that has been part of Brazilian culture since the late 19th century, and music plays an important role in sports like capoeira.
The Monsoon Region covers Bangladesh, Kolkata, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Bangladesh has a large population and relies on monsoon rains and non-governmental organizations to support poverty-stricken areas. Sri Lanka has important waterways connecting East Asia and the Middle East, and China is increasing its support while US aid has stopped due to human rights violations. Burma has experienced a long civil war and connects India and China, while China supplies arms to influence the conflict and do business in the region regardless of the regime's morals.
Saigo Takamori was born in 1822 to a farming family in Satsuma, Japan. He attended a neighborhood school where he studied education and martial arts. His education led him to a career in politics, where he rose through the ranks to become part of the inner circle by 1856. Saigo died in 1877 on the battlefield while wounded, killed by his own men to prevent his capture, in keeping with the samurai code of honor. Though initially considered a traitor, he is now remembered as a hero in Japan.
Your Employer Brand Under Siege: How Social Media is Changing RecruitmentBruce Richards
The document discusses how social media is changing recruitment and employment brands. It notes that finding good employees is getting more difficult due to various factors like retiring baby boomers. Companies now have employment brands whether they realize it or not. With increased transparency online via sites like Glassdoor, how a company recruits is as important as who they recruit. Emerging themes include the importance of transparency, job boards struggling while corporate sites and social media grow in importance. Best practices include differentiating one's brand, focusing on candidate experience, relationship management, technology integration, and leveraging referrals and social media. Marketing and HR should work together on employer branding and candidate experience.