The document discusses six characteristics that contribute to developing a positive mental attitude for success:
1. Set specific and measurable goals that you are highly motivated to achieve and avoid failure.
2. Set high personal standards that anything less than is unacceptable.
3. Break large goals down into smaller, manageable steps to maintain a sense of progress and satisfaction.
4. Combine thinking about present tasks and future accomplishments to stay focused on progress.
5. Get personally involved in your own success through action rather than waiting passively.
6. Compare your own progress over time rather than comparing yourself to others.
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Water (H2O) is made up of the basic elements of Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O).
Each element contributes its own particular characteristics and together, form an
integral part of life.
A positive attitude of achievement is also made up of very specific elements.
Following are Six Characteristics of a Positive Mental Attitude. They are presented
in sequence but it is the simultaneous interaction of them all working together that
creates the synergy for a winning attitude and success in just about any endeavor.
Read over this list. Then, follow the exercise at the end.
1. Set Your Inner Motivation
Inner motivation happens when you are clearly motivated toward a very specific goal and away from the
unpleasant consequences of not achieving it.
2. The Value of High Standards
Set your own high standards. Standards where, to you, anything less is unacceptable. Personally dedicate
yourself to this level.
3. Chunk Down Your Goal
Break down your goal into manageable, bite-size chunks. Two advantages: 1. You'll focus on small tasks you can
and will do. 2. This also creates a sense of satisfaction in completing each small step towards achievement.
4. Combine Your Present and Future Time Frames
Think vividly and fully in the positive future. At the same moment you are concentrating on achieving the task at
hand, you can also see the big bright picture of your future accomplishment drawing you forward.
What step can you take right now to reach your next milestone? Fully experience the present and take action
toward the future.
5. Personal Involvement
Get involved in your own success. Don't wait for it to happen to you. When you participate, you influence what's
going on. It increases your commitment, focuses your intensity, and makes you more determined. Personal
involvement leads to owning a bigger stake in your own future.
6. Self to Self Comparison
How do you judge your performance? Traditionally we compare ourselves to others, judging success and failure.
Try looking solely at your own progress, comparing yourself to yourself.
2. What progress have you made since yesterday, since last week, last month, last year? Achievement is about
moving from where you were to where you are now and on to where you are going in the future.
These Six Characteristic elements are like spokes on a wheel. Together they support the hub as you roll towards
manifesting your dreams, your goals and your future achievements.
Now, try this exercise.
Choose one of your goals. Take it through the Six Characteristics. Do you have both specific outcomes and
negative consequences? Have you set a high standard for yourself? Have you chunked it down to manageable
steps? Is your visualized future accomplishment presently drawing you toward it? Are you taking action or
waiting for it to happen to you? Lighten up! Compare yourself to yourself. Use others as inspiration, not
Let me know how it works for you!
(This work originally developed by Gary J. Faris, Senior NLP Trainer and Consultant.)