This lesson plan is for teaching an excerpt from Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels" to 8th standard students. The plan aims to help students comprehend the passage about the adventurous Lemuel Gulliver's sea voyage. Various teaching methods and resources are used, including riddles, audio clips, pictures and group activities. Students will learn about the author Jonathan Swift, discuss sea adventurers, read and analyze the passage with guidance from the teacher. Their understanding will be assessed through questions and a follow-up activity of writing a diary entry about a sea voyage.
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Self Designed Innovative Lesson Plan
Submitted by,
Sandra Rachel Oommen
English Optional
Roll no: 15
ST. Thomas Training College
2. Name of the Teacher: Sandra Rachel Oommen Standard:VIII
Name of the School : STHSS Volume1 :Pg.92
Subject :English Strength :20/20
Type of Lesson :Poetry Period : I
Unit : 3, As we sow so shall we reap Duration : 30 mins
Sub-unit :Paragraphs 1 & 2, Gullivers Travels Date :10-06-2014
Issue : Adventurous mind of man
Curricular Statements
The learners
(i) comprehend the passage.
(ii) get an idea about the famous writer, Jonathan Swift.
(iii) develop the four-fold skills-LSRW.
Content Analysis
Gullivers Travel is an adventurous fiction written by Jonathan Swift. It is about Lemuel Gullivers
adventure in the sea.
The learners
(i) have an awareness about sea adventurers.
(ii) have heard about stories of sea voyage.
Teaching-Learning Resources
(i)Course Book (Std VIII)
(ii)Riddles and picture of a weary man shown through a computer
(iii)Picture of the author
(iv)Audio of an adventurer
(v)Slogan in MS Word Art
3. Classroom Interaction Procedure
Informal Interaction
Teacher establishes rapport with the learners by indulging in asking some riddles using Hyperlink in M.S
(i)Head is in the tail, tail is in the head, you are in the middle? (Answer through Hyperlink)
(ii)The buyer doesnt use it; the user doesnt pay for it. What is it? (Answer through Hyperlink)
Entry Activity
Teacher makes the learners hear an extract of an adventurer through VLC Player.
Link Talk
(i)Have you heard of any adventurer? Name any.
(ii)Could you name any adventurous story?
Lets learn a new lesson,
Gullivers Travel by Jonathan Swift (B.B)
Teacher then shows the profile of the author using M.S Word along with his picture.
Jonathan Swift
Famous English writer.
Gullivers Travel was Swifts most famous work.
Other works are Tale of a Tub, Battle of the Books, etc.
Teacher reads the first two paragraphs of the lesson with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Micro-Processing of the Prose
Teacher asks them to read the passage silently.
Teacher asks them to keep track of their reading.
Teacher provides the meanings of difficult words using different techniques.
(i) fierce-angry, violent or frightening in appearance. (B.B)
Teacher uses situational approach.
4. T: What are the features of Godzilla in the film?
P: Frightening appearance, angry and violent.
(ii) weary-tired or exhausted. (B.B)
Teacher shows the picture of a weary man using computer.
Teacher makes them identify words to be recorded in their personal word list.
Teacher makes them share what they have understood.
Teacher megaphones the doubts so that others will try to clarify it.
Teacher makes them read the passage aloud .(Scaffolded reading)
Review-Scaffolding Questions
Teacher asks some questions:
(i)What is the name of the adventurer in the story?
(ii) Why did he travel?
(iii)What were the problems Gulliver faced during his first voyage?
Discourse Construction
Teacher assigns the students to prepare a slogan about a famous Ship.
Teacher makes them present it in front of the class and corrects it, if necessary.
Teacher shows her version using M.S Word Art.
T: Buciphalus is the famous horse of the great conqueror, Alexander the Great.
Gullivers Travel is about Lemuel Gullivers adventure in sea who was a surgeon but later became a
sea captain who travelled wide to learn about different cultures and customs. It also tells about the problems
he had faced in the midst of the journey.