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Selected problems of
maritime traffic risk modelling
            Pentti Kujala, Professor
       Jakub Montewka, Ph.D., Chief Mate
            Aalto University, Finland

            Przemysaw Krata, Ph.D.
      Maritime University of Gdynia, Poland

              Stockholm, 28-29 January 2010

                                            Risk modelling - outline

                                           Probability of an accident


                                                  A case study

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Risk modelling outline

                              P                        C   R
                           P  accidents probability
                           C  accidents consequences
                           R  risk

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Risk modelling outline

                 Accident                         Accident
                probability                     consequences

                 Ship-ship                       Oil spill from tanker    Monetary terms
                  collision                       Bunker spill from        Human loss
                 Ship  fixed                     vessel                   Environmental loss
                  object collision                Structural damage
                 Grounding                       Capsizing of vessel

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Accidents probability assessment
                     Ship-ship collision       Ship-fixed object     Grounding models
                          models               collision models

                          Fujii, Macduff,                                Fujii, Macduff,
                                1974              Gluver&Olsen 98             1974

                                                                         Kite  Powell,
                         Pedersen, 1995            U. Kunz, 1998              1999

                          MDTC based
                                                   M. Knott, 1998        Fowler, 2000
                          model, 2010

                                                   Z. Prucz, 1998          Quy, 2007

                                                                         Gravity model,

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Collision probability assessment  MDTC based model

                                                       The relationships between
                                                       MDTC, safe passing
                                                       distance, and collision

                                                       Representation of vessels
                                                       as discs and definition of
                                                       collision situation.

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Collision probability assessment  MDTC based model

             5                                                           Tankers_cd
             4                                                           Pass_Cont
             3                                                           Cont_diff_cd

                                                                                           MDTC (LOA)
                                                                         RoRo_RoRo                      6
             2                                                           Cont_Cont
                                                                         Cont_cd                        5
                                                                         Tankers_diff_cd                4
             0                                                           Pass_Pass_cd
                 10    30   50   70   90   110     130     150     170
                                           Angle of intersection (deg)                                  2

                 Figure                                                                                 1
                 Values of MDTC obtained for all meeting scenarios,
                 with corresponding values of collision diameters.                                      0
                                                                                                            0   20   40     60      80    100       120    140     160      180
                                                                                                                                                    Angle of intersection (deg)
                                                                                                                     1_port_2_stb    Both_to_port     CD
                                                                                                        MDTC and CDs values computed at 95%
                                                                                                        confidence level by use of Monte Carlo simulations.

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Collision probability assessment  causation factor

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Grounding probability assessment  gravity model
       The field of characteristics of ships location:

                              S         S (T( j ,i ) , R, d ( R,e,m) )
                 T - maximum draught of a ship,
                 R - turning circle radius,
                 d - coefficient of the effective distance of obstruction detecting
                 e - coefficient describing a technical equipment of a ship,
                 m - coefficient of ships manoeuvrability,
                 j, i - denotes coordinates of ship.

       The field of characteristics of the obstructions:

                        P      P( H ( j ',i ') , b( j ',i ') , s( j ',i ') , c( j ',i ') )
                 H - water depth,
                 s - coefficient of soundings accuracy,
                 b - coefficient of ships hull destruction when contacted with the seabed,
                 c - coefficient of soundings position accuracy.

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Grounding probability assessment  gravity model
       The grounding threat intensity at any arbitrarily chosen point of the space
       containing any number of sources of a threat (eg.: shallows) can be obtained as
       a vector sum of grounding threat intensities coming from every single obstruction
       according to the formula:

                                         E ( j, i)           Ek
                                                       k 1

         (j,i) - is a grounding threat intensity field in the point (j, i),
          k - is a grounding threat intensity vector generated by k-numbered obstruction,
         np - is a number of obstructions located in considered area.

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Grounding probability assessment  gravity model
   A spatial distribution of values of the grounding threat intensity vectors.
   A shape of a safety contour (blue) depends on the assumption regarding the acceptable value of
       the grounding threat intensity vectors in the closest point of shallow approach.
   The critical value adjustment was performed on the basis of a minimum under keel clearance
       (UKC) requirement.

                                                          Blue means safety           Centre of fairway

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Accidents consequences assessment

            Quantity of oil spill        Cost of oil spill      Structural damage    Ship capsizing

                 IMO methodology
                                                                                        Munif et al.
                MEPC 117(52) 2004              Etkin, 2000         Pedersen, 1994
                MEPC 110(49) 2003

                                           Skjong et al. 2005                          Bulian et al.
               Smailys & esnauskis,                                 Brown, 2002
                       2006                  in SAFEDOR

                In house build model                                    Zhang,          Hinz, 2010
                  based on the two
                  above mentioned,
                        2009                 Yasuhira, 2009
                                                                    In house build
                                                                   model, based on
                                                                  Zhangs approach
                                                                  and AIS data2010

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Accidents consequences assessment
    Size of an oil outflow due to collision and grounding considering there is a spill as
    a function of cargo deadweight as calculated by IMO probabilistic methodology for
    double hull tankers only.



Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Accidents consequences assessment
        Accidental oil outflow model for double hull tankers in the Gulf of Finland
        Number of ships

                                      Monthly tanker traffic profiles

                                                                                                                                         Length (m)

                          400                                                                                                                         200

                          300                                                                                                                         150

                          200                                                                                                                         100

                          100                                                                                                                          50

                            0                                                                                                                           0
                                Gas        Crude oil      Oil products                Chemical                                                                     mode                    max                  min
                                                                                            Tanker                                                                      Gas    Crude oil   Oil products   Chemical
                                            Winter     Summer
                                                                 DWT (tons)

                                                                                                     Tanker's DWT as a function of her length



                                                                          120000                                           y = 0,0015x3,3008
                                                                                                                             R = 0,9577





                                                                                      50   70   90      110   130    150     170   190        210           230   250    270    290
                                                                                                                                                                        Length (m)

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Accidents consequences assessment
                    Accidental oil outflow model for double hull tankers in the Gulf of Finland

                                                                                                                                                 X > 21125
                          Pareto2(9009.10; 1.90) Shift=+3.04      X > 34485                                 Pareto2(49459; 8.4) Shift=-3.16






                    0,0E+00                                                                             0,0E+00
                              0      10000       20000         30000     40000        50000                           0       10000           20000     30000   40000       50000
                                                                             Spill size [t]                                                                        Spill size [t]

  The probability of an oil spill from the tankers operating in the Gulf of Finland in case of collision,
         estimated by Pareto2 distributions for summer (to left) and winter traffic (to right).

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
A case study
   Block diagram of risk assessment process applied in the study.

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
A case study
   1. Helsinki-Tallinn crossing for summer and winter traffic.

                                                2. Approach to oil terminal in Sk旦ldvik

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
A case study
      Cumulative density functions of risk due to tankers collisions in the Helsinki-
                    Tallinn crossing for summer and winter traffic.

                                     X <0.43
                                                                                                        Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4   X > 444368
                                      95%                                                                                                          5.0%


                                                                                                           Mean = 122559
                    0,8                        Summer                                         0,8
                    0,6                                                                       0,6
                    0,4                        Mean=0.14                                      0,4

                    0,2                                                                       0,2

                     0                                                                         0
                          0   0,25         0,5             0,75           1                         0           0,1        0,2        0,3       0,4          0,5       0,6
                                                           RISK [USD*Million]                                                                         RISK [USD*Millions]

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
A case study
    The safety contours of the analyzed fairway to Sk旦ldvik (red and green curves)
    and the fairway centre line (black straight line).

       Latitude [deg N]

                                                                                                       Histograms of tankers' lateral distribution on fairway
                          60,13                                                                                        leading to Sk旦ldvig


                          60,09                                                                    0,0005

                          60,08                                                                    0,0000
                                                                                                         -750 -500 -250      0    250 500 750 1000 1250
                          60,07                                                                                                Distance from waterway center [m]
                                                                                                            S_bound      N_bound
                              25,5 25,52 25,54 25,56 25,58 25,6 25,62
                                                     Longitude [deg E]
                                                                         Two histograms of tankers lateral distribution on the fairway to
                                                                         Sk旦ldvig, red line represents north bound traffic whereas black
                                                                                             line is south bound traffic
                                  The safety contours

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
A case study
   Probability and cumulative density functions of variable risk in case of grounding in
                     the Sk旦ldvik harbour approach, summer traffic.

                       Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4    X > 444368                                          Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4   X > 444368
                                                                   5,0%                                                                                        5.0%

                 1,2E-05                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                       Mean = 122559
                                        Mean = 122559                                                     0,8


                 2,0E-06                                                                                  0,2

                 0,0E+00                                                                                   0
                           0      0,1       0,2         0,3    0,4         0,5        0,6                       0           0,1        0,2        0,3       0,4          0,5       0,6
                                                                     RISK [USD*Millions]                                                                          RISK [USD*Millions]

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Thank you for your attention

Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
Selected problems of
maritime traffic risk modelling
            Pentti Kujala, Professor
       Jakub Montewka, Ph.D., Chief Mate
            Aalto University, Finland

            Przemysaw Krata, Ph.D.
      Maritime University of Gdynia, Poland

              Stockholm, 28-29 January 2010

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Selected Problems Of Marine Traffic Risk Modelling

  • 1. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling Pentti Kujala, Professor Jakub Montewka, Ph.D., Chief Mate Aalto University, Finland Przemysaw Krata, Ph.D. Maritime University of Gdynia, Poland Stockholm, 28-29 January 2010
  • 2. Agenda Risk modelling - outline Probability of an accident Consequences A case study Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 3. Risk modelling outline P C R P accidents probability C accidents consequences R risk Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 4. Risk modelling outline Accident Accident RISK probability consequences Ship-ship Oil spill from tanker Monetary terms collision Bunker spill from Human loss Ship fixed vessel Environmental loss object collision Structural damage Grounding Capsizing of vessel Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 5. Accidents probability assessment Ship-ship collision Ship-fixed object Grounding models models collision models Fujii, Macduff, Fujii, Macduff, 1974 Gluver&Olsen 98 1974 Kite Powell, Pedersen, 1995 U. Kunz, 1998 1999 MDTC based M. Knott, 1998 Fowler, 2000 model, 2010 Z. Prucz, 1998 Quy, 2007 Gravity model, 2010 Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 6. Collision probability assessment MDTC based model Figure The relationships between MDTC, safe passing distance, and collision Figure Representation of vessels as discs and definition of collision situation. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 7. Collision probability assessment MDTC based model MDTC (LOA) Tanker_Tanker 5 Tankers_cd Tanker_Pass Tanker_Pass_cd 4 Pass_Cont Pass_Cont_cd Cont_diff 3 Cont_diff_cd MDTC (LOA) RoRo_RoRo 6 RoRo_cd 2 Cont_Cont Cont_cd 5 Tankers_diff 1 Tankers_diff_cd 4 Pass_Pass 0 Pass_Pass_cd 3 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 Angle of intersection (deg) 2 Figure 1 Values of MDTC obtained for all meeting scenarios, with corresponding values of collision diameters. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Angle of intersection (deg) 1_port_2_stb Both_to_port CD Figure MDTC and CDs values computed at 95% confidence level by use of Monte Carlo simulations. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 8. Collision probability assessment causation factor Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 9. Grounding probability assessment gravity model The field of characteristics of ships location: S S (T( j ,i ) , R, d ( R,e,m) ) T - maximum draught of a ship, R - turning circle radius, d - coefficient of the effective distance of obstruction detecting e - coefficient describing a technical equipment of a ship, m - coefficient of ships manoeuvrability, j, i - denotes coordinates of ship. The field of characteristics of the obstructions: P P( H ( j ',i ') , b( j ',i ') , s( j ',i ') , c( j ',i ') ) H - water depth, s - coefficient of soundings accuracy, b - coefficient of ships hull destruction when contacted with the seabed, c - coefficient of soundings position accuracy. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 10. Grounding probability assessment gravity model The grounding threat intensity at any arbitrarily chosen point of the space containing any number of sources of a threat (eg.: shallows) can be obtained as a vector sum of grounding threat intensities coming from every single obstruction according to the formula: np E ( j, i) Ek k 1 (j,i) - is a grounding threat intensity field in the point (j, i), k - is a grounding threat intensity vector generated by k-numbered obstruction, np - is a number of obstructions located in considered area. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 11. Grounding probability assessment gravity model A spatial distribution of values of the grounding threat intensity vectors. A shape of a safety contour (blue) depends on the assumption regarding the acceptable value of the grounding threat intensity vectors in the closest point of shallow approach. The critical value adjustment was performed on the basis of a minimum under keel clearance (UKC) requirement. Blue means safety Centre of fairway Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 12. Accidents consequences assessment Quantity of oil spill Cost of oil spill Structural damage Ship capsizing IMO methodology Munif et al. MEPC 117(52) 2004 Etkin, 2000 Pedersen, 1994 2005 MEPC 110(49) 2003 Skjong et al. 2005 Bulian et al. Smailys & esnauskis, Brown, 2002 2009 2006 in SAFEDOR project In house build model Zhang, Hinz, 2010 based on the two above mentioned, 2009 Yasuhira, 2009 In house build model, based on Zhangs approach and AIS data2010 Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 13. Accidents consequences assessment Size of an oil outflow due to collision and grounding considering there is a spill as a function of cargo deadweight as calculated by IMO probabilistic methodology for double hull tankers only. Collision Grounding Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 14. Accidents consequences assessment Accidental oil outflow model for double hull tankers in the Gulf of Finland Number of ships Monthly tanker traffic profiles Length (m) 350 600 300 500 250 400 200 300 150 200 100 100 50 0 0 Gas Crude oil Oil products Chemical mode max min Tanker Gas Crude oil Oil products Chemical Winter Summer DWT (tons) Tanker's DWT as a function of her length 180000 160000 140000 120000 y = 0,0015x3,3008 2 R = 0,9577 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 Length (m) Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 15. Accidents consequences assessment Accidental oil outflow model for double hull tankers in the Gulf of Finland X > 21125 Pareto2(9009.10; 1.90) Shift=+3.04 X > 34485 Pareto2(49459; 8.4) Shift=-3.16 5.0% 5.0% Probability 2,0E-04 Probability 1,5E-04 1,5E-04 1,0E-04 1,0E-04 5,0E-05 5,0E-05 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Spill size [t] Spill size [t] The probability of an oil spill from the tankers operating in the Gulf of Finland in case of collision, estimated by Pareto2 distributions for summer (to left) and winter traffic (to right). Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 16. A case study Block diagram of risk assessment process applied in the study. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 17. A case study 1. Helsinki-Tallinn crossing for summer and winter traffic. 2. Approach to oil terminal in Sk旦ldvik Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 18. A case study Cumulative density functions of risk due to tankers collisions in the Helsinki- Tallinn crossing for summer and winter traffic. X <0.43 Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4 X > 444368 95% 5.0% Probability 1 Probability 1 Mean = 122559 0,8 Summer 0,8 Mean=0.19 0,6 0,6 Winter 0,4 Mean=0.14 0,4 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 RISK [USD*Million] RISK [USD*Millions] Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 19. A case study The safety contours of the analyzed fairway to Sk旦ldvik (red and green curves) and the fairway centre line (black straight line). 60,15 Latitude [deg N] 60,14 Histograms of tankers' lateral distribution on fairway 60,13 leading to Sk旦ldvig Probability 0,0020 60,12 0,0015 60,11 0,0010 60,1 60,09 0,0005 60,08 0,0000 -750 -500 -250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 60,07 Distance from waterway center [m] S_bound N_bound 60,06 25,5 25,52 25,54 25,56 25,58 25,6 25,62 Longitude [deg E] Two histograms of tankers lateral distribution on the fairway to Sk旦ldvig, red line represents north bound traffic whereas black line is south bound traffic The safety contours Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 20. A case study Probability and cumulative density functions of variable risk in case of grounding in the Sk旦ldvik harbour approach, summer traffic. Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4 X > 444368 Lognorm(123682; 246804) Shift=-1123.4 X > 444368 5,0% 5.0% Probability Probability 1,2E-05 1 Mean = 122559 1,0E-05 Mean = 122559 0,8 8,0E-06 0,6 6,0E-06 0,4 4,0E-06 2,0E-06 0,2 0,0E+00 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 RISK [USD*Millions] RISK [USD*Millions] Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 21. Thank you for your attention Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling
  • 22. Selected problems of maritime traffic risk modelling Pentti Kujala, Professor Jakub Montewka, Ph.D., Chief Mate Aalto University, Finland Przemysaw Krata, Ph.D. Maritime University of Gdynia, Poland Stockholm, 28-29 January 2010