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Å    Research projects which use a questionnaire to
    collect standardized data from a large number
    of people.

Å    Can be either Population or Sample surveys.
    Sample surveys are the most common

Å    The collection of standardized data requires
    that the same questions be given to all
    respondents in the same order.
Š   Factual Surveys ² Use to collect descriptive
    information. Example, Population census, The
    Survey of Living Conditions and The Labour Force
Š   Attitude Surveys ² Carried out by opinion poll
    organizations, market researchers, etc.
Å    Explanatory Surveys - Used to test hypotheses
    or to test and develop theories.

Common to all types, is the use of the Questionnaire as
  the instrument of data collection
Å    A questionnaire is a collection of questions and
    /or statements that is designed to collect
    information on a particular topic.
Å    It is an instrument used by researchers to
    convert into data, information directly given by
Å    In essence, it provides access to what is inside
    the person's head
The questionnaire facilitates the
measurement of what a person:

Å    knows - knowledge, information
Å    likes & dislikes - values, preference
Å    thinks - attitudes, beliefs
Å    experiences - past & present

It is a useful alternative when direct observation is
    not possible.
This approach to data collection requires
that the respondent:

Å    co-operates in the completion of questionnaire
Å    tells what is, instead of what he thinks ought to be,
    or what he imagines the researcher would like to
Å    knows how he feels or thinks in order to report.

It is possible therefore for the questionnaire to measure
necessarily what a person likes, believes or thinks but
he/she indicates in these regards.
The researcher must, therefore, pay
to the following factors:

Å    the respondent will have a tendency to show self
    in good light.

Å     he/she may be unduly helpful by providing
    answers he thinks the researcher wants instead of
    telling it like it is.

Å    he/she may not be able to provide answers to the
    questions posed - out of ignorance etc.
Š   Direct versus indirect (Specific vs. Non ²Specific)
     a. Do you like your job? - direct (specific)
    b. How do you feel about your job? - indirect (non-specific)
    a. How you feel about teacher A? - direct (specific)
    b.How do feel about class taught by teacher A? - indirect
Direct or specific questions may cause respondent to
become guarded or cautious and give less than honest
answers. Non-specific ones lead to desired information
with less alarm.
Å   Fact versus opinion
     a. What kind of car do you drive?
     b. Do you prefer Japanese or American?
Factual questions do not always solicit factual
    i. faulty memory
   ii. conscious desire to create a certain impression

Nor do opinion ones always solicit honest opinions.
Respondents are normally inclined to provide socially
desirable answers.
Å    Questions versus Statements - Can be a direct
    question as those types above (requiring a direct
    answer) or a statement requiring an optional
Å     Predetermined versus Response Keyed
    Questions - Answer all vs. answer those that are
5. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
   1. Never 2. Occasionally     3. Frequently    4. Always
(If never, go to 6 and then terminate. Otherwise, skip to 7
   and continue)

6. Why don·t you drink alcoholic beverages?
  1. Religious reasons 2. Health reasons 3. Others (Specify)

7. When you drink, which of the following are you
   most likely to have?
   1.Rum 2. Beer 3. Stout 4. Wine 5. Others
Selasturkiye Rm Social Surveys
Å    Provide respondent with possible answers and ask
    him/her to choose the most appropriate option.
Å    When the closed-ended format is used, the researcher
    should be guided by the following:
    - Response categories provided should be exhaustive
    - Response options should be mutually exclusive
    - There should be clear instruction to select the best

This format is ¶respondent friendly· and facilitates greater ease in the
processing of data, since it can be transferred directly to computer. It
however, limits the possible answers to those thought of by the
Å    Researchers ask questions and allow
    respondents to provide answers
Å    Exert control only in regard to the questions
    asked and the time and space provided.
Å     Respondents give own answer, rather than
    just agreeing with those given.
Å     Format offers the respondent more flexibly
Å    Responses must be coded before processing - The
    coding process can be time consuming and can be
    quiet technical. It requires the researcher to
    accurately interpret the meaning of respondents give
    to responses. There is always the possibly of
    misunderstanding and researcher·s bias.
Å    Respondents quite often provide answers that are
    irrelevant to researcher's intent.
Å  This is transitional mode between structured
  and unstructured mode.
Å  Respondents generate, rather than choose
Å  Responses are, however, limited in range and
  length - often a single word or short phrase
 Example: What is your father's occupation?
Å  The very wording of the question restricts the
  number of possible responses and the number
  of words.
Å     Tabular Responses - Fill response into a table. A very
     convenient way of organizing complex responses.

Å     Scaled Response - A structured response form.
     Respondents are asked to express endorsement or
     rejection of a given statement.
    Example: The Likert Scale

Š    Ranking response ² Respondents are given some
     statements, etc. and asked to rank according to some

Å     Checklist Response - Respondents choose all possible
     answers from a number of options given to him
In constructing the Questionnaire, the researcher
should always consider the following factors:
Format ² Wording
Š Precision ² Questions should be clear and unambiguous

Š Concision ² Items should be as short as possible

Š Relevance ² Question should all be relevant and
Š Double-barreled Questions ² Each question should
   should attempt to measure only one variable at a time
Š Biased Items/Terms ² Should not use leading questions

Š Negative Items ² Questions should be in positive form

Š Abbreviations and Jargons ² These should always be
Format ² Layout
Š Uncluttered ² Items should be well-spaced/ spread-
Š Order ² Items should flow in a logical order. The
  ordering of questions affects the quality of responses
Š Length ² Should not be too many items ² Instrument
  shouldn·t be too long
Š Personal Information ² Request only when required

Š Instructions ² Always provide adequate instructions
  ² both general and specific.
Å    Three main Categories, based on the
    approach use in the completion of the
      - Mail Questionnaire
      - Face-to-Face Interviews
      - Telephone Interviews
Å    Postal services are utilized in the distribution
    and return of instrument
Å    Classical approach is to send questionnaire
    accompanied by a letter of explanation and self-
    addressed stamped envelope.
Å    Respondents asked to complete and return
    within a specified time.
Š   Cost ² the cheapest
Š   Time ² the slowest
Š   Degree of obtrusion ² the least obtrusive
Š   Specificity ² the least definite/certain
Š   Literacy ² absolutely necessary
Š   Response rate ² the lowest
This problem of a low response rate can have implications for
generalization. Hence the need to incorporate measures in the
design to ensure the highest possible response rate. A common
approach is the use of follow-up mailing. Can take two forms:
Å    Reminder only to non- respondents
Å    Letter to all, thanking those who have responded and a reminder to
    those who haven·t as yet.
Å    Always include include a copy of the questionnaire
Even with all practical measures, a 100 % response rate will
never be achieved. Researchers must decide, in advance, what
rate is considered acceptable ² that is, the minimum rate that
will not introduce response bias.
Most popular form in the Caribbean. Interviewers ask
questions and record answers as given. Most obtrusive
so special attention must be paid to interviewers·
behaviour and appearance.

Interviewers should,therefore, always
Å    display a pleasant and professional demeanor
Å    be familiar with questionnaire and research area.
Å    follow wording and format of questionnaire exactly
Å    record responses exactly as given
Å    use probing questions cautiously.
Å    be properly trained.
Š   Cost ² the most expensive
Š   Time ² the most time consuming
Š   Degree of obtrusion ² the most obtrusive
Š   Specificity ² the most specific
Š   Literacy ² not necessary
Š   Response rate ² the highest
Most convenient approach, but with obvious
Biases. Will have access only to those
Å  with telephones

Å  who are listed in the directory

Å  are available at the time of the interview
Š   Cost ²
Š   Time ²
Š   Degree of obtrusion ²
Š   Specificity ²
Š   Literacy ²
Š   Response rate ²
1.   Identification and specification of variables.
2.   Choosing question format.
3.   Choosing response modes.
4.   Preparing questions/items
5.   Construction of the instrument.
6.   Pilot testing ² Test for reliability and validity.
7.   Make required adjustments.
8.   Repeat 6.

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Selasturkiye Rm Social Surveys

  • 1. Å  Research projects which use a questionnaire to collect standardized data from a large number of people. Å  Can be either Population or Sample surveys. Sample surveys are the most common Å  The collection of standardized data requires that the same questions be given to all respondents in the same order.
  • 2. Å  Factual Surveys ² Use to collect descriptive information. Example, Population census, The Survey of Living Conditions and The Labour Force Survey. Å  Attitude Surveys ² Carried out by opinion poll organizations, market researchers, etc. Å  Explanatory Surveys - Used to test hypotheses or to test and develop theories. Common to all types, is the use of the Questionnaire as the instrument of data collection
  • 3. Å  A questionnaire is a collection of questions and /or statements that is designed to collect information on a particular topic. Å  It is an instrument used by researchers to convert into data, information directly given by respondents. Å  In essence, it provides access to what is inside the person's head
  • 4. The questionnaire facilitates the measurement of what a person: Å  knows - knowledge, information Å  likes & dislikes - values, preference Å  thinks - attitudes, beliefs Å  experiences - past & present It is a useful alternative when direct observation is not possible.
  • 5. This approach to data collection requires that the respondent: Å  co-operates in the completion of questionnaire Å  tells what is, instead of what he thinks ought to be, or what he imagines the researcher would like to hear. Å  knows how he feels or thinks in order to report. It is possible therefore for the questionnaire to measure not necessarily what a person likes, believes or thinks but what he/she indicates in these regards.
  • 6. The researcher must, therefore, pay attention to the following factors: Å  the respondent will have a tendency to show self in good light. Å  he/she may be unduly helpful by providing answers he thinks the researcher wants instead of telling it like it is. Å  he/she may not be able to provide answers to the questions posed - out of ignorance etc.
  • 7. Å  Direct versus indirect (Specific vs. Non ²Specific) a. Do you like your job? - direct (specific) b. How do you feel about your job? - indirect (non-specific) a. How you feel about teacher A? - direct (specific) b.How do feel about class taught by teacher A? - indirect (non-specific) Direct or specific questions may cause respondent to become guarded or cautious and give less than honest answers. Non-specific ones lead to desired information with less alarm.
  • 8. Å  Fact versus opinion a. What kind of car do you drive? b. Do you prefer Japanese or American? Factual questions do not always solicit factual answers because: i. faulty memory ii. conscious desire to create a certain impression Nor do opinion ones always solicit honest opinions. Respondents are normally inclined to provide socially desirable answers.
  • 9. Å  Questions versus Statements - Can be a direct question as those types above (requiring a direct answer) or a statement requiring an optional response. Å  Predetermined versus Response Keyed Questions - Answer all vs. answer those that are relevant.
  • 10. 5. Do you drink alcoholic beverages? 1. Never 2. Occasionally 3. Frequently 4. Always (If never, go to 6 and then terminate. Otherwise, skip to 7 and continue) 6. Why don·t you drink alcoholic beverages? 1. Religious reasons 2. Health reasons 3. Others (Specify) ______ 7. When you drink, which of the following are you most likely to have? 1.Rum 2. Beer 3. Stout 4. Wine 5. Others (Specify)________
  • 12. Å  Provide respondent with possible answers and ask him/her to choose the most appropriate option. Å  When the closed-ended format is used, the researcher should be guided by the following: - Response categories provided should be exhaustive - Response options should be mutually exclusive - There should be clear instruction to select the best answer This format is ¶respondent friendly· and facilitates greater ease in the processing of data, since it can be transferred directly to computer. It however, limits the possible answers to those thought of by the researcher.
  • 13. Å  Researchers ask questions and allow respondents to provide answers Å  Exert control only in regard to the questions asked and the time and space provided. Å  Respondents give own answer, rather than just agreeing with those given. Å  Format offers the respondent more flexibly
  • 14. Å  Responses must be coded before processing - The coding process can be time consuming and can be quiet technical. It requires the researcher to accurately interpret the meaning of respondents give to responses. There is always the possibly of misunderstanding and researcher·s bias. Å  Respondents quite often provide answers that are irrelevant to researcher's intent.
  • 15. Å  This is transitional mode between structured and unstructured mode. Å  Respondents generate, rather than choose answers Å  Responses are, however, limited in range and length - often a single word or short phrase Example: What is your father's occupation? Å  The very wording of the question restricts the number of possible responses and the number of words.
  • 16. Å  Tabular Responses - Fill response into a table. A very convenient way of organizing complex responses. Å  Scaled Response - A structured response form. Respondents are asked to express endorsement or rejection of a given statement. Example: The Likert Scale Å  Ranking response ² Respondents are given some statements, etc. and asked to rank according to some criteria. Å  Checklist Response - Respondents choose all possible answers from a number of options given to him
  • 17. In constructing the Questionnaire, the researcher should always consider the following factors: Format ² Wording Å  Precision ² Questions should be clear and unambiguous Å  Concision ² Items should be as short as possible Å  Relevance ² Question should all be relevant and necessary Å  Double-barreled Questions ² Each question should should attempt to measure only one variable at a time Å  Biased Items/Terms ² Should not use leading questions Å  Negative Items ² Questions should be in positive form Å  Abbreviations and Jargons ² These should always be avoided
  • 18. Format ² Layout Å  Uncluttered ² Items should be well-spaced/ spread- out Å  Order ² Items should flow in a logical order. The ordering of questions affects the quality of responses Å  Length ² Should not be too many items ² Instrument shouldn·t be too long Å  Personal Information ² Request only when required Å  Instructions ² Always provide adequate instructions ² both general and specific.
  • 19. Å  Three main Categories, based on the approach use in the completion of the questionnaires: - Mail Questionnaire - Face-to-Face Interviews - Telephone Interviews
  • 20. Å  Postal services are utilized in the distribution and return of instrument Å  Classical approach is to send questionnaire accompanied by a letter of explanation and self- addressed stamped envelope. Å  Respondents asked to complete and return within a specified time.
  • 21. Å  Cost ² the cheapest Å  Time ² the slowest Å  Degree of obtrusion ² the least obtrusive Å  Specificity ² the least definite/certain Å  Literacy ² absolutely necessary Å  Response rate ² the lowest
  • 22. This problem of a low response rate can have implications for generalization. Hence the need to incorporate measures in the design to ensure the highest possible response rate. A common approach is the use of follow-up mailing. Can take two forms: Å  Reminder only to non- respondents Å  Letter to all, thanking those who have responded and a reminder to those who haven·t as yet. Å  Always include include a copy of the questionnaire Even with all practical measures, a 100 % response rate will never be achieved. Researchers must decide, in advance, what rate is considered acceptable ² that is, the minimum rate that will not introduce response bias.
  • 23. Most popular form in the Caribbean. Interviewers ask questions and record answers as given. Most obtrusive form, so special attention must be paid to interviewers· competence, behaviour and appearance. Interviewers should,therefore, always Å  display a pleasant and professional demeanor Å  be familiar with questionnaire and research area. Å  follow wording and format of questionnaire exactly Å  record responses exactly as given Å  use probing questions cautiously. Å  be properly trained.
  • 24. Å  Cost ² the most expensive Å  Time ² the most time consuming Å  Degree of obtrusion ² the most obtrusive Å  Specificity ² the most specific Å  Literacy ² not necessary Å  Response rate ² the highest
  • 25. Most convenient approach, but with obvious Biases. Will have access only to those Å  with telephones Å  who are listed in the directory Å  are available at the time of the interview
  • 26. Å  Cost ² Å  Time ² Å  Degree of obtrusion ² Å  Specificity ² Å  Literacy ² Å  Response rate ²
  • 27. 1. Identification and specification of variables. 2. Choosing question format. 3. Choosing response modes. 4. Preparing questions/items 5. Construction of the instrument. 6. Pilot testing ² Test for reliability and validity. 7. Make required adjustments. 8. Repeat 6.