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Science: Cells to Body Systems
           Grade 5
 Goal: My goal is to show students through a
  Powerpoint presentation how cells work together
  to form body systems.
 The text will be used as the main source with the
  presentation being supplemental.
 Web sites used : www.harcourtschool.com and
 This incorporates ETS 10.6, 10.14, and 10.16
 Simple organisms
  such as bacteria, are
  single cell.
 Plants and animals are
  made up of many
 Each kind of cell has a
  particular function.
Cells: Size & Shape
 Size and Shape depend upon its function.
 Red blood cells are small and disc shaped
  to fit through the smallest blood vessel.
 Muscle cells are long and thin. When they
  contract they produce movement.
 Nerve cells which carry signals to the brain
  are very long.
Functions of Cells
                                                  C e ll F u n c t io n

C e ll w o r k t o g e t h e r t o p e r fo r m b a s ic life p r o c e s s e s t h a t k e e p o r g a n is m s a liv e .

                                       G e t t in g r id o f b o d y w a s t e s .

                              M a k in g n e w c e lls fo r g r o w t h a n d r e p a ir .

                                      R e le a s in g e n e r g y fr o m fo o d .
Plant /Animal Cell Definitions
Nucleus: The organelle     Cytoplasm: A jellylike     Nucleus: The organelle      Vacuoles: Organelles
that determines all of a   substance that contains    that determines all of      that store food, waste,
plants cell activities    many chemicals to keep     the animal cells            or water.
and prduces new cells.     the cell functiong.        activities and produces
                                                      new cells.
Chromosones:               Chloroplasts:              Chromosones:                Mitochondria:
Threadlike structures      Organelles that make       Threadlike structures       Organelles that release
that contain               food for the plant cell.   that contain information    energy from food.
information about plant.                              about the animal.

Cell Membrane: A           Vacuole: An organelle      Cell Membrane: a
covering that hold the     that stores food, water,   covering that holds the
plant cell together and    and waste.                 animal cell together
separates it from                                     and separates it from its
surroundings.                                         surroundings.
Cell Wall: A rigid layer   Mitochondria:              Cytoplasm: a jellylike
that supports and          Organelles that release    substance that contains
protects plant cells.      energy from food.          many chemicals to keep
                                                      the cell functioning.
Tissues, Organs, & Systems
 Cells that work together to perform a specific
  function form a tissue.
 Just as cells that work together form a tissue,
  tissues that work together form an organ.
 Organs that work together to perform a function
  form a system. Example: circulatory system.
 Plant cells also form tissues, such as the bark of a
  tree. And plant cells work together, forming
  organs, such as roots and leaves.
The Circulatory System

                                                                                   T h e C i r c u l a to ry S y s te m

                                      T h e C i r c u l a to ry S y s te m tra n s p o rts o x y g e n , n u tri e n ts a n d w a s te s th ro u g h th e b l o o d .

T h e l i q u i d p a rt o f th e b l o o d                             B l o o d l e a v e s th e h e a rt th ro u g h a rte ri e s .                           B l o o d a l s o c o n ta i n s p l a te l e ts ,
                 is c a l e d                                   T h e s e l e a d to C a p i l a ri e s w h i c h a re s o s m a l th a t          ti n y p i e c e s o f b l o o d c e l s i n s i d e m e m b ra n e s .
                 p la s m a .                                      b l o o d c e l s m o v e th ro u g h th e m i n s i n g l e fi l e .
The Respiratory System
 Air enters the body through nasal passages is
  filtered, then travels down the trachea.
 The trachea branches into two tubes called
  bronchi, which lead to the lungs.
 At the end of the bronchi are tiny tubes called
  aveoli, small air sacs.
 Carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the
  aveoli and the oxygen rich blood enters the body
  through the pulmonary veins.
The Digestive System
 Digestion begins as you chew food.
 Glands in your mouth produce saliva to moisten
 The food passes through the esophagus to the
  stomach and moves to the small intestine.
 Nutrients diffuse through the villi, tiny projections
  from the intestine, into the blood.
The Excretory System
 The function of the excretory system is to remove
  wastes from the body.
 Cell wastes include carbon dioxide and ammonia.
 The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra make up
  the excretory system.
 The body also removes wastes through sweating.
  Sweat is a salty liquid that evaporates from the
Systems Working Together
                                                                               The S kel e t a l S yst e m

                                                     B ones are or g ani z ed i n t o a skel e t o n w hi c h suppor t your body.

M uscl e s ar e at t a ched t o bones by t e ndons          B ones ar e at t a ched t o each ot h er by l i g am ent s                  A hum an skel e t o n has 206 bones.
    t o ugh bands of connect i v e t i s sue.         B ands of connect i v e t i s sue t h at hol d t h e skel e t o n t o get h er.       E ach hand has 26 bones.
                                                                                                                                             The skul l has 23 bones.
The Muscular System
 Voluntary Muscles: move bones and hold
  your skeleton upright.
 Smooth Muscles: contract slowly and
  move substances through the organs they
 Cardiac Muscles: make up the walls of the
  heart. Their function is to pump blood.
The Nervous System
 The nervous system connects all the tissues and
  organs to your brain.
 It consists of two parts: The central nervous
  system and peripheral nervous system.
 The central nervous system consists of brain and
  spinal cord.
 The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory
  organs, such as eyes, ears and body nerves.
 Read Chapter 1, Unit A of Harcourt Science
  Textbook and complete tasks related to the
 Go to www.harcourtschool.com and complete the
  activities relating to cell biology.
 Go to
   and complete activities relating to cell biology.
 Assessment will be based upon:
 Successful completion of the assigned tasks
  within the websites and;
 Successful completion of a cell, body
  transport system, and body movement
  systems created by the student using
  Microsoft Paintbrush.

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Sedjmullins (7)

  • 1. Science: Cells to Body Systems Grade 5 Goal: My goal is to show students through a Powerpoint presentation how cells work together to form body systems. The text will be used as the main source with the presentation being supplemental. Web sites used : www.harcourtschool.com and http://trackstar.hprtec.org/main/display.php3?trackid=12 . This incorporates ETS 10.6, 10.14, and 10.16
  • 2. Cells Simple organisms such as bacteria, are single cell. Plants and animals are made up of many cells. Each kind of cell has a particular function.
  • 3. Cells: Size & Shape Size and Shape depend upon its function. Red blood cells are small and disc shaped to fit through the smallest blood vessel. Muscle cells are long and thin. When they contract they produce movement. Nerve cells which carry signals to the brain are very long.
  • 4. Functions of Cells C e ll F u n c t io n C e ll w o r k t o g e t h e r t o p e r fo r m b a s ic life p r o c e s s e s t h a t k e e p o r g a n is m s a liv e . G e t t in g r id o f b o d y w a s t e s . M a k in g n e w c e lls fo r g r o w t h a n d r e p a ir . R e le a s in g e n e r g y fr o m fo o d .
  • 5. Plant /Animal Cell Definitions Nucleus: The organelle Cytoplasm: A jellylike Nucleus: The organelle Vacuoles: Organelles that determines all of a substance that contains that determines all of that store food, waste, plants cell activities many chemicals to keep the animal cells or water. and prduces new cells. the cell functiong. activities and produces new cells. Chromosones: Chloroplasts: Chromosones: Mitochondria: Threadlike structures Organelles that make Threadlike structures Organelles that release that contain food for the plant cell. that contain information energy from food. information about plant. about the animal. Cell Membrane: A Vacuole: An organelle Cell Membrane: a covering that hold the that stores food, water, covering that holds the plant cell together and and waste. animal cell together separates it from and separates it from its surroundings. surroundings. Cell Wall: A rigid layer Mitochondria: Cytoplasm: a jellylike that supports and Organelles that release substance that contains protects plant cells. energy from food. many chemicals to keep the cell functioning.
  • 6. Tissues, Organs, & Systems Cells that work together to perform a specific function form a tissue. Just as cells that work together form a tissue, tissues that work together form an organ. Organs that work together to perform a function form a system. Example: circulatory system. Plant cells also form tissues, such as the bark of a tree. And plant cells work together, forming organs, such as roots and leaves.
  • 7. The Circulatory System T h e C i r c u l a to ry S y s te m T h e C i r c u l a to ry S y s te m tra n s p o rts o x y g e n , n u tri e n ts a n d w a s te s th ro u g h th e b l o o d . T h e l i q u i d p a rt o f th e b l o o d B l o o d l e a v e s th e h e a rt th ro u g h a rte ri e s . B l o o d a l s o c o n ta i n s p l a te l e ts , is c a l e d T h e s e l e a d to C a p i l a ri e s w h i c h a re s o s m a l th a t ti n y p i e c e s o f b l o o d c e l s i n s i d e m e m b ra n e s . p la s m a . b l o o d c e l s m o v e th ro u g h th e m i n s i n g l e fi l e .
  • 8. The Respiratory System Air enters the body through nasal passages is filtered, then travels down the trachea. The trachea branches into two tubes called bronchi, which lead to the lungs. At the end of the bronchi are tiny tubes called aveoli, small air sacs. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the aveoli and the oxygen rich blood enters the body through the pulmonary veins.
  • 9. The Digestive System Digestion begins as you chew food. Glands in your mouth produce saliva to moisten food. The food passes through the esophagus to the stomach and moves to the small intestine. Nutrients diffuse through the villi, tiny projections from the intestine, into the blood.
  • 10. The Excretory System The function of the excretory system is to remove wastes from the body. Cell wastes include carbon dioxide and ammonia. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra make up the excretory system. The body also removes wastes through sweating. Sweat is a salty liquid that evaporates from the skin.
  • 11. Systems Working Together The S kel e t a l S yst e m B ones are or g ani z ed i n t o a skel e t o n w hi c h suppor t your body. M uscl e s ar e at t a ched t o bones by t e ndons B ones ar e at t a ched t o each ot h er by l i g am ent s A hum an skel e t o n has 206 bones. t o ugh bands of connect i v e t i s sue. B ands of connect i v e t i s sue t h at hol d t h e skel e t o n t o get h er. E ach hand has 26 bones. The skul l has 23 bones.
  • 12. The Muscular System Voluntary Muscles: move bones and hold your skeleton upright. Smooth Muscles: contract slowly and move substances through the organs they surround. Cardiac Muscles: make up the walls of the heart. Their function is to pump blood.
  • 13. The Nervous System The nervous system connects all the tissues and organs to your brain. It consists of two parts: The central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory organs, such as eyes, ears and body nerves.
  • 14. Assignments Read Chapter 1, Unit A of Harcourt Science Textbook and complete tasks related to the reading. Go to www.harcourtschool.com and complete the activities relating to cell biology. Go to http://trackstar.hprtec.org/main/display.php3?trackid=12 and complete activities relating to cell biology.
  • 15. Assessment Assessment will be based upon: Successful completion of the assigned tasks within the websites and; Successful completion of a cell, body transport system, and body movement systems created by the student using Microsoft Paintbrush.